Ronald Losure's photos

Fog on the pond 1

22 Oct 2016 3 155
There has been very little rain for several months, so the level of the pond is very low.

A large wild grape vine

Fuzzy caterpillar

Camouflage cat

18 Oct 2016 5 3 207
My cat "Patch" in the autumn leaves

Gray fox in a tree

29 Oct 2015 10 5 292
My dog Garip chased this fox up a tree. I had never seen a fox in a tree, so I was quite amazed. I have recently learned that it is a gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) that was formerly the predominant species of fox in eastern North America. They have retractable claws and can climb trees.

Gray fox in a tree

29 Oct 2015 7 9 266
My dog Garip chased this fox up a tree. I had never seen a fox in a tree, so I was quite amazed. I have recently learned that it is a gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) that was formerly the predominant species of fox in eastern North America. They have retractable claws and can climb trees.

Sunset over Tombigbee River

Sunset over Tombigbee River

Sunset over Tombigbee River

Friends, приятели

Sumac leaves in autumn

Phosphorescent fringed turtle

Large alligator

09 Oct 2016 5 5 240
I estimate that it is about 4 m long.

Large alligator

09 Oct 2016 3 155
I estimate that it is about 4 m long.

Bom aniversário, querido Branco (2 anos)

Bald eagle calling to its mate

Barred owl - Strix varia

27 Sep 2016 3 163
Some crows chased this owl. I was able to find the tree where it rested.

Bug & Bumblebee

24 Sep 2016 4 3 225
Flowers are Ruellia simplex.

3217 items in total