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Publication date / 2008 - 46 articles
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[EN] Workshop: content rating/filtering system
- 17 Jan 2008 - 4 comments* 2008-02-12 update * we've just published a new proposal here: uss/13963 Dear all, Since ipernity is suitable for a global, public audience including family audience, we feel concerned about protecting
[FR] Réflexion: système de classification/filtrage de contenu
- 18 Jan 2008 - 2 comments* mise à jour 12-02 2008-02-12 * nous avons publié une nouvelle proposition : uss/13963 Chers tous, ipernity peut convenir à une audience globale, publique, y compris familiale. Nous nous sentons donc
Improvement! Access to originals, big sizes and sharing codes
- 25 Jan 2008 - 5 comments[EN] Hello all! You can now fine-tune access to your originals, to your big (1024px) thumbnails and to your docs sharing (HTML) codes. Have a look at your Preferences / Originals & Exifs [DE] Hallo zusammen! Sie können ab sofort den Zugriff auf
新年快樂!Happy Chinese new year!
- 06 Feb 2008 - 8 commentsWe wish to all the Chinese people an Happy New Year, and are proud to announce the opening of ipernity in Chinese ;-) Many thanks to our Chinese translators team. A very special thank to Zhang and Yannick who did a fantastic job. Thanks also to the
[FR] grand concours photo cap3000, participez !
- 13 Feb 2008 - 8 commentsThis is an announcement for French members. ipernity is partner of a great photo contest and invites photographers living in France, to participate. * mise à jour * 1er prix : une Volvo c30 1,6 L diesel d'une valeur de 23.000 € ! Grand concours
[FR] ipernity vous offre 40 tirages photos ;-)
- 16 Feb 2008 - 6 comments[EN] This is an announcement concerning our photo printing service. This service is currently available for France and Germany. We are working to extend this service to other areas soon. Dear German members, go to the previous article to read this
[DE] ipernity bietet Ihnen 40 Fotodrucke ;-)
- 16 Feb 2008 - 7 comments[EN] This is an announcement concerning our photo printing service. This service is currently available for France and Germany. We are working to extend this service to other areas soon. Dear members from France, go to the next article to read this
What's up? Quoi de neuf ?
- 09 Mar 2008 - 2 comments* 2008-03-09 update * We are still working on API. It's a hard job and time consuming, but we are close to the end now! We've also finished to rewrite the ipernity FAQ and our fantastic translators are working hard to make this FAQ available in all the
Facebook, Yahoo!ID, OpenID, Orange, API...
- 19 Mar 2008 - 5 comments[EN] Here are the weekly news... As for now, people having a Yahoo!ID or OpenID, Facebook members and Orange subscribers can use their login information to connect ipernity. ipernity members, go to your Preferences / Connexion page for further details.
New help / Neue Hilfe / Nouvelle aide / Nieuwe hulp / Nova helpo
- 04 Apr 2008 - 6 comments[EN] It took time but our new help section is now online! You can access it through the "Help" link located at the bottom (and in your header when you are logged) of each ipernity page. You'll find a new FAQ and direct access to documentations. This is a
ipernity em português ;-)
- 22 Apr 2008 - 1 comment[EN] It took time but.....Portuguese and Brazilian people can now access ipernity! Thanks to our dear translators who did a fantastic job. It remains some parts to be translated (FAQ entries, guidelines...). We also plan to localize ipernity for
Happy birthday ipernity!
- 25 Apr 2008 - 25 comments[EN] ipernity celebrates today its first birthday! ipernity opened its doors the 25th of April 2007. We brought you a technical platform. You made it a human community. You support us since the beginning, translating, debugging, advising but also
ipernity supports CARI art contest and exhibition
- 07 May 2008 - 2 comments[EN] ipernity supports Art in all its forms, and aims to be more and more involved in Art exhibitions and contests. We started in April 2008, sponsoring the Cap3000 photo contest. Some pictures here. We support today the 6th CARI art contest and
From your cameraphone to ipernity with one click / De votre mobile à ipernity en 1 clic
- 07 May 2008 - 3 comments[EN] You use to take pictures/videos with your cameraphone? Publish them with one click in your ipernity space, using Shozu application ;-) How to do this? 1) Go to your ipernity Preferences page, "Upload & blog by email" section You'll find an
New languages: call for volunteers!
- 07 May 2008 - 4 comments[EN] Good news: we are now ready to translate ipernity into those following languages: - Swedish - Norwegian - Finnish - Greek - Galician - Hungarian - Polish - Czech
IMPORTANT: service unavailable for 5 hours on Saturday / le service sera interrompu 5 heures samedi
- 16 May 2008 - 12 comments[EN] Dear members, We are currently doing invisible things to make some new exciting features possible. The service needs to be temporarily cut off for maintenance operations. We apologize in advance for this inconvenience. Thank your very much for
Thanks for your patience / Merci de votre patience / Grazie per la vostra pazienza / Vielen Dank für Eure Geduld
- 17 May 2008 - 18 comments[en] Hello friends, ipernity is back at 18h20 (GMT+2) after 8h of hard work. We have prepared this maintenance since two weeks and we did our best to make it as short as possible. We've improved many "underground" things (storage system, database
Some improvements: rearranging your stream, sharpness...
