Having put together a great scope and tripod combination for grab and go astronomy, I needed a good backpack for the scope and accessories. After measuring the various components, in particular the length and width of the 72mm refractor, I settled on the Lowepro Flipside 400; as backpack specifically designed for photographic equipment. A quick trip to Jessops photographic confirmed that everything appeared to fit so I took the plunge and bought it.

I have now been using it for some time I can say it is perfect for the job. It has a real quality feel and the padded internal compartments are fully adjustable to contain the various bits and pieces. The pack opens on the inside rather than on the outside or top as for most packs. This allows you to lie the bag in its outside to unload the contents and ensure that the inside and straps do not touch the ground and make you filthy when you put it back on. Nice touch.

The downside is that the opening flap is very thick and does not want to stay open, but I guess this also has its uses. The scope, eyepieces, diagonals and other bits and bobs all fit in very snugly and securely and is very easy to lug about thanks to the sturdy waistband.

All in all an excellent buy.