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Dear members and friends of ipernity,
1) The summer pictures are now online on our homepage. We would like to thank all the photographers who provided the images. Here you can find the complete summer collection 2021.
2) To strengthen our presence on YouTube, we have uploaded the summer pictures there as a slide show with music. We would be pleased if you would visit and like this presentation. This will improve our ranking on YouTube and thus help to increase the popularity of ipernity.
3) We would also be happy if you would create more slideshows on selected topics. You can find the instructions for this in the group Promoting ipernity - YouTube.
4) The ima team is now going on a summer break. Of course, there is an stand-by service for emergencies and for the hotline.
5) The next Club News is scheduled to be released on September 3, 2021 on the four-year anniversary of taking over the operational management of our website.
We wish you a beautiful and above all healthy summer.
Your ima team
Fred Fouarge club has addedYou certainly deserve your holidays this year.
All that you do is much appreciated ...
Thank you & keep safe !
See you at the anniversary of our beloved project!
Have a relaxing summer break and stay healthy!
thanks to the whole IMAteam
Moderator club has replied to Annaig56 clubPlease feel free to suggest photos for that purpose.
We are always trying to have a diversity of contributors, but also the photos have to meet the needs of the homepage. So the more photos that are suggested, the better we can be at diversity.
These photos have to meet specific requirements as they have to fit with the overlay template that shows on the homepage.
The requirements are here: www.ipernity.com/group/2341904/discuss/189078
The group is here: www.ipernity.com/group/2341904
Also, we always welcome more slideshows by members to be placed on youtube.
Information about that can be found in the Promoting Ipernity group discussion here:
Annaig56 club has replied to Moderator club@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to Moderator club@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to Annaig56 club* ઇଓ * club has replied to @ngélique ❤️ clubFurthermore, it should be noted that proposals should correspond as much as possible to the given season.
Unfortunately, by no means all proposals are suitable for advertising. Therefore, refusals are unavoidable, for which I ask for understanding.
@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubpas grave je garde mes photos !
je ne vous en veut pas ! mais c'est comme ça depuis que je suis ici !
Claude has replied to @ngélique ❤️ club* ઇଓ * club has replied to @ngélique ❤️ clubSo I can't be accused of false excuses.
If Annick meant something different than the slideshow of our Frontpage Summer Collection, she may please throw light on the matter.
And if, like Annick, you are talking about the Frontpage Summer Collection slideshow after all, and not about the Gallery, I'd like to ask you for some unmistakable clarification as well.
Bergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubFrontpage-Bilder müssen Eye-Catcher sein. Außerdem müssen sie sehr klar formulierten Gestaltungsregeln entsprechen:: Layout Guidelines for Frontpage Pictures
@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubwww.ipernity.com/group/2628132
et le Frontpage ! c'est pas vous que j'accuse cela date de bien avant vous !
voici ce que m'a écrit un de mes contacts ! il se reconnaitra ! " Je m'étonne de ne pas les voir passer sur la page d'accueil d'ipernity, elles le méritent amplement. Peut-être ne le souhaites tu pas, tout simplement ? "
Team club has replied to @ngélique ❤️ clubSi vous voulez avoir des photos dans ce groupe, une autre personne doit les proposer. Demandez à vos amis de le faire ! Chaque semaine, le vendredi, un jury de cinq personnes sélectionne les meilleures photos parmi les suggestions. Tout ceci est très détaillé dans les règles du groupe. Nous vous recommandons de les lire attentivement.
Si vous souhaitez contribuer à la page d'accueil, vous êtes la bienvenue aussi ! Veuillez tenir compte des exigences déjà mentionnées ci-dessus. Le format de l'image doit être 16:9. Le sujet principal doit attirer l'œil et être placé dans le coin inférieur droit. En haut à gauche, le fond de l'image doit être neutre afin que le logo ipernity soit bien visible.
Toutes ces exigences sont énumérées en détail ici : www.ipernity.com/group/2341904/discuss/189078
Des exemples de bonnes suggestions peuvent être trouvés ici : www.ipernity.com/group/2366682
Laissez-vous inspirer. Nous attendons vos contributions avec plaisir !
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex club* ઇଓ * club has replied to @ngélique ❤️ clubRegarding the images for the group "IPERNITY - Images ambassadrices", the Team has since commented.
The reasons for the exclusion of your images from the group "Ipernity Frontpage - What's Hot!", now "❖ Ipernity Photo Gallery ❖" by my predecessor, we have discussed in detail after handing over the group to me. Not only therefore, we shouldn't discuss this any further.
