You can finally share your private content outside ipernity with people who do not have an account on ipernity!
By private we are referring to content you do not share on ipernity or only with your friends and family.
This affects all your content: photos, videos, docs, articles and albums!
To share one of your private content, simply click on the new sharing button (see screenshots).
We then generate a special link to access your content that you can give out to your guests via email or a social network.
By default this access link is valid for 365 days.
You can reduce the time to 7 days and have access to a recap of all the access links generated from your account settings, on the "Sharing and social network" section.
We take this opportunity to invite you to support us by becoming a member of the ipernity Club and by inviting your friends to join ipernity.
We need you!
Good sharing and catch you soon for some more news.
The ipernity Team
[FR] Vous pouvez enfin partager vos contenus privés en dehors d'ipernity avec des personnes qui n'ont pas de compte ipernity !
Par contenus privés, nous entendons ceux que vous ne partagez pas sur ipernity ou dont l'accès est restreint à votre famille ou vos amis.
Cela concerne tous vos contenus : photos, vidéos, docs, articles et aussi albums !
Pour partager l'un de vos contenus privés, il suffit de cliquer sur le nouveau bouton de partage (voir copies d'écrans plus haut).
Nous génèrerons alors un lien spécial d'accès au contenu privé, communiqué à vos invités par email ou via un réseau social en fonction de votre choix.
Par défaut, ce lien d'accès aura une durée de validité de 365 jours.
Vous pouvez réduire cette durée jusqu'à 7 jours et accéder à un récapitulatif de tous les liens d'accès générés à partir des paramètres de votre compte, section "Partage & Réseaux sociaux".
Nous profitons de cette occasion pour vous inviter à nous soutenir en devenant membre du Club ipernity et en invitant vos amis à rejoindre ipernity.
Nous avons besoin de vous !
Bon partage et à très bientôt pour d'autres nouveautés.
Votre Team ipernity
What I would like is to be able to block my few Public photos from being catalogued by Google, this needs to be dealt with ASAP if not sooner.
Sven Scholz club has replied to Stormlizard clubStormlizard club has replied to Sven Scholz clubAs for Google being able to grab stuff for their search engine it is not a good idea, the same can be said regarding Facebook.
Finally, there should be room here for both sides, those like you and those like me, after all we do pay for using Ipernity.
Sven Scholz club has replied to Stormlizard clubThe only thing changing is. that others, who like to show i.e. family members some fotos from the last marriage, but don't want them in public, they can do so now.
So i don't see your point, commenting on the announcement of a feature you won't use, telling everyone, you don't use it. So what?
Stormlizard club has replied to Sven Scholz clubIt is a matter of being fair to all users.
As for taking out Club membership ... I couldn't agree more.
I´m in the need to talk with somebody about which photos I´m allowed to share public and which don´t so it would be helpful if this person would be able to write someting like "public" or "not public" as a comment under each private, guest passed item which I share just with him before.
Team club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubTeam club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Team clubwhen you scroll the documents in the sidebar on the right side of an opened picture, you can see ALL what a member has posted ever, public, private, pornography, violence, all is visible !
that's the child protection you want to offer us ?
the new transparency ?
you received a lot of mails about this bug - no reaction yet... excellent, ipernity, thank you !
Team club has replied to .t.a.o.n..t.a.o.n. has replied to Team clubi'm looking forward to your next surprise...
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Team clubUhm. Hope you liked my private stuff, guys.
Why didn´t you inform your users about it, at least when it´s fixed? It seemed like you wouldn´t tell it if .t.a.o.n. hadn´t talked already about...
.t.a.o.n. has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubthe time i was informed about that desaster by another member until the fixing was about one day... and i don't know how long this bug has existed before...
a lot of members were really shocked about how the iper staff is handling their privacy !
some closed their accounts, some were erasing their complete private content...
from iper: no information, no little "sorry" about that all afterwards... just: "the problem has been solved"...
in my opinion the complete platform should have been closed ("maintenance" or something else...) to protect the privacy of the members. but there was silence only, business as usual...
Sven Scholz club has replied to .t.a.o.n.Stormlizard club has replied to Sven Scholz clubJ'ai vainement essayé d'envoyer une photo personnelle, mise en ligne, à une personne extérieure à Ipernity. Cette fonction- très mal expliquée dans votre article - ne fonctionne pas !!
Manu club has replied to Pat Del clubSign-in to write a comment.