Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) The new multi-year subscription options are now implemented in the ipernity subscription page. The payment process is now very simple in this respect. There are fewer possibilities for errors, the accounting is relieved.
2) The recalculated contributions for an ipernity standard subscription vary between 3.98 Euro per month (six monthly payment method) and 2.93 Euro per month (five-year payment method) [detailed breakdown]. From our point of view, the discount on long-term payments is not a special offer, but an act of fairness. A long-term commitment on your part enables us to conclude cost-effective long-term contracts with the Amazon Web Service with a good conscience. Everyone benefits from this. Through the bonus, we give back some of the benefit to those who make this possible.
3) Due to the influx of former members of the "stern" VIEW Fotocommunity, the ima team discussed the genre "Erotic Photography" in its last meeting. Because in the German weekly magazine "stern" erotic photography is something quite normal. We know that the founders of ipernity had different ideals and visions. As a result, many good photographers have left ipernity over the years. We can't undo this. But we want to allow the "freedom of art", which has constitutional status in most Western countries, an appropriate scope at ipernity as well. Under the administration of the ima team, an abandoned ipernity group with Erotic Photography was revitalized. We invite you to give your honest feedback to the courageous photographers who publish there.
4) It's now autumn with many colourful outdoor motifs which fill our hearts with a special mood. Therefore we would like to ask all members, who feel like it, to shoot some new seasonal pictures for our homepage. Please note the special requirements to the format and the picture composition! Remember: Good advertising photos don't have to please photographers - they have to attract the attention of fleeting viewers. We are looking forward to your photos, preferably ready edited in the right format!
Your IMA team
Chers membres et amis d'ipernity !
1) Les nouvelles options d'abonnement pluriannuel ont été implémentées dans la page d'abonnement ipernity. Le processus de paiement est maintenant très simple à cet égard. Il y a moins de risques d'erreurs, et la comptabilité en est allégée.
2) Les coûts actualisés pour un abonnement Standard varient entre 3,98 euros par mois (abonnement à six mois) et 2,93 euros par mois (abonnement à cinq ans) [échelonnement détaillé]. De notre point de vue, les bonus associés aux paiements à long terme ne sont pas une offre spéciale mais plutôt un acte d'équité. C'est un engagement à long terme de votre part qui nous permet de conclure des contrats à long terme plus rentables avec Amazon Web Service, en toute confiance. Tout le monde en profite. Via ces bonus, nous redonnons donc simplement une partie des bénéfices à ceux qui rendent cela possible.
3) En raison de l'afflux d'anciens membres de "stern" VIEW Fotocommunity, l'équipe ima a mis à l'ordre du jour de sa dernière réunion mensuelle le thème de la "Photographie Erotique". Car dans l'hebdomadaire allemand "stern", entre autres et en particulier, la photographie érotique est quelque chose de tout à fait usuelle. Nous savons que les fondateurs d'ipernity avaient des idéaux et des visions différents. En conséquence de quoi beaucoup de bons photographes ont quitté ipernity au fil des ans. On ne peut pas revenir en arrière, mais nous voulons offrir à la "liberté de l'art", qui a un statut constitutionnel dans la plupart des pays occidentaux, un champ d'application digne de ce nom au sein d'ipernity également. Sous l'administration de l'équipe ima, un groupe d'ipernity dédié à la photographique érotique a été revitalisé. Nous vous invitons à donner votre avis franc et honnête aux courageux photographes qui y publient.
4) C'est maintenant l'automne et ses nombreux motifs généreusement colorés, berçant nos coeurs d’une langueur monotone. Nous demandons donc aux membres qui le souhaitent de prendre et/ou de présenter de nouvelles photos saisonnières pour notre page d'accueil. Veuillez tenir compte des exigences particulières du format et de la composition de l'image ! Et souvenez-vous : les meilleures photos publicitaires n'ont pas besoin de plaire aux photographes ! Elles doivent d'abord attirer l'attention des visiteurs éphémères. Nous attendons avec impatience vos photos, de préférence - bien sûr - déjà présentées dans le bon format !
Votre équipe ima
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity!
1) Die neuen mehrjährigen Buchungsoptionen sind inzwischen in die ipernity-Bezahlseite implementiert. Der Bezahlvorgang ist jetzt in dieser Hinsicht sehr einfach. Es gibt weniger Fehlermöglichkeiten, die Buchhaltung ist entlastet.
