We address this message to people who are participating in an aspiration through the ArchiveTeam tool.

We ask you to please limit your queries to 10/s max.
We are currently receiving an abnormal influx of queries that is hurting the platform .... Not to mention the cost that AWS will induce ...
We are not against this but we ask you to contact us before launching such an initiative ... via the Help & Contact section.
Thank you for your understanding.
Team ipernity
[FR] Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
Nous addressons ce message aux personnes qui participent à une aspiration via l’outil ArchiveTeam.

Nous vous demandons de bien vouloir limiter vos requêtes à 10/s max.
Nous recevons actuellement un afflux de requêtes complètement anormal qui met à mal la plate-forme…. sans compter le cout que cela va induire de AWS…
Nous ne sommes pas contre une telle initiative mais nous vous demandons de bien vouloir entrer en contact avec nous avant de lancer une telle initiative... via la rubrique Aide & Contact.
Merci de votre compréhension.
La team
Moderator club has replied to Xata clubVous risquez simplement de constater des ralentissements ou difficultés d'accès au site ou à ses services.
Xata club has replied to Moderator clubavoir tous les droits surtout .. les membres ayant payé..
on a payé alors on DOIT savoir.. tout devient un dû...
Allez AUDRREY.. svp je vous comprends .. encore de la patience
même si elle déborde et plus.. un pti coucou au groupe de la plate forme
avec ma sympathie.. si si Audrey ..oups les 10/s sont passées..
The issue is SOLVED.
Thank you for your cooperation.
StoneRoad2013 club has replied to Moderator clubPam J club has replied to ThorstenNo.. this is NOT hacking,.... it was an archiving . They were being overloaded. ALL is SORTED NOW ... read Audrey's comment saying so just above this !!
But now I understand thanks to Pam, Yes its about archiving overload by some users. I think ha ha ha.
It was definitely not malicious but created big bugs.
The point was to duplicate around 400 pages (a drop in the ocean) but the method was aggressive.
Some noticed not everyone but it hurted the platform.
It was not an attempt of hacking or voluntary hurting.
Now, everything is back to normal.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Colin Ashcroft clubModerator club has replied to Colin Ashcroft clubWe updated the status.
rien compris mais apparemment c'est un peu normal
et donc il y avait un problème et il a été résolu. c'est l'essentiel ! :)
Well, its all because nobody is aware about what will happen to this side. So no wonder people began to download all of their stuff. And if its downloaded with a fast connection (maybe some server co-location) it might get the side overran with requests so it wont run smooth for all others.
But again, its quite normal people want to download their stuff as they dont get any information by the team. What did you expect IF they got some information? It will happen again and you wont be able to download your stuff because to many ones are trying to do it, too, at the same time. Because the time will be short.
Well. It getting higher already than two days ago. I dont wondering about that.
Because you dont provide a backup tool of your choice. And more than that - you are giving other users some hints where and how to download all of their stuff with this article.
Good luck, lol.
Christiane ♥.•*¨`*•✿ has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubSorry to tell this, but you are so right in all that you say ...
FloryNeige has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clublà maintenant, c'est très clair, comme le dit christiane !
et en effet, plus le délai est court, plus le rush est important...
Ticket put in to Support.
Moderator club has replied to Pam J clubautofantasia club has replied to Moderator clubPam J club has replied to Moderator clubThis is the answer
Hi Pam,
We sent a big emailing to a large amount of inactive users.
It created a temporary ban by many email servers (yahoo, gmail, etc..) of our no_reply email that send the digest and other notifications.
We hope the issue to be solved within 2 or 3 days.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
Rrrolf club has replied to Pam J clubDas ist interessant, Pam, denn ich bin nicht einmal in der Lage, ein Ticket an den Support zu schicken. Status ist: "Zur Zeit liegen keine größeren Probleme vor." Ich denke, es ist in der Tat ein "größeres Problem", wenn wir von Ipernity nicht einmal Benachrichtigung bekommen können, besonders in diesen unruhigen Zeiten. Ich bin nicht begeistert!
Pam J club has replied to Rrrolf clubThis is the answer
Hi Pam,
We sent a big emailing to a large amount of inactive users.
It created a temporary ban by many email servers (yahoo, gmail, etc..) of our no_reply email that send the digest and other notifications.
We hope the issue to be solved within 2 or 3 days.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
Pam J club has replied to autofantasia clubHi Pam,
We sent a big emailing to a large amount of inactive users.
It created a temporary ban by many email servers (yahoo, gmail, etc..) of our no_reply email that send the digest and other notifications.
We hope the issue to be solved within 2 or 3 days.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
autofantasia club has replied to Pam J clubIst das nun die offizielle Empfehlung, mit der ich meine persönlichen Daten runterladen und archivieren kann (incl. Bilderläuterung und Keywords), oder ist das ein Fake?
Pam J club has replied to Bergfex clubI am sorry this isnt in German.. but my German is far less understandable then my English !
I sent is a Support ticket.... this is the answer
This is the answer
Hi Pam,
We sent a big emailing to a large amount of inactive users.
It created a temporary ban by many email servers (yahoo, gmail, etc..) of our no_reply email that send the digest and other notifications.
We hope the issue to be solved within 2 or 3 days.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
Translation (sorry if it is a bad translation)
J'ai envoyé est un billet de Support(d'Assistance) .... ceci est la réponse
Ceci est la réponse
Salut(Hé) Pam,
Nous avons envoyé un grand envoi par courrier él à une grande quantité(montant) d'utilisateurs inactifs.
Il a créé une interdiction provisoire par beaucoup de serveurs de courrier électronique (yahoo, gmail, etc ..) de notre courrier électronique de no_reply qui envoie les notifications se digérant et autres.
Nous espérons la question(publication) à être résolu dans 2 ou 3 jours.
Nous sommes désolés de l'inconvénient.
Meilleures salutations,
Ich sandte ist eine Unterstützungskarte .... das ist die Antwort
Das ist die Antwort
Hallo Pam,
Wir sandten ein großes per Email Schicken an einen großen Betrag(Menge) von untätigen Benutzern.
Es schuf ein provisorisches(vorläufiges) Verbot durch viele Email-Server (Yahoo, gmail, etc. ..) unseres no_Reply-Emails, die die Auswahl und andere Anzeigen senden.
Wir hoffen die innerhalb von 2 oder 3 Tagen zu lösende Ausgabe(Problem).
Wir bedauern die Unannehmlichkeit.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Looking Good Folks ...
Please remember that this has nothing to do with monies already paid to Ipernity SA for subscriptions. This is to keep the site alive for a few more months until the takeover by the community can be finalised.
We have less than 2 weeks to reach our target or, according to what I've been told, the site will most certainly close. So if you want ipernity to still be here next month please support the crowdfunding campaign.
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