- 21 May 2008 - 18 comments[EN] As we told you last week: "...we've improved many "underground" things... and a few visible things that we'll speak about later." It's now time to talk about the first visible improvements (others are coming very soon): 1. You can now rearrange your
Touch up your photos with Picnik! Retouchez vos photos avec Picnik !
- 27 Jun 2008 - 14 comments[EN] As from now, you can touch up your photos imported in ipernity: we now support Picnik photo editing features. Picnik makes your photos fabulous with easy to use yet powerful editing tools. Tweak to your heart’s content, then get creative with
3D wall photos viewing with PicLens
- 28 Jun 2008 - 15 comments[EN] PicLens is a cool plugin transforming your browser into a full-screen, 3D experience for online photos and videos. See a demo here. We'd love to make ipernity fully compliant with PicLens. It would give members and their visitors the possibility
PicLens rocks ;-)
- 05 Jul 2008 - 3 comments[EN] Thanks to your support messages and to PicLens team, ipernity now supports PicLens 3D wall viewing of complete docs streams, favorites, albums, keywords tags, docs posted in groups... How does it work? 1) install PicLens plugin for your browser
Google Translate + ipernity = new power "translate" feature
- 08 Jul 2008 - 23 commentsipernity is proud to enable the first social mashup of the brand new Google Translate API. Members and visitors can now request "on the fly" translations of posts, comments, discussions, descriptions, iperMails... written in foreigner languages*.
Job vacancy: ActionScript / Flash developer
- 09 Jul 2008 - 3 commentsYou'd love to work in the French Silicon Valley and to participate to a fantastic adventure on the internet? The ipernity (dream) Team is growing! We are looking for: ActionScript / Flash developer Skills - algorithmic, script programming - very good
Job vacancy: Junior software engineer
- 05 Aug 2008 - 1 commentYou'd love to work in the French Silicon Valley and to participate to a fantastic adventure on the internet? The ipernity (dream) Team is growing! We are looking for: Junior software engineer Skills - Linux environment + Open Source technologies - PHP /
Translation: call for volunteers!
- 05 Sep 2008Hello all We need more volunteers to help us in completing translation of ipernity into: - Portuguese (European) - Portuguese (Brazilian) - Danish - Swedish - Norwegian - Finnish - Galician -
Share your personal videos and other big files, using BitTorrent and the new ipernity tracker ;-)
- 09 Sep 2008 - 7 commentsDear friends, As you know, we are still working on releasing the ipernity API. Almost 80% is done but it's time consuming and while working on this project, we cannot progress on other improvements and new features (remember we are only 2 programmers). So
Berlin likes to see you! This is now!
- 19 Sep 2008 - 2 comments* 31/10/2008 update * Contributions are now closed. Thanks to all for your participation. [EN] Promote your photos on a giant screen in Berlin Ku’damm with Ford Fiesta! In October 2008, Ford Fiesta gives ipernity members the chance to be promoted on
The ipernity API is now open. Champagne!
- 10 Oct 2008 - 13 commentsAfter several months of hard work, we are proud to announce... ...the ipernity API ;) Welcome, developers! The API gives you freedom to create new applications that are powered by ipernity functionalities: web services, device applications, gadgets...
New "Suggest a group" feature / New API methods
- 24 Oct 2008 - 2 commentsNew "Suggest a group" feature We've just improved the process to suggest adding documents to groups. In a few words: -- group admins no longer need to use comments to make suggestions (no more spam!) -- doc owners are notified of suggestions in their
Outage today for 2 hours
- 05 Nov 2008 - 4 comments[EN] As some of you may have noticed, ipernity has been down for about two hours this morning. The outage was caused by an extraordinary load on one of our databases which caused a side effect on the whole website. We are now analysing the situation and
Vote for ipernity!
- 11 Nov 2008 - 14 comments* 2008/11/17 update * nominations are closed. Thanks to everyone for your support. Nominees will be released on 2008/11/19. Stay tuned ! Vote for ipernity at Open Web Awards and contribute to make your favorite site more popular ;-) Thanks to our dear
Yes! ipernity is nominated. Vote now!
- 20 Nov 2008 - 17 comments* 2008/12/03 update: ipernity won the first round and is in the top 3! * Thanks to you, ipernity is nominated to the 2nd Open Web Awards! Voting begins today, November 19th and closes December 15th VOTE NOW AND EVERYDAY! Yes you can vote one time per
[EO] Jes! ipernity estas nomumita. Voĉdonu nun!