2) Die umgerechneten Kosten für ein ipernity-Standard Abonnement variieren zwischen 3,98 Euro monatlich (halbjährliche Zahlweise) und 2,93 Euro monatlich (fünfjährige Zahlweise) [genaue Aufschlüsselung]. Aus unserer Sicht ist diese Reduzierung bei langfristiger Zahlweise kein Sonderangebot, sondern ein Akt der Gerechtigkeit. Eine langfristige Festlegung eurerseits ermöglicht uns nämlich, guten Gewissens kostengünstige langfristige Verträge mit dem Amazon Web Service abzuschließen. Davon profitieren alle. Über den Rabatt geben wir Jenen, die dies ermöglichen, etwas von dem Vorteil zurück.
3) Wegen des Zustroms ehemaliger Mitgliedern der “stern” VIEW-Fotocommunity hat sich das ima-Team in seiner letzten Sitzung mit dem Genre “Erotische Fotografie” befasst. Denn im deutschen Wochenmagazin “stern” ist erotische Fotografie etwas ganz Normales. Wir wissen, dass dieses Genre bei den Gründern von ipernity wenig beliebt war. Sie hatten andere Ideale und Visionen. Als Folge haben viele gute Fotografen ipernity im Laufe der Jahre wieder verlassen. Wir können dies nicht ungeschehen machen. Wir wollen jedoch der “Freiheit der Kunst”, die in den meisten westlichen Ländern Verfassungsrang hat, auch bei ipernity einen angemessenen Raum geben. Unter Administration des ima-Teams wurde deshalb eine verlassene ipernity-Gruppe “Erotische Fotografie” wiederbelebt. Wir laden euch ein, den mutigen Fotografinnen und Fotografen, die dort veröffentlichen, euer ehrliches Feedback zu geben.
4) Unübersehbar ist es inzwischen Herbst mit vielen bunten Outdoor-Motiven die unsere Herzen mit einer besonderen Stimmung erfüllen. Wir möchten deshalb alle Mitglieder, die Lust dazu verspüren, bitten, wieder spezielle jahreszeitliche Bilder für die Startseite zu schießen. Bitte beachtet die speziellen Anforderungen an das Format und den Bildaufbau. Denkt daran: Gute Werbefotos müssen nicht den Fotografen gefallen, sondern die Aufmerksamkeit flüchtiger Betrachter in den Bann ziehen. Wir freuen uns auf eure Fotos, am liebsten fix und fertig bearbeitet im richtigen Format!
Euer IMA-Team
Eric Desjours club has replied to Marja Savonije@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to Marja Savonijeୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Marja SavonijeAnsonsten kann man die Leute nur darum bitten, ihre erotischen Fotos _ausschließlich_ in entsprechenden Gruppen zu posten, aber das kann eben nur eine Bitte sein, nicht mehr.
Bergfex club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubDa wir vom ima-Team uns auch nicht auskannten, haben wir uns erst mal per Schlagwortsuche kundig gemacht. Denn wenn man nicht Mitglied der betreffenden Gruppen ist und/oder den Fotostream eines/einer entsprechend orientierten Fotografen/in abonniert hat, bekommt man nichts von dem Genre mit.
Das Ergebnis der Recherche war, dass es eine Menge entsprechender Gruppen in unterschiedlicher Qualität gibt. Weil viele der entsprechend ausgerichteten Fotografen von der früheren Geschäftsleitung vergrault wurden, liegen allerdings auch viele dieser Gruppen brach. Vier dieser brach liegenden Gruppen wurden ausgesucht, um die Inhalte zu verschmelzen und bei der Gelegenheit auch auf FSK16 zu überprüfen. Es sind die öffentlichen Gruppen: (12 Jahre alt) (9 Jahre alt) (9 Jahre alt) (2 Jahre alt)
Diese vier Gruppen wurden schon lange nicht mehr moderiert. Deshalb hat sich die ima selbst als Administrator eingesetzt. Die Inhalte werden nun nach und nach auf die jüngste Gruppe verschmolzen, wobei sie auf Jugendfreiheit überprüft werden. Administrator ist das ima-Team zusammen mit Helena Paule, die einen künstlerischen Bezug zu dem Genre hat. Nach der Verschmelzung wird es nur noch eine Gruppe geben, nämlich die im Blog erwähnte. Die anderen werden wir löschen. (Beschluss des ima-Teams in seiner Sitzung vom 3. Oktober 2019, Tagesordnungspunkt 8)
Als Ergebnis haben wir also mehr Sicherheit als früher, nicht weniger. Es gibt nicht mehr vier Gruppen unbekannter Qualität, sondern eine in bekannter Qualität, deren Inhalte nochmals Bild für Bild auf Jugendfreiheit gecheckt wurden. Anfragen von außerhalb können wir nun guten Gewissens beantworten, indem wir diese Gruppe zitieren. An Hand der Gruppenmitglieder können Interessenten/innen sich dann weiter umsehen.
