..... see one of our own from here once more. A trip of 9 days....

Tuesday 29th September I will be on a plane to North Carolina to visit PeggyC (and her husband !)


I really wasnt able to see how this could happen again this year. Its been a tough year here. The Deluges and floods and the damage... then losing Lucas...... then other things....

THEN an Earth Angel stepped in.. determind to MAKE it happen. I can only say Thankyou to that Earth Angel.

So......... on Tuesday .... I should be on a Big Bird !!!!

Peggy and I will also be meeting up with Bob Taylor this time around !


....for a day of joy at the gardens.duke.edu

ALSO... I will see my Beloved Burlington Dentzel Carousel AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!


Hoping to post a new Album... and SO looking forward to all of this !

Please note.. I may not be able to keep up with my wonderful Contacts photos for a few days

I will be popping in...... I havent left..... I havent deserted.. I havent forgotten you !!!!

This is a trip is a miracle in the making....hoping you will be able to enjoy bits of it with me .