Frans Schols club has replied to @ngélique ❤️ clubGuydel club has replied to Bergfex club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Guydel clubWithout wishing to anticipate Bergfex/Bernhard, as co-admin of the group "Ipernity homepage - picture proposals", I would like to respond to your objections from my point of view.
First, I would like to repeat what has already been clarified elsewhere:
The pictures on our homepage are primarily used to advertise our site on the WWW.
Photos for advertising are subject to certain conditions. These were determined, illustrated and written down by the ima team/Bergfex/Bernhard, who is responsible, i. a., for the advertisement for our side, according to generally valid criteria of the advertising photography.
The clearly formulated and basically easy to implement Layout Guidelines are not implemented by the majority, indeed, often apparently not even read. In the end, suggestions remain, which must be partly considerably reworked, or advertising-effectively optimized or even rejected.
Despite the request in an earlier ima team article, motifs are always predominantly offered, which were already in the majority at that time. However, a greater variety of motifs would be very welcome and important, precisely because not all people have the same taste, not even those out there on the WWW.
A "Wow effect" is not only created by a motif that immediately catches the eye and is placed in the right place, but also by the colors.
Colors, as we all or at least many of us know, have a more or less strong influence on us and are now more than ever one of the most important tools in the advertising industry/advertising photography.
You say, "Only a group of several people would be legitimized to make such a decision," and "that there are many photos on the "homepage" that leave you completely indifferent."
To this, I would like to raise the following concerns:
Going back to my comment about photos that are (in general!) suggested for our home page, I would like to ask:
Who among us is at least familiar with the basics of advertising?
Who among us is at least familiar with the basics of advertising photography?
Who of us knows the psychological effect of colors, which is also and especially important in advertising?
I.e., who among us is professional enough not to "make very subjective decisions?"
These questions need to be answered, and relentlessly honestly, so that a "group of several people would be legitimized to make such a decision", i.e. to select advertising-effective contributions for our homepage - and then, if necessary, to rework suboptimal proposals themselves, or to optimize them themselves. As the latter should then not still be left to Bergfex/Bernhard, even if he likes to do it …
Bergfex club has replied to Guydel clubTo be clear, this is not a statement about the quality of the images offered. But even award-winning photos can be completely unsuitable for advertising purposes, because advertising has its own set of laws. Pictures that the Editorial Team deems excellent for the IPERNITY Ambassador pictures can be completely unsuitable for the front page. You can read about the reasons in the following short article: Good Advertising Photos: The Key to Gaining a Customer’s Attention (English language).
What makes it even more difficult is that we are restricted to a specific format (16:9 landspape) and image structure for the front page. The main motif must be at the bottom right because the ipernity logo is at the top left. The top left, on the other hand, must be a neutral area, otherwise the logo will not be visible. Only images that meet these requirements can be used at all.
Of the images you have suggested so far, 5 images meet these requirements.
#0171, #0177 #1161 #1165 (previous version of the frontpage with logo on the right side)
#1270 (current version of the frontpage with logo on the left side):
I was always pleased to be able to add photos of yours to the collection of frontpage pictures.
You are always welcome to suggest more images. However, I ask for your understanding that they must not only fulfil the technical requirements, but also the general requirements for advertising photos. Because the front page is not a showcase of good photos, but has only one purpose: to generate clicks from casual visitors, as described in the above-mentioned article, or in hundreds of other articles on this topic.
Guydel club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubJe mets un commentaire sous la réponse de Bergfex.
Guydel club has replied to Bergfex clubIl ne s'agit pas ici de mes photos mais des photos en général des Ipernitiens !
Ceci dit je suis conforté dans mon idée que, comme les membres d'Ipernity sont des photographes et non des publicitaires, vous seuls pouvez choisir les bonnes photos puisque vous connaissez les bonnes règles !!! C'est du moins ce que semble dire * ઇઉ *, excellent photographe par ailleurs !!!
Alors je suis prêt à apprendre ces règles pour ajouter quelques photos publicitairement valables à l'album prévu pour ça ! Mais encore faut il qu'on me les explique même rapidement ... et que j'ai quelques unes de ces photos dans mes archives !
Association des couleurs ... association des formes ... fond de l'image ... gros plan ou paysage ... quelle est la formule idéale pour attirer le visiteur ???
En attendant je vous souhaite une bonne semaine et vous assure que je suis conscient du travail que vous fournissez pour tous !
Amicalement !