Auch bei "Explore" hat sich nichts geändert. Der Algorithmus stellt nur die Bilder in die Warteschlange, die aufgrund von Sternchen und Kommentaren eine gewisse Beliebtheit haben. William Sutherland checkt jedes Bild in der Warteschlange einzeln und gibt nur unbedenkliche Bilder frei.
Zusammenfassung: Es hat sich nichts geändert, außer dass wir in einer Ecke des ipernity-Universums etwas aufgeräumt haben und diese Ecke jetzt guten Gewissens für Besucher freigeben können. Die Sicherheit ist größer als früher.
Marja Savonije has replied to Bergfex clubXata club has replied to Bergfex clubI agree that everyone can have a place for his own taste, like in real life and an ideal of democracy.
I love these erotic photos when they have aesthetic quality (no porn, no silly snapshot).
raingirl club has replied to Xata clubaNNa schramm club has replied to Bergfex clubdie ich persönlich als sehr gut finde
Grüße aNNa*
aNNa schramm club has replied to Marja SavonijeNo problem with Erotic Photography.
Eric Desjours club has replied to HappySnapper@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to HappySnapperBoarischa Krautmo club has replied to Eric Desjours clubFrank J Casella has replied to Eric Desjours clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Blue rubber octopus clubI hope everyone here follows that advice. By doing so, people also help our moderators on their work.
Heidiho club has replied to Blue rubber octopus clubJPG was a great photographers site for some time but turned into almost a porn site via 'erotic art' photos become a large proportion of the displayed photos.
Colin Ashcroft club has replied to GrahamH clubIf the rules are set out now and Erotic Art/photography is in its place and NOT all over the site then that should work, If in the future someone tries to change the rules then we the owners/users of our site should be able to control the outcome..
Finde ich toll, mein Abo läuft noch bis 2022 durch diese Optionen.
Wusstet ihr eigentlich, dass die größte Einnahmequelle von Amazon,
das bereitstellen dieser Clouds ist?!
Derzeit spiele ich eher mit dem Gedanken,
wieder hier und da eine Mitgliedschaft zu spenden ;)
Zu 3:
Ich denke, es hat nichts mit "Mut" zu tun diese Gruppe zu besuchen
und die Fotos entsprechend zu würdigen.
Ich hoffe vor allem auch nicht, dass es nun eine Diskussion darüber gibt,
ob "Pornografie" in Ipernity den Einzug erhält.
Das wird sie nämlich nicht.
Ich persönlich bin der Meinung, dass jeder das recht,
hat die Bilder hier einzustellen, die den Richtlinien entsprechen.
Ob diese mir nun gefallen oder nicht, obliegt meiner eigenen Entscheidung.
"Bestimmte" Bilder in einer Gruppe einzusperren, gibt ein falsches Zeichen.
Wenn ein Bild im "Explorer" (unserem Bahnhof) erscheint,
dann muss ja auch ein Interesse daran bestehen,
wieso sollte dies nicht veröffentlicht werden?!
Mir kommt das alles so vor, als müssten wir etwas verstecken.
Und zwar vor uns selber und unseren Moralvorstellungen.
Das hat sicherlich sehr viel mit der Erziehung zu tun
und der Scham die einige dabei empfinden.
Aber vor allem, muss man ja politisch korrekt sein.
Wenn man aber einfach respektvoll und würdig damit umgeht,
dann ist beiden Parteien damit geholfen.
Zu 4:
Ja ;))
Rrrolf club has replied to TaorminaThorsten has replied to TaorminaHeidiho club has replied to TaorminaBoarischa Krautmo club has replied to Taormina+1!
raingirl club has replied to Taorminawell said.
Facebook gives politicians a licence to lie
. . . , but deletes an award-winning contemporary photo document:
Facebook deletes picture of napalm victim Phan Thi Phúc
Sorry, but how crazy is that?
Taormina has replied to DornbergerBoarischa Krautmo club has replied to Dornbergerdas ist Fettschrift. Geh mal mit der Maus drüber, dann erscheint die dazugehörige Erklärung. (Wenn "club" in dünner Schrift sichtbar ist, kommt als Erklärung "Basis-Abonnement"..)
Schau mal bei "Funtor". Das ist einer unserer beta-Tester:
HappySnapper has replied to Jean-luc DrouinThe highly aesthetic nude photography or erotic photography of some new members, joined us from the ""stern" VIEW Fotocommunity", are a wonderful addition to some of the top-class contributions of a few established ipernity members and should not be banned from the public eye, so also not from "Explore/What's hot!", as it shows us all, for example, that nudity and/or eroticism can also be dealt with dignifiedly.
