Vinilkosmo Newsletter No. 41
Esperanto Music World News
- Important news: the 3rd version of has been inaugurated
- A retrospective of the album appearances in 2016 in the Vinilkosmo catalog
- News about the Vinilkosmo's ABONKLUBO and 1D touch
- Vinilkosmo's projects for 2017
- Miscellaneous
At last the new Newsletter is here to inform you about the latest new things that have taken place at Vinilkosmo and to do a retrospective about the major events of 2016.
First of all, we are pleased to present to you the third version of our download section which includes significant changes and more secure access.
Then we will present retrospectively the new editions of the year 2016, with the digital reeditions of two old outstanding albums by Persone, and the most recent appearance of the BaRok-Projekto's CD.
We also give news about the ABONKLUBO (Subscription Club) and the Fair Streaming site 1D touch. And finally we will talk about the publication projects for 2017.
Here are quite a few new editions to cheer up your year-end Holidays and start you preparing your gifts.
We express in advance our best wishes for a happy Holiday season.
And we invite you all to meet us here for the next Newsletter, to appear during the year 2017.
Thank you for your interest and support to Vinilkosmo's musical activities.
Best musical wishes from the entire Vinilkosmo Team.
- Important news: the 3rd version of the download section inaugurated
After intrusions into our download section, we were forced to make updates and add fresher safeguards.
We took the opportunity to also renew the logo, the look of the page, and also to test the first CD sales in our download section.
Actually, from now on it is complicated to add new albums in the online disc service that is very old, and that is no longer possible to modify without redoing everything.
For the moment all the other CDs are still in stock and are available here in the online disc service.
From now on the first CD sold in the download section is the most recently released in Brazil, namely Sovaĝa animo by BaRok-Projekto. Subsequent released CD albums will only be available here, along with the digital albums.
In addition, in order to inaugurate this third version of our website, we digitally released the two out-of-stock CD albums by Persone, En la spegulo and Povus esti simple, to discover or rediscover them.
Here's another reason to visit the 3rd version of the download section
- A retrospective of the album releases in 2016 in the Vinilkosmo catalog
First of all, we want to mention that, thanks to the support received by reservations, and also with the subscriptions to the ABONKLUBO, all these projects could take place!
The first digital release took place in April, and June 2016 was abundant in new Esperanto music albums with the release of the physical CD-album jOmO okcitanas, and the digital albums Bosniumas and Kompendium.
But July also abounded with the release of the digital album Sovaĝa animo and the physical CD by Espo Despo. Finally, the CD-album by BaRok-Projekto was just released in September.
Presentation details about the albums and the artists are available in the links below.
Releases on 15th June 2016:
- The CD album jOmO okcitanas by the Toulousian artist JoMo (Jean-Marc Leclercq):
World music (Occitan music in Esperanto)
The physical album jOmO okcitanas on CD is available in the online disc service at:
- The digital (MP3 Ogg) album is available at:
- In FLAC :
- In fair streaming (subscribers) :
- Video :
- Artist’s page :
- The album Bosniumas by Espo Despo (Denmark/Bosnia)
World music (traditional Bosnian music in Esperanto)
digital (MP3 Ogg) album Bosniumas by Espo Despo is available at:
- Fair streaming (subscribers):
- The physical album on CD appeared on July 22nd 2016 at
- Artist’s page:
- The digital album Kompendium by Solotronik (Spain/Poland)
Electro Trip Hop Jungle.

The digital album (MP3 Ogg) Kompendium by Solotronik available at:
- Fair streaming (subscribers):
- Artist’s page:
Released on July 13th 2016 (Global Rock Music Day):
- The album Sovaĝa animo by BaRok-Projekto (Brazil)
Power Metal.

