People often wonder how the images become picked to ipernity Explore. And here I try to figure it out and explain, as well as I can.

The very first thing one needs to understand is that Explore is more or less an overview on what is popular during last few days. However, popularity is a tricky concept. One should keep in mind that what is popular may not match with any subjective or shared understanding on what is quality. If number of ipernity members like images of fences, or more precisely like to salute each other with images of fences, then that is what ipernity is about, and also what makes ipernity special.

So, Explore should never display any subjective taste. What is popular may not look as a good public image to some, but it is a honest image on what ipernity is and what it's members prefer to share.

Many times members of ipernity have tried to figure out the algorithm used at ipernity Explore. I personally don't see it as important to find out what exact weight each algorithm variable gets, or what equation is used. But what variables are used, is not a rocket science. One can more or less figure them out by experimenting.

Here are the variables that I have figured out to be used.

Number of views

The more often your publication becomes visited, the more popular it is.

Number of faves

Those little yellow stars seen on side and under your posts certainly matters. More stars your publication gets, the more popular it is. People may disagree on how useful it is to give faves as tokens of appreciation, but personally I see them as a good way to show that I have not only seen something, but also liked what I saw. There's not always time to comment, and giving a star is in my opinion better than nothing.

Number of comments

The more comments your publication gets, the more popular it is. Do notice that also your own comments seem to matter. If you are polite and thank all of your visitors individually, the more active the "discussion" is. That then makes your post more likely become tagged as "HOT". So, interaction means popularity.

The frequency of views, faves and comments

It also seem to matter that how frequently all activities occur. If many views, faves and comments are made within a very short period of time, then the publication gets higher position on Explore.

The recency of the publication

As everyone soon discovers, only the publications published within few days may become picked onto Explore. So, the publication first have to become picked within few days. Then it may stay there even considerably long time if the previous factors keep it popular. But eventually all images on Explore become considered as "yesterday's news", and replaced with more recent publications.

The popularity of one's other publications

This I discovered myself, when once wondering why day or one old image of mine, looking more popular than the more recent publication of mine was not picked to Explore. I figured out that my earlier publication had become displaced with more recent image of mine. This less popular publication then may appear deep down on the Explore list, and therefore one first thinks that one's own popular image had become ignored.

But sometimes a picture that has already become picked to Explore then keep on staying more popular than one's more recent publications. One then have to wait and see if the popularity of more resent publication finally overpowers the older one.

Time of day and week

This is something which many may have wondered the most. What happens "behind the scenes" is that Explore images first have to become moderated and accepted by ipernity moderator (human being). This is done at least once within 24 hours. It varies when exactly it is done each day, but when it becomes done, all new "candidates" have to wait till next day to become accepted and viewed on Explore.

This human moderation is necessary to make sure that Explore stays family friendly, and free from obvious copyright infringements and SPAM. Some "inappropriate" images then may get through this moderation, but we all are human after all. Luckily those human errors can be fixed later on.

Moreover, before ima takeover Explore was not moderated on Sundays. At that time I often noticed that I would have to wait untill Monday to see my pictures become viewed on Explore.

One publication of each type per user

Each and every ipernity user can have only one publication of each type on Explore. If none displayed, then either the most recent publication is waiting on queue to become moderated, or none of the publications are acceptable, recent and/or popular enough. So, one photo, one video and one blog article per user can appear on Explore at the time.

How to get your own images viewed on Explore?

So to put this all together, one first needs to have enough contacts to get one's images viewed, faved and commented. And to achieve that, images of course have to be interesting enough. It very likely requires that one treats the contacts respectfully to keep them and keep them interested to view, fave and comment. And that is usually gained by viewing, liking and commenting on what others have done. So, it is a trade of mutual attention and respect.

One can also participate onto groups where images become more easily viewed, faved and commented. So called challenge groups are a good place to gain popularity. Such groups are also a big part of what ipernity is about. So, seeing challenge group pictures often displayed on Explore only gives a true and honest picture on what ipernity is about.

Then if you really do must get some of your images stay on Explore, as long as possible, then wait a few days before you publish something new. Quite often the most popular publications on Explore comes from people who publish no more than once or twice a week. But also don't forget the importance of being responsive. Equally the most popular members are also interested on what others are doing.

And if you for some reason wish to avoid getting some of your images appear on Explore, then publish them as private or with friends only, and/or share them only within groups. A private image shared on group is available and public within the group context, but it does not become picked to Explore.

So, what's the point?

Explore is a representation of ipernity. Those who get their images to Explore, are very likely not only popular, but also respectable members of the community. To become as one, you also have to help others along the way to get there.

But because Explore is based also on comments, it then shows where the action is. So, by following Explore one very likely also finds interesting groups, people and topics to join with. And therefore Explore is also a good public image of ipernity to share with visitors and new members.