Search for groups was discovered to limit the searches onto group titles and group discussion titles only. Therefore the search form has been updated not to promise more than it can deliver. It is a pity that the search for groups does not cover group descriptions. Otherwise one could add some keywords onto group description, and make it easier to find groups based on some descriptive words. Now for example search for challenge groups misses some great groups because the word challenge does not appear on the group title.
Search in the group for discussions is also limited to discussion topic titles only. It proves how important it is to give descriptive topic titles. In many groups discussions are not very lively, and therefore this is not a problem. But on some groups there are numerous discussion topics and need to search may turn out useful.
Search in the groups for contributions is however very effective. So, one can for example utilize keywords to list certain contributions.
Group rules have also been an issue, but not anymore. Earlier the group administrator(s) have had to duplicate the group rules onto group discussions because the members could no longer access the group rules after joining to the group. But now the link to the rules has been added onto group front page, right below the group description (about) and contribution limit.
Now the wish for all of those who administrate active and popular groups is to start becoming more disciplined. It would benefit all if the group tools would be used with their full potential. The group description and rules would be nice to have at least on three most common languages used at ipernity (French, English and German).
The main purpose and idea of the group should somehow become mentioned on the group title. Otherwise the group can not be found if searched. It is a good idea to use the group admin tool to give the group title in each language separately. That way the title in one language does not become too long, but each language version still gives useful words to search for.
I'm wondering about in the last paragraph where you say "one can give German name "Herbstliche Farben" on the description field in German. That way both language versions become possible to search for." - I thought you said above that search did NOT search in the description of the group. Maybe you mean to add it to the group title itself, or to add it to a Discussion heading? Or what am I missing?
What I mean is that one can give separate titles for each language on the same tool where an admin can give descriptions.
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