Sadly, however, even in the mentioned group there are photos or parts of photos (montages) that were obviously picked off the Web, although according to "Guide to good conduct", "What we expect from you", the use of content from the Web is not accepted.
Marko Novosel club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubaNNa schramm club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubmerci à toute l'équipe pour son bon travail, bonne semaine à tous.
Marja Savonije has replied to Maeluk clubRosalyn Hilborne has replied to Maeluk clubI want to comment on all 4 things posted in this news post:
1) Yay!! This will help people so much. It was pretty confusing and had to be taken on faith that the benefit of multiple year subscriptions would go through correctly. Now it is obvious. And this must be a huge relief to administration!!!! I assume thanks for programming this goes to Rob? Thank you so much. (As others have mentioned, when I have the ability, I also like to donate and/or give a gift subscription. I'm happy that it's easy to do that as well.)
2) Nice to see the breakdown on the discounts. I was shocked and pleased that we are able to do the discounts. Cheers to the people that figured that out (I'm sure it was a group effort). Also, I'm so happy that the half year option is there. I'm sure that helps people who have a hard time coming up with a larger figure all at once.
3) I am really glad ipernity has chosen to give a place for this genre. I personally am not offended. I do not have a problem with the human body. I would have been happy to have been on a website that included the likes of people like Jock Sturges (I know I'm in the minority) or Ansel Adams, and so I welcome this change. As to it causing displeasure for some ipernity users, I'm sorry that it is upsetting. I can only say that there are plenty of subjects that upset me (for example: spider lovers, you know who I mean... *smile* ..., but really they are upsetting to me), but I simply go to the next photo. I trust IMA to be able to handle the administration of this site including this subject.
4) Thanks for the call for photos. I'll see if I have something.
As always - thanks for the continued hard work by the whole team.
Xata club has replied to raingirl clubAbout upsetting photos.... I am a spider lover but a cat phobic... I struggle with felines... and I do the same: pass and dont comment! But there are so many I have to pass...
Respect is beautiful, so is tolerance and the acceptance of our differences.
Fred Fouarge club has replied to Xata clubBoarischa Krautmo club has replied to Xata clubraingirl club has replied to Xata clubpeople are fascinating, right? spiders/cats - we are all so different yet connected.
Taormina has replied to raingirl clubI know that Ipernity has members who are afraid of spiders.
Or fear cats and others are afraid of dogs. Nevertheless,
you "have to" see these pictures.
One doesn't like skyscrapers and someone else doesn't like
the fact that weapons are shown.
To be honest, I still don't know exactly what is disturbing
about a half naked body when everything else is allowed.
Fear and/or morality?
I think we all agree on one thing,
that this platform should be for photo enthusiasts.
That you share more than just photos.
raingirl club has replied to TaorminaY a-t-il un moyen de bloquer les photos qu'on ne veut pas voir ?
Certains d'entre nous ont des enfants ou des petits enfants ; et puis on a le droit d'aller sur Explore sans se voir imposer des photos qui sont choquantes pour certains
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to neira-Dan clubWe understand the concern that under the guise of "freedom of art" obscenities or pornography might creep in. We do our best to ensure that this does not happen. And we are doing it very successfully. Since ima has been running the business, ipernity has not received a single deletion order for over 1 million uploads per year. That's the way it should stay.
Our high security standards have not changed. On the contrary. The measures described have made ipernity even more secure. The contents of some abandoned groups of unknown quality are checked picture by picture for youth protection and transferred to a single group, which is moderated by the ima team itself. This guarantees that this group does not contain any obscene or pornographic material. Nobody has to open this group and look at the content. The reference in point 3 is just for transparency - like everything we're addressing here in the Newsflash. It also serves to inform those who are sympathetic to this genre. Just like nude painting, erotic photography is a recognized discipline of the visual arts, which does not have to hide itself. If one doesn't want to look at it, one doesn't have to.
Nothing has changed with Explore either. Every picture proposed by the ipernity algorithm is checked by William Sutherland to see whether it is in accordance with §3 (appropriate conduct) and §4 (Privacy poliy and supervising children) of our terms of use as well as our guide of good conduct. The same applies to all dubious contributions reported to the Hotline. As before, they always will be checked promptly.
- - - - - - - - - -
[FR] Nous sommes heureux de constater avec quelle objectivité et quel respect le point 3 est abordé. Cette interaction appréciative est une véritable force de notre communauté. Et nous nous y lisons attentivement. Jusqu'à présent, il y a environ 25 opinions favorables sur notre attitude à l'égard de la "Photographie érotique", ainsi qu'une dizaine d'avis inquiets.