Bergfex club has replied to Guydel clubJe ne connais pas non plus de formule idéale. Jetez un coup d'œil au groupe www.ipernity.com/group/2366682. Vous verrez ensuite comment j'interprète personnellement les nombreux conseils de l'internet pour une bonne photographie publicitaire.
Mais je ne prends pas les photos moi-même. Je ne peux que finaliser ce qui est suggéré par les membres. Le problème n'est pas vraiment la sélection, mais la léthargie générale. Si l'on considère que nous diffusons une bonne cinquantaine de photos en première page chaque trimestre, il faudrait alors obtenir environ 18 nouvelles photos par trimestre pour remplacer les anciennes. Cela correspondrait à une rotation de trois ans.
18 nouvelles photos de bonne qualité, cela correspond à au moins 50 propositions parmi lesquelles choisir les plus belles. Mais nous n'en avons pas autant. Le taux de participation est très faible, alors que le groupe en question compte 116 membres.
Une communauté vibrante pourrait facilement gérer ce nombre de propositions (50+). Alors un jury aurait un sens. Il y aurait alors quelque chose à choisir. Mais en l'état actuel des choses, avec ce maigre filet d'images, il serait au chômage. Le problème, tel que je le vois, est vraiment le manque d'engagement de la plupart des gens envers le commun.
(Excusez mon français scolaire)
Bergfex club has addedJ'ai donc compressé la voiture verticalement, relevé les montagnes et fait passer le tout par différents filtres pour obtenir un look qui attire davantage l'attention.
Le tout m'a pris une bonne heure de travail. J'ai été heureux de l'investir, car le motif est rare. Mais bien sûr, je ne peux pas faire ça tout le temps. Je préférerais avoir des photos finies. Malheureusement, je ne reçois pratiquement jamais de telles propositions.
We would like to take this as an opportunity to encourage everyone to create more slideshows that will further improve our presence on YouTube.
Happy healthy summertime.
Bergfex club has replied to Daniel PalacinThe pictures were in Cinemascope super widescreen format 21:9, which creates a special viewing experience. As the choice of motifs illustrates, ipernity used to be clearly focused on the target group of "young families":
However, this target group very soon switched to Facebook, so that ipernity's homepage sent out completely misleading signals in 2017, when we took over the responsibility. At that time ipernity's members were no way young families anymore, but people over midlife with photography as a hobby.
In the public discussion on updating the homepage , which was guided by the attitude of changing as little as possible, the wish was expressed to replace the previous plain agency pictures with pictures taken by the members themselves:
In order to make this possible at all, the picture format was changed to the more practicable landsape format 16:9, which can be set on most cameras. Nevertheless, we unfortunately receive very few pictures in this format, and very few members at all participate in turning the wish they expressed themselves into reality.
Therefore, our urgent request: take your camera and take special promotional photos for our community. With more than a thousand photographers, much more should be possible than the thin trickle of pictures that reaches us.
There is a special group for this: Ipernity homepage - picture proposals
Please only post finished images in landscape format (16:9) with a resolution of at least 1220 x 686 pixels with motifs that immediately touch casual visitors emotionally and have the following image composition:
Team club has replied to xacobeo4But you can subscribe to it yourself without any problems: www.picmonkey.com
Bergfex club has replied to Team clubI myself actually work with Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop. But I have also been experimenting with Luminar Ai for some time. The preset filters deliver excellent results and make image editing very easy.
Most of the time I use 16-9 because I like it but we all see things differently many probably prefer the more traditional 4-3
You are invited to take a photo that expresses the meaning of photography for you.
Post it in this group, please: World Photography Day @ ipernity
Einen Hinweis auf dieses veraltete Angebot habe ich vor ca. 3 Wochen an "ipernity.marketing@gmail.com" geschickt. Heute (27.08.2021) ist es immer noch an zwei Stellen zu lesen. :-(
Bergfex club has replied to Kalli clubAn welchen Stellen genau?
Kalli club has replied to Bergfex clubeinmal, wenn man die Seite aufruft > www.ipernity.com/home/?login[method]=logoff&login[from]=%2Fhome
Ganz unten "Lass es dir zeigen" > Mitgliedsbeiträge
Dabei darf man wohl noch nicht eingeloggt sein.
Und einmal, wenn ich meine persönliche Seite unter
> www.ipernity.com/login.php
aufgerufen habe und mich anmelden will.
Dann kommt da so ein blaues Fenster "Der Community beitreten.....,"
Viele Grüße aus Hamburg!
Bergfex club has replied to Kalli clubDie ganze Aktion ist sowieso leider ins Wasser gefallen, weil die Werbekampagne bei Facebook nicht zustande kam.
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