[EN] Hello everyone,
As we noted in our previous article we are willing to deploy ipernity on social networks starting with Facebook.
To do this, we need you !
We created a group to give you the opportunity to share your photos with us.
However, there are some rules :
- The share button must be enabled: check your settings HERE
- Format: ideally 1024 x 768 pixels; landscape; square
- No frame (or as thin as possible)
- Recent or popular images
- Ideally licensed CC
- No graphic nudity, violence, voyeurism, political content
- No Child pictures with a face visible / recognizable
We will explore themes regularly. Here are some suggestions to get started:
- Stunning Landscapes: the location of the shooting must be specified
- Curiosities: define or at least give a clue
- Funny, comical and other amusing situations
- Food : Sunday lunch, morning coffee, food design, food art
If this project interests you, join the group and also consider to like our page !
See you soon,
The ipernity team
EDIT : We will always respect your choice and won't force anyone to participate !
We are only posting link to Facebook and won't host your file there. You remain owner of your work.
[FR] Médias sociaux : Proposez vos photos !
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
Comme nous vous l’avons indiqué dans notre article précédent, nous avons la volonté de nous déployer sur les réseaux sociaux à commencer par Facebook.
Pour ce faire, nous avons besoin de vous !
Nous avons créé un groupe qui vous offre l’opportunité de proposer vos photos.
Il y a toutefois quelques règles à respecter :
- Le bouton de partage doit être activé : vérifiez vos paramètres ICI
- Format : idéalement 1024 x 768 pixels; paysage; carré
- Pas de cadre (ou le plus fin possible)
- Images récentes ou populaires de vos actualités
- Idéalement sous licence CC
- Pas de nudité trop graphique, violence, voyeurisme, propos politiques
- Pas de photos d’enfant avec un visage visible/reconnaissable
Nous allons explorer des thèmes régulièrement. Voici quelques suggestions pour commencer :
- Paysages extraordinaires : indiquez le lieu de la prise de vue
- Curiosités : détaillez ou donnez au moins un indice
- Rigolotes : situations cocasses et autres sujets amusants
- Cuisine : le repas du dimanche, le café du matin, food design, food art
Si ce projet vous intéresse, rejoignez le groupe et pensez également à liker notre page !
A très bientôt,
L’équipe ipernity
EDIT : Nous respectons vos choix et ne forçons personne à participer ! Nous posterons seulement des liens sur Facebook et n'y téléchargerons pas vos fichiers. Vous restez propriétaires de votre travail.
Best of luck with this.
It would make Ipernity more attractive if Articles and Documents were included in the NEWS in the same way as Photographs are and that Documents cease to be restricted to direct contact friends.
Moderator club has replied to Iljuschin clubThe "what's hot" is a good source but a good part of the pictures aren't open to share.
Iljuschin club has replied to Moderator clubModerator club has replied to Iljuschin clubIt won't be uploaded in Facebook as a file.
Iljuschin club has replied to Moderator clubMuch more important is the fact that Ipernity shows more and more activity.
Moderator club has replied to Pat clubModerator club has replied to Tractacus clubTractacus club has replied to Moderator clubOn Facebook?!? You won´t even remain the owner if you post your own work there. If you post an image on facebook facebook gets the permission to use it for his own pleasure.
(even if it´s linked to ipernity)
I am OK with that, but saying "You remain owner of your work" is a pretty shortened view about facebooks policies.
Iljuschin club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubThe share button is useful to have a correct preview but it DON'T host a file there; we are sharing an URL.
Anyway, as we said before we won't force anyone to participate but please don't make false allegations.
Moderator club has replied to yokopakumayoko Franc…Pam J club has replied to Roger (Grisly) clubModerator club has replied to Roger (Grisly) clubWe are trying to make ipernity more visible, don't forget that fact.
But as we stated before we are not forcing anyone to join these attempt of promotion in Social Networks.
As such....(and Lone Wadi.. I am FULLY in the 21st Century ) I dont welcome any connection to faceless and the rest.
I am sure Ipernity will do what it feels is best for its own concerns ...
As I said.. Thankfully there is a choice.
Moderator club has replied to Pam J clubAgreed, this is the key : you have the choice.