Nous comprenons l'inquiétude que sous le couvert de la "liberté de l'art", des obscénités ou de la pornographie puissent s'infiltrer. Nous faisons de notre mieux pour que cela ne se produise pas. Et nous le faisons avec beaucoup de succès. Depuis que l'ima gère l'entreprise, ipernity n'a pas reçu un seul ordre de suppression pour plus d'un million de téléchargements par an. C'est comme ça que ça doit rester.
Nos normes de sécurité élevées n'ont pas changé. Bien au contraire. Les mesures décrites ont rendu l'ipernity encore plus sûre. Le contenu de certains groupes abandonnés de qualité inconnue est vérifié image par image pour la protection de la jeunesse et transféré à un seul groupe, qui est modéré par l'équipe ima elle-même. Ceci garantit que ce groupe ne contient aucun matériel obscène ou pornographique. Personne n'est obligé d'ouvrir ce groupe et d'en examiner le contenu. La référence au point 3 ne concerne que la transparence - comme tout ce dont nous parlons ici dans le Newsflash. Il sert également à informer ceux qui sont sympathiques à ce genre. Tout comme la peinture de nus, la photographie érotique est une discipline reconnue des arts visuels, qui n'a pas à se cacher. Si on ne veut pas le regarder, on n'a pas besoin de le faire.
Rien n'a changé non plus avec "Explorer". Chaque image proposée par l'algorithme ipernity est examinée par William Sutherland pour vérifier si elle est conforme aux §3 (Conduite acceptable) et §4 (Protection de la vie privéé et des mineurs) de nos Conditions Générales d'Utilisation ainsi qu'à notre Guide de bonne conduite. Il en va de même pour toutes les contributions douteuses signalées à la hotline. Comme auparavant, ils seront toujours vérifiés rapidement.
- - - - - - - - - -
[DE] Wir freuen uns, wie sachlich und respektvoll über Punkt 3 diskutiert wird. Dieser wertschätzende Umgang miteinander ist eine wirkliche Stärke unserer Gemeinschaft. Und wir lesen aufmerksam mit. Bisher gibt es etwa 25 zustimmende Meinungen zu unserer Haltung zur "Erotischen Fotografie", sowie etwa 10 sorgenvolle.
Die Sorge, dass sich unter dem Deckmantel "Freiheit der Kunst" möglicherweise Obszönes oder Pornografisches einschleichen könnte, verstehen wir durchaus. Wir tun unser Bestes, damit das nicht vorkommt. Und zwar sehr erfolgreich. Seit ima das Geschäft führt, hat ipernity bei über 1 Million Uploads pro Jahr keine einzige Löschverfügung bekommen. So soll es weiterhin bleiben.
An unseren hohen Sicherheitsstandards hat sich nämlich nichts geändert. Im Gegenteil. Durch die beschriebenen Maßnahmen ist ipernity noch sicherer geworden. Die Inhalte einiger verlassener Gruppen unbekannter Qualität werden Bild für Bild auf Jugendfreiheit geprüft und in eine einzige Gruppe überführt, die das ima-Team selbst moderiert. Damit ist garantiert, dass diese Gruppe kein obszönes oder pornografisches Material enthält. Niemand muss diese Gruppe öffnen und sich die Inhalte anschauen. Der Hinweis in Punkt 3 dient lediglich der Transparenz - wie alles, was wir hier im Newsflash ansprechen. Außerdem dient er zur Information derer, die diesem Genre wohlwollend gegenüber stehen. Denn ebenso wie Aktmalerei ist Erotische Fotografie eine anerkannte Disziplin der bildenden Kunst, die sich nicht verstecken muss. Wer sie sich nicht anschauen mag, muss das nicht tun.
Bei "Entdecken" hat sich ebenfalls nichts geändert. Jedes Bild, das der ipernity-Algorithmus vorschlägt, wird von William Sutherland daraufhin überprüft, ob es im Einklang mit §3 (Akzeptables Verhalten) und §4 (Schutz der Privatsphäre und Minderjähriger) unserer Nutzungsbedingungen ist. Gleiches gilt für alle zweifelhaften Beiträge, die der Hotline gemeldet werden. Sie werden wie bisher zeitnah überprüft.
Bernhard (ima)
Xata club has replied to Team clubA great job being done indeed, we can be proud of our community.
Frank J Casella has replied to Team clubMarja Savonije has replied to Frank J CasellaFrank J Casella has replied to Marja SavonijeHeidiho club has replied to Team clubMarta Wojtkowska club has replied to Frank J CasellaHuman body is beautiful, young and old, man and female...
Human body can by photographed artistically and such shots can be pure joy for eyes.
Provided that models are treated respectfully.
Unfortunately the very word 'erotica' implies the goal of erotically stimulating or sexually arousing prospective viewers. Models are objectified to serve this goal.
