Construction site

Tractors, Equipment

Folder: Transport and Equipment

Construction site

Conveyor belts at the composting yard

06 Mar 2015 1 2 427
Yep, just another photo of machinery from Diane!

Compost conveyor

04 Oct 2015 6 2 529
Why oh why do I take pictures of these things? It just gets worse! : b

Trojan grader

08 Mar 2015 2 374
Probably a 1985 model.

Seed drill

14 Jan 2012 1 545
318 Man made.

An interesting repair

GMC tractor engine

Railroad crane

Loading tuna after auction

04 Jan 2012 4 857
The Sydney Fish Market is the second-largest wholesale fish market in the world. Only Japan's is larger. Unfortunately, photography was not allowed on the auction floor.


26 Jan 2011 1 464
Keno, Oregon. AA303 Edited/changed.


26 Jan 2011 4 1 575
Keno, Oregon.


26 Jan 2011 2 1 473
Keno, Oregon

Farmall Diesel 350

Torque Amplifier

26 Jan 2011 1 3 598
Shouldn't this be the name of a garage band, or something? Torque Amplifier...really rolls off the tongue! AA338 Red

Rock crusher with job john

07 Feb 2015 3 3 468
If you're driving by and you have to go...

Oliver's repose

14 Jan 2012 2 1 576
It's called a seed drill.

Log arch mailbox

22 Aug 2016 3 1 505
A log arch is used for skidding (pulling) logs. The front (where the mailbox is) would be attached to a Caterpillar or other kind of heavy vehicle. This one would be for a very large log or several small ones. The chain and grab hook hang down from the tallest part of the arch, but are missing. These old things remind me of Dad.

Red tractor

22 Jan 2019 1 443
Old equipment like this reminds me of Dad. AA329 Meaning

129 items in total