Released on July 13th 2016 (Global Rock Music Day):
- The album Sovaĝa animo by BaRok-Projekto (Brazil)
Power Metal.
The digital (MP3 Ogg) album Sovaĝa animo by BaRok-Projekto is available at:
- Fair streaming (subscribers):
- The physical CD-album was released on 26th September 2016 in Brazil and at:
Reseases on 26 September 2016
- Digital reeditions of the out-of-stock CD albums by Persone (ex-band from Sweden)
Pop rock.
En la spegulo

The digital (MP3, Ogg, and FLAC) album En la spegulo by Persone available at:
- Fair streaming (subscribers):
and Povus esti simple

The digital (MP3, Ogg, and FLAC) album Povus esti simple by Persone available at:
- Fair streaming (subscribers):
- Artist’s page:
- News about the Vinilkosmo ABONKLUBO and 1D touch
The positive results of the ABONKLUBO had an important effect because the subscriptions were very useful in effectuating the releases during the year.
In December 2016 the current subscribers will need to resubscribe for the year 2017, but it would take a lot more subscribers to further continue the future production and publishing of new albums.
Support by means of subscriptions to our musical catalog is so far the best alternative that will guarantee the survival of Vinilkosmo's musical production.
For the year 2017 it will take 200 subscribers in order to anticipate good progress in the publishing work, and preserve the sites in good operation.
So, prepare to to join the ABONKLUBO for the year 2017 starting in November or December, subscribing here:
Thank you for your support of our music production and publishing through ABONKLUBO!
The Vinilkosmo catalog at the Fair Streaming site 1D touch continues to expand for the pleasure of the subscribers of Vinilkosmo ABONKLUBO with new editions, but also with reeditions of prominent old albums in agreement with the artists.
Spread the information about the ABONKLUBO and talk about it to your friends.
- Publishing projects at VINILKOSMO for 2017
For the year 2017 Vinilkosmo is working on various new projects for Esperanto music albums.
- The band Vojaĝo from Toulouse, after enormous work, is in the final studio phase for their Bosa-Jazz album Planedo nia.

- The regae artist Jonny M is making final preparations on his new all-Esperanto album Kreaktiva.

Other projects are in preparation and review (Jim Petit, Krio de Morto, Martin & la Talpoj, Platano, reissues, etc.).
- Miscellaneous
An invitation to the contest "Teo kaj Amo"
The organizer of the contest, Radio China International, invites all artists and musical bands to participate in the contest!
You can either create a musical film (2 to 15 minutes) yourself, or collaborate with other filmmaker(s)/director(s) in the music of any movie!
Important: The deadline for sending your entry is the 30th of November 2016.
The winning videos will also be shown at the 102nd World Esperanto Congress in Seoul.
Detailed conditions and information are available at
The rules and registration form in Esperanto can be downloaded at
If you have any doubts or questions, please contact Ĝoja (Zhang Ping):
Please subscribe to the FB group Teo kaj Amo
Don't miss the opportunity to win the Plej Bona Originala Muziko Award of Teo kaj Amo and a free trip to China!
Internationalist Congress, Figueres (Catalonia) 28/29/30 October 2016
- History of EUROKKA and Vinilkosmo
Floréal Martorell will make a slide presentation of the chronological history of EUROKKA and Vinilkosmo and their evolution during the 28 years of existence for EUROKKA and 26 for Vinilkosmo.
In addition, the Vinilkosmo disc service will be open during the entire meeting for those who want to get CD-albums.
For more information about the program and to sign up, go to:
Results of the 3rd Musical Contest in Kontakto
BaRok-Projekto - 1st place
This year the 3rd place in the Song of the Year Award replaces the Award of the Public, which had to be canceled due to technical problems.
The New Talent Award was received by the song "Danco nomada" - Tiu Ne Gravas.
Here are all the result:
1st- "Jen nia viv-river'" - BaRok-Projekto
2nd- "Las Vegas" - i.d.c.
3rd- "Al z parolis la klaŭno" - Patrik Austin
4th- "Parolu" - Jonny M
5th- "Vivi pace" - Denis Rock Tamba
6th- "Danco nomada" - Tiu Ne Gravas
7th- "Mi nur volas kanti" - Bo Ĝos
8th- "Dum la nokto" - Energio Kineta
9th- "Halo" (versio) - Cristina Casella
Read a more detailed article at:
About Maragan'
The Esperanto CD album by Maragan' is still available at
and the digital formats at:
is looking for a young person less than 30 years old, member of TEJO, to represent us in TEJO as a Committee A member for the specialized association EUROKKA.
The three previous Committee A members were David Emil Wickström, Alexandre Raymond (Alekĉjo), and Michal Matušov (KuboF).
Those interested can contact us at
Thank you for your attention.
Best musical wishes to all our readers!
Edited for you by Floréal Martorell with the help of Rikardo Cash
Do not hesitate to create links to this page in order to promote it.
to write a comment.