New "Suggest a group" feature
We've just improved the process to suggest adding documents to groups.
In a few words:
-- group admins no longer need to use comments to make suggestions (no more spam!)
-- doc owners are notified of suggestions in their Activity page
-- doc owners no longer need to join a group before adding a suggested document
-- suggestions are centralized for each document on its main page
Here is how it works now:
[1] Group administrators can now suggest adding docs to their groups using the "suggest group" button above each document.
[2] Suggested groups are now listed on the right column. This list is shown for group admins and document owners only. Not for visitors. So group admins can cancel their suggestions (clicking the [x]) and doc owners can accept or not to add their doc to a group. Doc owners no longer need to join a group before adding a suggested document.
[3] Doc owners are notified of such suggestions in their activity page.
Activity page
New API methods
Developers, we've just added 16 new API methods, in particular methods related to Groups ;-)
Let's play!
I like the idea of theme-groups and I am pretty sure, that only few photos will fit into more than 40 subjects/themes. So I do not think it is a big deal or limit to be able to add a photo to ONLY (!!) 50 groups.
And I counted the groups of the photograph you linked above: It is a very nice one, I like it, and it is now in 17 groups - so where are the 33 other groups now?
to write a comment.