That's what I do not like. Not at all.
'erotica' is intimate. Intimate things should be kept private.
I have no problem with nudes. One of my favorite artists here publishes nude shots and some of them are remarkable.
So eventually for me the distinction between nude and erotica goes with intent.
And intent is everything.
Authors subscribing to the 'erotica' genre advertise their intent, isn't it so?
Rrrolf club has replied to Team clubChristiane ♥.•*¨`*•✿ has replied to Frank J CasellaIndeed we cannot compare all the art that emerges from a naked body whatever it is, and erotic photos.
Let us hope that the nuance will be perceptible and respected by all ... if this kind of group is really essential...
Taormina has replied to neira-Dan clubthat you're not "friends" with those who post pictures that you don't like.
Thus these pictures do not appear to you already times in the "news".
Then avoid the groups in which these pictures are shown
and unfortunately there won't be much more,
because if a picture appears on Explorer that you don't like,
then you can't avoid it.
But I think that you can look at the Explorer again and again
with a clear conscience.
By the way, there are also a lot of male nude models.
There are even some pictures of them here,
but it's just a "man's world" and the majority of men like to see
a woman as another man. ;))
neira-Dan club has replied to TaorminaDuring the 26 months since then, there has not been a single problem that should have been resolved by the superordinate ima team, nor a single deletion order from the French authorities, of which we can be proud, as French authorities have traditionally been very attentive.
The takeover of the "Erotic Photography" group by the ima team is a further security measure. In this way, we guarantee that at least one group of this genre contains 100 percent tested, flawless content and can therefore be quoted publicly. For nothing else was at stake.
You can be sure that obscene or pornographic content is not tolerated by ipernity.
neira-Dan club has replied to Team clubLa majorité ne s'exprime pas forcément ici sur cette discussion et attend sans doute de voir .
Dommage qu'il n'y ait pas eu de sondage; ; vous auriez pu ainsi vous appuyer sur des chiffres et tester la réaction des membres.
Nous sommes pour l'essentiel une communauté conviviale et bon enfant et nous avons des familles , c'est normal que l'on s'inquiète
Frank J Casella has replied to Team clubMarko Novosel club has replied to Frank J CasellaFrank J Casella has replied to Marko Novosel clubI have understood that ipernity is for everyone, as long as you follow the rules. However, when you start to bring in content that is controversial and make that a part of the culture here, then more and more the website starts to become not for everyone.
We need to continue to have dialog to at least agree to disagree, but understand each other.
Marja Savonije has replied to Frank J CasellaWilliam Sutherland club has replied to Team clubPlease be aware, architecture as well as museums often have very graphic works that young children are exposed to as my article shows.
Also, Frank, as an fyi, I'm a Eucharistic Minister at my local Catholic Church and find no conflict with this responsibility as well as ethics and morality when supporting artistic expression that is legal -- for example the images displayed in the "Erotic Photography" group.
And yes the effort is worth it since we volunteer our time and it costs nothing to carry it out.
Frank J Casella has replied to William Sutherland clubI have much experience with erotica and it's effects on humanity. Firstly, not too long ago I was the moderator for thousands of groups and their administrators on the worlds largest art site. A few of the groups were for nudes, and others for erotica. I was part of instilling that in these groups what is acceptable and what isn't, and what can be shared on the front page of the groups - and getting rid of the porn. The owner of the website decided to go with the erotica as long as there was no genitalia visible. And the only reason this happened is because of the pushing of the boundaries by the creators. So I left my position as groups moderator ...
I'm still on that art site, and because they offer my own website attached to my profile, anyone who comes to my site will not be distracted by this content. Otherwise I would leave the site.
I'm glad you shared about your faith, and how we are Catholic Brothers. For almost two decades now, I have been co-founder of a Catholic men's apostolate for a Chicago bishop. I have lost count by the number of men (thousands) who have been overcome by the effects of erotica photography (soft porn). Women are now being affected as well. Short of the long, if you've not heard of Matt Fradd look him up.
When I came to ipernity the first thing I did is to look up the nudes and erotica, and found it was not that active. But now it seems it has full endorsement from the IMA Team. People say that this can't be censored for freedom sake. But if it is under tight watch like it is, isn't that a form of censoring and lack of freedom? Most of the images on ipernity enjoy true freedom without the tight watch that I have seen recently with erotic photography. True freedom to me is not about doing what you want, rather having the ability to do the right thing. Now we have a group who wants to take the nudes and push the boundaries to erotica which causes this thread ... and my experience tells me this will burden the community until it goes away.
