Ventured out for a sub-zero session with my Megrez 72 and newly modded Horizon tripod on Saturday evening. It was a beautiful crisp, black winter's night dominated by Orion to the south - what a truly stunning constellation this is, 7 stars all brighter than mag 2, which define a distinct human shape, the belt (which is an amazing asterism that is in its own right), deep orange Betelgeuse, M42 and numerous doubles.

Inspired by Betelgeuse I cast around for some other orange stars - Aldebaran in Taurus and Kochab in Ursa Minor both caught my eye as very distinctly orange. Looking at Kochab and Pherkad (the 'guardians of the pole') in the same field of view through the Meg72 was a beautiful sight with the deep orange of Kochab contrasting with the brilliant White of Pherkad.

Then some coloured doubles, Almach in Andromeda and Alkurah in Cepheus, both with orange primaries with blue companions separated by about 10". To be honest I found it difficult to see the blue, even when defocussing, but the orange primaries were obvious. Very pretty but I think more power would have improved them.

I enjoyed touring some open clusters, it was fun to observe them through 10x50 binoculars first and then through the scope at 43x. Targets included M44, M35, M45, M34 and NGC752.

I was drawn back to Orion on numerous occasions to view the Orion and Running Man Nebulae. I found an interesting and pretty pattern of stars about 40' South west of Alnitak comprising two groups of three closely grouped stars around Sigma Orionis.

Finally finished the night with a quick view of Jupiter only 10 degrees above the horizon. Four moons and equatorial bands visible at 43x but not much else, although seeing very good.

By this there was a thick frost on the ground and optics were starting to fog. Also my iPad had stopped working due to the cold; ironically the message was 'your iPad needs to cool down before you can use it'!! Next time I shall revert to trusty printed charts.
