Today has been the best day yet for weather,chilly early on but this afternoon it hit 25c in my little sunstrap back garden.
After a good shopping tripstarted early bbecause of wall to wall cover of a wedding.
The BBC started at 6am and nhad 8 solid hours of it on BBC1 AND it's socalled news channelm,what's that all about? So no TV for me today but a lovely day for the garden. I finally got round to sorting the planters our all of which were conpletely wrecked as far as plants go and some were root bound.The only thing to do was start again. I ditched twio that had large cracks in them and emptied the.others before refilling them with compost.I run out before filling the last one. I will check my neighbourd to see if they have a bucket full I ca nblag otherwise it will be Ia trip over the bridge as nobody here sells it.
All work done a grabbed a recliner and my new crossword book and relaxed in the glow of a very warm sun' After a while I decided a cold one from the fridge would hit the spot but found I had none,bugger a trip to the shop solved that and also scared a few neighbours, A scantily glad man it his 70s is not a pretty sight