- 24 Nov 2008 - 3 comments* 2008/12/03 update: ipernity won the first round and is in the top 3! * Ni dankas vin, ipernity estas nomumita por la 2-a Open Web Awards! Voĉdonado komencas hodiaŭ, la 19-an de Novembro, kaj finiĝas la 15-an de Decembro VOĈDONU NUN KAJ ĈIUTAGE!
ipernity in Greek!
- 26 Nov 2008 - 6 commentsipernity continues to grow and is now available in Greek! Look at that ;-) The Greek translation was entirely made by only one (magic) member: peri22b We'd like to warmly thank him for bringing ipernity to the Greek-speaking community. So it's now
Open Web Awards: ipernity in the final round top 3
- 03 Dec 2008 - 12 comments* 2008/12/16 update: voting is now closed. You were fantastic! Winners will be announced today (US time). Hold your breath! * Thanks to all the members who voted for ipernity over the past week at the 2nd Open Web Awards... we are in the final round top 3
Galego! ipernity now available in Galician
- 09 Dec 2008 - 1 commentipernity extends its coverage and is now available in Galician Galicia is an autonomous community in northwest Spain. Our thanks go to Manuel, Xabre and Xosé who did the translation. Special thank to Manuel for his leadership. Now it's time to invite
We are the champions!
- 16 Dec 2008 - 15 commentsipernity is the winner of the 2nd Open Web Awards in Photo Sharing category This victory is the result of the fantastic support of the ipernity community. Dear friends, thank you ♥ so much for voting for us and making the buzz. You gave us the best
MiniSlideshow: your ipernity badge now available!
- 18 Dec 2008 - 8 commentsThanks to Franck from the ipernity Team and our brand-new API we are proud to announce our very first ipernity badge MiniSlideshow with Ken Burns effect inside... so chic! MiniSlideshow is a Flash badge you can put in your blog or your web site, to show
Frohe Weihnachten - Merry Christmas - Joyeux Noël - Feliĉan Kristnaskon - Vrolijk kerstfeest - Feliz Navidad- Bon Nadal- Feliz Natal - Buon Natale - 圣诞快乐 - Καλά Χριστούγεννα - Felices festas...
- 24 Dec 2008 - 3 commentsLéa, Christophe, Tristan, Christian, Nicolas & Franck wish you and yours a Merry Christmas! . . Freshly posted Christmas cards from our dear members ;-)
2008 most faved photos [30->26]
- 26 Dec 2008 - 3 commentsLet's discover day by day the most faved photos for 2008. Today: #30 to #26 How to fave a photo? #30 "En orbite" by Nathou, faved 70 times #29 [***] by Camera Photo Factory, faved 70 times #28 untitled by Gila, faved 71 times #27 "Maroc (un
2008 most faved photos [25->21]
- 27 Dec 2008 - 2 commentsLet's discover day by day the most faved photos for 2008. Today: #25 to #21 How to fave a photo? #25 "On the stairs..." by Merkisteinn, faved 72 times #24 "Wordless But Full Of Warm Feeling" by schnecke★ǝʞɔǝuɥɔs, faved 72 times #23 "Fin d'été" by
2008 most faved photos [20->16]
- 28 Dec 2008 - 3 commentsLet's discover day by day the most faved photos for 2008. Today: #20 to #16 How to fave a photo? #20 "Here comes the Sun" by Justine Simon, faved 73 times #19 "Yosemite in the morning" by Sweetlife, faved 73 times #18 "Jane Crow" by Soleá, faved
2008 most faved photos [15->11]
- 29 Dec 2008 - 1 commentLet's discover day by day the most faved photos for 2008. Today: #15 to #11 How to fave a photo? #15 "sun balance" by Kees Smans, faved 76 times #14 "Counting crows" by Soleá, faved 76 times #13 { improbable... } by graphistolage, faved 76 times
2008 most faved photos [10->6]
- 30 Dec 2008 - 1 commentLet's discover day by day the most faved photos for 2008. Today: #10 to #6 How to fave a photo? #10 { slowly and alone ... } by graphistolage, faved 81 times #9 "les couleurs de la Femme" by Christel Ehretsmann, faved 82 times #8 { like a bird ...
2008 most faved photos [Top 5]
- 31 Dec 2008 - 2 commentsLadies and gentlemen, ta-da... Here are the 5 most faved photos for 2008! Congrats to their authors! How to fave a photo? #5 "Strahlenkranz" by Curlgirl, faved 87 times #4 "Something unexpected on a winter day" by Hannes Trapp, faved 87 times #3
An iper new year ;-)
- 31 Dec 2008 - 4 commentsWishing you and yours an iper New Year! . . Cards freshly posted by our dear members...
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