More importantly, when you take part in erotica photography then you are causing the eyes of others to sin (sin is doing what we want without God). As a Catholic I don't want that on my hands. When I look at these women all I see is another man's daughter, and wonder if her father knows she did this.
Erotica photography is very destructive, to the point that the new owners of Tumblr say it's not coming back. That there are many other sites to share erotica (soft porn) and porn, so go there. It turns a person photographed into an object of desire, especially women, and not a person with value the way God sees them. Life is God's gift to us, and how we live it is our gift back to Him.
As Marta says, nudes are fine, but erotica is too controversial so I say tell them to go to Flickr. Yes, we see nudes in the Sistine Chapel, but they are not taking part in erotica.
Marko Novosel club has replied to Frank J CasellaI noticed that right away..and said to myself,ok,guy is into his thing and i dont care,iam into mine,but i will not sit here and be quiet reading this nonsense.
You can keep your extremism for yourself,dont push your religious narative upon other people.
I was born catholic and still am,have all sacraments,went into churches for 20 years+,being godfather 3 times and i noticed one pretty interesting thing,one who are closest to the altar are the meanest and most corrupt of them all.
You speak about Chicago parish,i wouldnt do that,its very easy to go on the internet and see what was going on in Chicago for decades,60% of Chicago priests were pedophiles.
This religious extremism is happening all over,and we must not be silent.
Frank J Casella has replied to Marko Novosel clubMarko Novosel club has replied to Frank J CasellaI dont see those nudes,erotica,naked bodies,akts,body flesh,porn,we could use hundereds of names for it for just a simple reason..i dont follow it,also will not photograph it,its not my thing..but i have nothing against the one who wants to follow it or doing it..its so simple,just dont follow it..problem solved.
This cancel culture is trying to change fabric of life,you choose what you watch,you choose what youll do in the day and your neighbour will choose for himself,problem begins when you want to change your neighbour or he wants to change you,this can end up really bad.
I like the diversity of language here and thought,people are from all over the world,community is interesting and geting more and more vibrant,we are special place here,only we and blipfoto are managed by people itself and core(IMA) must be hard and strong on this issues.
Marta Wojtkowska club has replied to Marko Novosel clubto see your answer to my post:
Marko Novosel club has replied to Marta Wojtkowska clubYou will deicide for yourself what nude is and what erotica is,if this person is showing something you find vulgar you just unfollow him,its so elegant ;)
Marta Wojtkowska club has replied to Marko Novosel clubBoarischa Krautmo club has replied to Frank J CasellaAs far as I am concerned I am now somewhat confused about words and meanings. Where do you, Frank, see the border between nudes and erotic? Do I get you right paraphrasing your words with: Leni Riefenstahl is ok, Helmut Newton is not appropriate?
Maybe we give different meanings to the used words.
Frank J Casella has replied to Boarischa Krautmo
William Sutherland club has replied to Frank J CasellaFortunately here, from what I've seen with the exception of a few non-member, unverified spam accounts created to spread destructive porn which are treated like any other spam account, the nudes here, even if sometimes titled "erotic" have generally been in good taste. In addition, nudes and erotica make up a tiny fraction of less than 1% of activity at Ipernity. These levels have remained steady with only a slight increase over the year, likely due to members who have joined from other sites that had been shutdown.
Nonetheless, it is a fine line and sometimes difficult balancing act with regard to this genre. Sometimes censorship is necessary to fulfill our legal obligations while most of the time as a site run by artists and photographers, creativity and free expression must remain the most important attributes in spite of subjective views.
I applaud your work with the Chicago men's apostolate over the last two decades since it requires a lot of selflessness and sacrifice. I've been in my ministerial role since 1990.
And so even though we may respectfully disagree about parts of this genre, I fully agree -- "Life is God's gift to us, and how we live it is our gift back to Him." We probably also agree life must be protected from the moment of conception to our last breath. Keep up the great work and it's an honor to have you as a brother in Christ.
Note: As an interesting fact, the Vatican consists of "erotic" works by Raphael referred to as Stufeta del bibbiena and many churches consist of Sheela na gig images including a very graphic 12th century stone carving on the Church of Kilpeck, England that one can see at
William Sutherland club has replied to Marko Novosel clubDiversity and differences of opinions are what makes the human community special are why it is so important to have dialogue so we can understand where each of us are coming from. Just because Frank has concerns doesn't mean he is an extremist. He is not.
If blame is to be cast then I and not Frank am responsible for discussing Catholicism since I brought up my faith and ministerial role having knowledge of his background based on his personal bio. I did so to simply illustrate people of the same faith can view things differently and respectfully disagree.
