Articles by Team


  • Groups update: notifications / Mise à jour des groupes : notifications

    - 01 Oct 2007 - 2 comments
    [EN] Now you can tune your groups events notifications. [FR] Vous pouvez désormais ajuster les notifications relatives aux événements de vos groupes. Groups administrators can decide whether they are notified when a member joins/quits a group or not. Go to your groups administration panel / "Notifications" section. Les administrateurs de groupes peuvent décider s'ils souhaitent être notifiés ou non lorsqu'un membre rejoint/quitte un groupe. Rendez-vous dans le panneau d'administrati…

  • OpenID

    - 01 Oct 2007 - 4 comments
    [EN] you can now sign-up and sign-in using OpenID. OpenID is an identity system allowing you to authenticate to several sites with the same name and password. It could become a standard in the future, since major internet companies like Orange (40 millions users in France) have decided to switch to OpenID. We'll study soon the opportunity of opening ipernity to other 3rd-party identity systems. This is an alternate way to connect to ipernity, targetting OpenID users. If you use to login with yo…

  • Group limit changed to 100 (en) / Limite des groupes à 100 (fr)

    - 21 Sep 2007 - 7 comments
    [EN] Just a quick post to say we've heard the few non-pro members complaining about the 10 groups limit. Something is true : your support is more important that selling pro accounts. Even if pro accounts is the only way to pay the bills ;) [FR] Juste une petite note pour indiquer que nous avons pris en compte les quelques plaintes de membres non-pro. Une chose est certaine : votre implication et votre confort sont plus importants que la vente de comptes pro. Même si nous insistons sur le fa…

  • Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroups!

    - 20 Sep 2007 - 13 comments
    [EN] Groups are open, have fun! Groups extend your possibilities of sharing and discussing. Let's play! This is a very first release of Groups. Only pictures can be posted for the moment. We'll enhance of course this feature during the next weeks. PS: if you find bugs, please use the link Contact us/Report bug at the footer [FR] Les Groupes sont ouverts, vous allez vous éclater ! Une nouvelle façon de partager et de discuter s'offre à vous. C'est par là ! Il…

  • 2007-09-20 - Planned maintenance operations

    - 20 Sep 2007
    [EN] The technical plateform need to be updated. We must cut the service between 05:00pm and 05:15pm (GMT+2). We apologize for any inconvenience. "Groups" launching might be a reason ;-)  [FR] La plate-forme technique doit être mise à jour. Nous sommes dans l'obligation d'interrompre le service entre 17:00 et 17:15 (heure de Paris). Nous vous prions d'accepter nos excuses pour ce désagrément. Le lancement des "Groupes" pourrait en être la raison ;-)

  • Groups? Hold your breath / Retenez votre souffle ;-)

    - 17 Sep 2007 - 5 comments
    [EN] Groups feature is almost ready. We've worked hard until this week-end to respect the deadline we've given. We are intensively testing the feature. It remains some minor bugs and we are fixing them. We want to be sure everything is going well before opening Groups to you. Opening Groups right now would not be a wise decision: we need to sleep a little bit ;-), to refresh our minds and to test again tomorrow, quietly. Just to be sure we'll propose you a quality and robust service. It's just a…

  • [FR] On parle de nous dans l'Ordinateur Individuel / A press article about ipernity

    - 14 Sep 2007 - 1 comment
    [FR] Le magazine l'Ordinateur Individuel de septembre consacre un article à ipernity. Le voici ! [EN] Here is an article about ipernity published in September by a French famous computer magazine.

  • 2007-09-18 Planned maintenance operations / Opérations prévues de maintenance

    - 13 Sep 2007 - 3 comments
    [EN] Our internet provider has to proceed to maintenance operations on 18th of September 2007, between 6:00 and 7:30 am (GMT+2). During this period, you may encounter some cuts of service (around 30 sec each). We apologize by advance for any inconvenience. [FR] Notre fournisseur internet doit procéder à des opérations de maintenance le 18 septembre 2007, entre 6h00 et 7h30 du matin (heure de Paris). Quelques coupures de service (de 30 secondes environ chacunes) sont à prévoir durant cette pér…

  • Service report / Rapport de service

    - 11 Sep 2007 - 1 comment
    [EN] The service has been interrupted today 11/09/2007 between 0:30 and 1:30am (GMT+2), due to a failure in our monitoring server. The problem is now solved and the platform is fully functional again. We apologize for any inconvenience. [FR] Le service a été interrompu aujourd'hui 11/09/2007 entre 0h30 et 1h30 (heure de Paris), dû à une panne du serveur de supervision. Le problème est désormais résolu et la plate-forme est de nouveau pleinement opérationnelle. Nous vous prions d'accepter nos…

