Sue Storey's most read articles

  • Making the Yorkshire Flowform

    - 1 041 visits
    After seeing some Flowform 16s flying at KAPiFrance125, I thought I'd make one. I did a lot of searching on the internet and found these web sites useful…

  • KAPiFrance 125

    - 594 visits
    KAPiFrance 125 - 2013. (My report of the Kite Aerial Photography conference held in France 2013) When I heard that there was going to be another KAP conference in the south of France at the birthplace of kite aerial photography I thought 'I must go there' ( in my motorhome ) even though the south of France is a long way. First, a bit of history. 1888 (125years ago) Arthur Batut took the first ever photograph with a camera attached to a kite. We saw the camera and the frame of…

  • Four Foreign Kite festivals 2014

    - 568 visits
    FOUR FOREIGN KITE FESTIVALS 2014 The first of my foreign festivals was at Notre Dame de Monts on the Atlantic coast of France and was the first I’ve been invited to as a guest. It was 500 miles from the Zeebrugge where the ferry from Hull goes to. I took three days to travel there and arrived on the Thursday. Flyers had been invited from the 1st to the 11th July with the festival proper being over the weekend. To my delight I found a number of friends there. Derek Kuhn was there so I had a…

  • Frejus festival of the air 2013

    - 375 visits
    Frejus Kite festival October 2013 After I had booked into KAPiFrance 125, I had a look at the kite calendars and found that Frejus Kite Festival was the following weekend. I decided that it was 'only' 250 miles away I would go to it. I left KAPiFrance on the Thursday afternoon and stayed at Aigues Mortes with a view of the floodlit walled town. On Friday, I arrived at the superb Azura holiday complex where I had decided to stay with the other kite fliers. After I settled in, I went to the ba…