Also, I think we all agree and abhor the pedophilia scandal of the Catholic Church. It is very sad these wolves in sheep's clothing have betrayed Jesus and brought suspicion and ill-repute on all the good priests who have dedicated their lives to God and service to humanity. Last, extremism in any form is evil and cannot be tolerated. It is also ungodly even if one seeks to use religion to justify such acts or personal ideologies.
Marko Novosel club has replied to William Sutherland clubAs you know,there is no difference between any religion on earth,all talk about same things and all do the opposite,if we look in history far and recent all we can see is destruction in the name of god,power play,hypocrisy,money grab and crime.
There are few light moments but from individuals not "companies",Francis of Assisi comes to my mind who was rejected by the same company that took him in cause he was too good.
Religion always sparks a debate but it has no end,happiest countries in the world are among the least religious,we should keep our religion for ourselves,there is no need for that card.
“With or without religion,good people can behave well and bad people can do evil,but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”
Steven Weinberg
Boarischa Krautmo club has replied to Frank J CasellaFirst of all there seems to be a cultural gap between the US and Europe. If you look at the suggested translations in wikipedia, there are pages in many Euriopean languages for erotic photography. If you look for translations of nude photography you will find only swedish and portugese (and frysk, a language spoken in part of the netherlands).
I would like to show you the German page
and the German page regarding Aktphotogaphie (a dedicted artistic branch of nude photography)
In the latter link there is noted that Aktfotografie differs from "Nacktaufnahmen" (literally nude picture)by the artistic level they claim.
On the other side your link re nude photography tells me nude ph. is undertaken for variety of purposes, including educational uses, commercial applications and artistic creations.
So in my point of view nude photography does include erotic photography. The words do not give us clearness.
See you two links and scroll down to modern erotoc photography and on the other page to contemporay nude photography. Please tell me: Whats the diference between Warrior by Cosme Madini and Female Body Landscape by Cosme Madini? Why is the first erotic and the other "only" nude?
Would you like to ban Betty Grable's pinup from ipernity but tolerateSasha Kargaltsev's nude mal?
This discussion lacks of unambigousness of definitions. Everybody has their own cultural founded definitions - but we do miss a common base for a fruitful discussion.
William Sutherland club has replied to Marko Novosel clubWhen religion regardless of faith, is followed as intended by our Creator, it is love since as you correctly say, "there is no difference." However, they "don't do the opposite" -- people do. Human imperfection, lust for power, greed, etc. have made them into what they aren't. Re: Francis of Assisi, Padre Pio who also lived a life of benevolence and love can be added to the list and truly demonstrate what religion is when lived and followed correctly.
In any event, I respect people of all faiths and those without a faith and even defy existing trends based on studies and have close friends who are Muslims and Jews and value their insights and inclusion in my life. I don't believe in imposing my beliefs on others since they are individually tailored for my spiritual journey and have always been a consistent supporter of free expression. Personally, I would rather err on the side of free expression than exclusion and censorship.
Belleuse has replied to Boarischa Krautmo clubBelleuse has replied to William Sutherland clubBelleuse has replied to Marko Novosel club- can not help in this discussion..
I perceive your statement as a manifestation of your personal anger at religion - for this you presenting all religions in a grotesquely "distorted mirror" against facts and reality.
Showing your anger from an atheist position to all religions also adds nothing to this discussion.
If you are worried about the existence of evil in the world, a lot has been said about it in the literature, theologie, philosophy and psychology - it's not such easy as you presented. William's answer points to more real causes than blaming religious systems.
I want add - this discussion about rules and our view for things is important and i'm glad that we have this, even if this is realy not easy between such different people here. But we need this.:-)
Ingo Krehl club has replied to William Sutherland clubMarko Novosel club has replied to BelleuseIam not an atheist,they are just extreme on the other side,how can you be one and not see the beauty around you,the fabric,the unknown..
Nobody knows who is the tailor,and why we are here,maybe one day we will find out but until then we must try to be better human beings.
William said that very clearly in the last paragraf.
Frank J Casella has replied to Boarischa Krautmo clubPer your sentence: "This discussion lacks of unambigousness of definitions. Everybody has their own cultural founded definitions - but we do miss a common base for a fruitful discussion."
I went and looked at my notes from way back in college, when we did nude study, and these were the definitions presented to us:
1) Nude: Naked or unclothed, as a person or the body (of a photograph, painting, statue, etc.) being or prominently displaying a representation of the nude human figure.
2) Erotic: Arousing or satisfying a sexual desire.
Obviously #2 would be a general rule to the masses, because as you say it is subjective by individual.
I'm going to get more in depth with my reply to William soon.
Thank you too for kind dialog so that we can find an agreeable solution.
Frank J Casella has replied to William Sutherland clubSign-in to write a comment.