We're not enforcing anyone. We need promotion, we are working out ways to do so : social networks is part of the solution.
encouraging others to join and get the pleasure from the site that we all have experienced
and agree, everyone has choices, that means us and yourselves who are doing their very
best to respond to the wishes of us all that you keep the site open and running and not to
close down. Social media is with us now and will continue to be, we can embrace changes
or resist them. Facebook is a link for many to keep in touch, those who do not take
photos and wish to share with friends their everyday lives, in the same way that we do
through our photography, indeed ;-) we interact with each other in the same way as those
on facebook do ;-) have made friends and enjoy the interaction. I salute your efforts and
wish you success. Might I ask one question please, I might be asking something that is
very obvious but I seek clarification please. If we link to Facebook through you in the
new venture, if a photo is posted to your new group on Facebook, does this automatically
show up on anyone's Facebook page ? or only in the new Facebook Group ?
Best wishes and keep up the innovative new work, Bev
Moderator club has replied to beverleyThank you for the kind words, much appreciated !
I'm gonna answer you largely so it is more clear for everybody.
The "facebook group" is on ipernity "ipernity in social media"
If you tag a picture in the group we may or may not sharing it on our Facebook page, we are selecting the best pictures.
Having a facebook account is not necessary.
About the share of content on our Facebook page :
- we share link with the share tool
- a preview of the picture is viewable on the page
- no file is hosted
- the audience is : our fans, friends of fans who have shared or liked the post, anybody opening our page even not logged, selected people with a marketing sharing, etc...
The first goal is to promote ipernity and gain a new audience.
New audience for us equal new audience for your work and some may enjoy the idea.
We would like to make clear that ipernity needs new users. It cannot stay a little "private" club, but we're aiming to stay a "human" website not a "faceless" place.
Anyways, we're open to discussion :)
TimC has replied to Moderator clubAh, now I begin to understand what all this is about because I have now found the group 'IPERNITY IN SOCIAL MEDIA':
So it seems I personally don't actually have to do any linking or liking or have anything to do with FB then. Cool.
Moderator club has replied to TimCImagine this as a test phase, we are "feeling around".
beverley has replied to Moderator clubIt was the rush to make it social media friendly that caused the problems and drove many to IP in the first place, however I am confident we are in good hands and that other ways can be found to make this site more visible .
Moderator club has replied to Roger (Grisly) clubThank you Roger.
SIGNING BACK INTO IPERNITY WAS JUST AS BAD. I had to get a friend to sort my computer out and reverse all the settings I had previously set up. No I will stick to uploading my own photos to my Facebook page, it's much easier.
Moderator club has replied to HappySnapperAs we specified in the article, you don't need to have a Facebook account to submit your picture.
All you have to do is activate the Share Button here :
> Sharing on social networks
(So your visitors will be able to share your PUBLIC content.)
And we will share (after a selection) the picture submitted in the "ipernity in social media" group on our page here :
I hope it's more clear.
La photo noie le regard.................et c'est l'indigestion assurée.
La pudeur s'envole dans un déchaînement d'images.......et une avalanche d'un produit devenu trop commun.
Don't expect to have an article each week. As we already stated, we are working with a really small team which means we are dealing slowly. But we're here and open to dialogue ! :)
However, I do wonder what is happening in general with securing the long term future of ipernity and it's obvious from some of the comments posted above that I'm far from being alone in having these concerns.
At the beginning of the year there were a great many users, myself included, who came forward with ideas and suggestions on what Team Ipernity might do either on their own or working with the membership in partnership to ensure the site's long term survival.
The question I have then is what has happened to all of those ideas and suggestions?
I fully appreciate Audrey that you're few in number and can't do everything at once, but several months on from those ideas being submitted I would have thought there might have been more news or even some evidence that at least some of them were being developed, investigated, trialled or introduced.
As I said in my opening comments I do appreciate what you've done and are trying to do with regards tackling spam accounts and also the way you're trying to promote the site more through other social media.
My overriding concern though is that these initiatives on their own will not be enough to 'save' the site in the long term, which is why I'm asking if there is more being done behind the scenes that you can tell us about or more we can do to assist you?
Moderator club has replied to autofantasia clubAs it's been stated in the UPTIME article, the team first decided to let ipernity "as is" for the year coming. The many support and ideas we received changed our mind !
But the reality is here : we are working with a really reduced team and we cannot fully develop for the moment. So we're trying to first fix large issues and small bugs, it takes time (lot of time). We're planning to work with some of you (IT, developers etc) on open source, again it's taking time to move and secure the operation.
So please, be patient.
And for those who are using Social Media, help us by liking, commenting, sharing post :-)
And also why Team Ipernity has stopped posting either articles or user photos on Facebook?
It seems odd that at a time when the site needs surely as much publicity as possible that you've taken this course of action.
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