  • Want to compete... Voulez-vous participer... Möchten Sie teilnehmen... Quieres participar... Vuoi partecipare... Quer p

    - 05 Sep 2007
    [EN] a new photo contest? "A new start", that's the topic. All the details in Marco's blog . [FR] ...à un nouveau concours photo ? "Un nouveau départ", tel est le thème. Tous les détails dans le blog de Marco . [DE] einem neuen Foto Wettbewerb? "Ein neuer Start", das ist das Thema. Alle Details in Marcos Blog . [ES] ...en una nueva competencia de la foto? "Un nuevo comienzo", es el tema. Todos los detalles en el blog de Marco . [IT] un nuovo concorso fot…

  • New "replace" feature for PROs / Nouvelle fonction "remplacer" pour les PROs

    - 03 Sep 2007 - 6 comments
    [EN] Now you can replace a document  with another one. You'll find a "Replace this document" link in the "More information" section at the bottom right of documents pages. You may replace a doc with a same type doc only (you cannot replace a picture with a video for instance). Inappropriate use of doc replacement could cause negative impacts (what about comments or favorites if content changes radically?). That's the reason we've decided to limit usage of this feature to PRO membe…

  • What's up? Quoi de neuf ?

    - 30 Aug 2007 - 7 comments
    [EN]  Hello all! No news from us since a long time! Does it mean we were in holidays, drinking cocktails in a beach bar? No no no!!! We were working on ipernity (and we are still working on ;-) We led and continue to lead 4 groups of projects at the same time: 1) small improvements and bug fixes - color search Now you can search pictures containing a specific dominant color. Just type the color hex code you want in the search area. For instance #123456…

  • ¿Una mirada en español?

    - 04 Aug 2007
    [ES] Puedes tener aquí una mirada a la versión alfa del ipernity en español. This is an alpha release. Not the final one. It probably remains mistakes, typos, misunderstandings. Thank you for informing me by iperMail . A big thank again to our Spanish translators. Christian

  • Some fresh news, features and improvements

    - 27 Jul 2007 - 5 comments
    [EN] Hello all! As you know, we are not in holidays (it's always holidays on the sunny French riviera ;-)), and we are working hard to better ipernity more and more everyday. Here are some fresh news: - about 503 error some of you encountered one week ago: problem was due to a failure in one network adapter. This is now fixed. - about technical platform upsizing : we've just finished to upsize our infrastructure. Everything seems to go well, and we are ready to welcome a huge amount…

  • 2007-07-16 17:30-17:45 maintenance operations

    - 16 Jul 2007
    Service may be unavailable this Monday 2007-07-16 between 5:30pm and 5:45pm GMT+2 (Paris) due to planned maintenance operations. Thank you for your understanding. * update * service unavailable from 5:32pm to 5:45pm - Platform is fully-functional again. Le service pourra être interrompu ce lundi 16/07/2007 entre 17h30 et 17h45 (heure de Paris) pour opérations prévues de maintenance. Merci pour votre compréhension. * mise à jour * service indisponible de 17h32 17h45 - La plateforme es…

  • Some fresh news / Quelques infos / Ein paar Neuigkeiten / Notizie fresche

    - 11 Jul 2007 - 4 comments
    [EN] Hello all, here are some fresh news about ipernity: 1) We are upsizing our technical platform, and everything seems to go well (fortunately ;-)) 2) "groups" feature and API documentation are our priority and we are working on. 3) Translation is on the way also. We are currently reviewing Italian. German, Spanish, Portuguese will follow(thanks again to translators). By the way, we try to find time everyday to work on small features/improvements. Web alias : you may now use y…

  • 2007-07-02 14:30-14:40 maintenance operations

    - 02 Jul 2007 - 2 comments
    Service may be unavailable this Monday between 2:30pm and 2:40pm GMT+1 due to planned maintenance operations. Thank you for your understanding. * update * service unavailable from 2:30pm to 2:34pm - Everything is okay again. Le service pourra être interrompu ce lundi entre 14h30 et 14h40 pour opérations prévues de maintenance. Merci pour votre compréhension. * mise à jour * service indisponible de 14h30 à 14h34 - La plateforme fonctionne de nouveau pleinement.

  • Week 27 important notice : maintenance operations planned / opérations de maintenance prévues

    - 02 Jul 2007 - 3 comments
    Dear Members, Chers Membres, ipernity's activity is growing fast. Our platform needs to be upgraded from time to time in the goal of welcoming more traffic with quality and security. Some maintenance operations have been planned on week#27 (from 02/07/2007 to 08/07/2007), and may cause service disturbances or unavailabilities. We'll do our best to minimize inconveniences and to keep you informed and by advance in this Blog. We apologize again. ipernity est en pleine croissance. Notre pl…

550 articles in total