What I find a bit disappointing are such excellent photos of beautiful places on this planet, having an explanatory title but come without a geotag on the map. Expecting this might be a legacy from my time at Panoramio, however, I personally find this information extremely useful. When I encounter such marvels, I may in some cases politely ask to add this information. And if the author of the photo does not remember the correct location (happens all the time to me with my old stuff) wouldn't it be fun to have a feature, where others may propose or correct the position, where the shot has been taken?
Update Dec. 19th, 2015
And there is more on my list:
- User names complex like a good password - why should I go through the hardship to type something like *>Rod54_TX3<* only to adress the author of a beautiful photo or - even worse - just to thank someone for a friendly comment .
- Big graphical logos of the author ruining often enough the balance of a otherwise well composed photo.
- Photos behind "barbed wire", i.e. with extended copyright protection text e.g. like "This work is protected by international law, don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission, violators will be prosecuted" . I find this a bit offensive and moreover redundant because this is already covered by the Ipernity setting of "all rights reserved". And it does not serve any good purpose, because whoever wants to steal a pic will do so, with or without this "threat".
- Offensive and/or ugly avatars do not really get my attention.
- And then there are the photos with the horizon askew. Given all the nice functions we have at our hands today I find it disrespectful towards the beholder to show such photos without correction.
Was on my mind for a while and needed to be said sooner or later ;-)
So this might be the reason for some of these filenames in titles (of course, I suggest, this was the minority, mostly the title wasn´t set in exif or iptc).
About geotagging: Well, most of my photos are geotagged as well. Just a few ones imported from flickr aren´t, or if I don´t want to provide geo-infos because of security-reasons (some family-photos etc.). Also I add a link to WikiPedia if it´s a place of interest.
But all these needs time... So if you are talking about missing titles and geolocations I could talk about you and missing keywords - where are your keywords for this article? ;-)
Not everyone will invest this time. Which is sometimes sad, yes. And I wonder why they don´t provide this information, why they don´t tag their documents with keywords - they will help everyone to find their docs, even by the photographer itself. But I won´t interpret this as not being polite - sometimes it´s because of a lack of time, sometimes because of a bug, sometimes - well, many more reasons why somebody don´t title the documents, why not provide some background - information about it - or why somebody don´t provide some keywords...
Well, if I´m searching for informations where a photo was taken - mostly I post it to a group of this area and ask in title for the location, this will help mostly if it wasn´t to specific.
About your feauture - suggestion: Well, there are groups for this. Mostly they are, of course, local ones. And some of them are in "different direction" - the photograph will known the location, but others should find it... these kind of groups are named "Guess where [city]" - groups... sadly most of them are in deep, deep sleeping-mode.
LutzP club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubAnd as to the question of titles: For me the vast majority of photos without titles or explanation simply don't get my attention. Only very few photos really speak for themselves and don't need any explanation. But I've seen galleries here only with boring titles as DSC_XXX from end to end. Great vintage cars, a gallery full of airplanes and other marvels, which caught my interest immediately, however, neither titles nor explanations ... so what, I just turn around and go away. (btw: the automatic use of the IPTC information is nice feature, I haven't thought about that. But I have to admit, that I don't use that feature myself)
I really enjoy galleries, which come with lots of background information and have started to augment my photos accordingly. I love to read the stories e.g. the almost incredible story of the refurbishment of your house and appartment.
Now, let me get to work on my keywords ;-)
Greetings to my hometown, Lutz
Regarding suggesting corrections for places on geo-tagging, I've mixed feelings on that. I appreciate it when someone does say something helpful, but I've photos on Panoramio and too often the changes are incorrectly to the location that is being photographed (e.g., Alcatraz Island), not the location from which the photo was taken (e.g., the waterfront in SF). I'm also frustrated by all of the photos that are geo-tagged only by some major point (e.g., whatever point Google gives when you type in "San Francisco") that's way too crude for telling the viewer where it was taken.
LutzP club has replied to Don Barrett (aka DBs…It is always again so bad to find no word of description and no title and no location.
I often wonder why a photo in this manner at all has been uploaded.
LutzP club has replied to ©UdoSm clubLutzP club has replied to Bruce Dean (Puchinpa… clubgeben... Bilder halten Momente des "Sehens" fest ... oft sogar Emotionen.
Daher sollten sie auch einen Titel haben der diesen Moment beschreibt
oder das wiedergibt was sich der/die Fotograph/in durch den Kopf ging.
Meiner Meinung nach ist es nicht zwingend ... aber hilfreich eine
Beschreibung hinzu zu fügen... aber Bilder ohne Titel...
sind meiner Meinung nach Ideenlos und entsprechen dann nicht
der Kreativität des Urhebers.
LutzP club has replied to TaorminaBTW- tags are not always easy, they are case sensitive, sensitive to spelling and blanks. Try to find photos under the tag blue port- there's BluePort, blue port, blueport... always different photos. So where do you begin and end with tagging? Germany, Deutschland, Allemagne ...?
LutzP club has replied to Gudrun clubGudrun club has replied to LutzP clubAlthough I usually add keywords, I sometimes forget - or need to edit / add other tags as I go along.
LutzP club has replied to StoneRoad2013 clubMeist kopiere ich die dann händisch rein, ich will aber nicht ausschließen, dass ich es auch mal bei dem ein oder anderen Foto vergessen habe - kann ich aber gerade nicht nachschauen, weil ich gerade kein Clubmitglied mehr bin.
Aber vom Grundsatz her hast du schon recht - aber das schrieb ich schon. Hm, wieso hat sich das Artikel - Datum geändert, hast du etwas ergänzt, wenn ja, was?
LutzP club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to LutzP clubDer Server, auf dem ich normalerweise helfe ipernity von englisch nach deutsch zu übersetzen ist auch schon seit Monaten offline, das spricht irgendwie andererseits dann auch nicht für rege Entwicklungstätigkeiten..
At least you got some attention here. As we both have a past from Panoramio we know that the time people take to do a good job is variating a lot. On PA it had to to with getting the picture on Google Earth, no matter what the quality of the picture. Of course, as here, I respect that the ability of the users varies as well, as it should because Ipernity should be for all. Nevertheless I think TTTL (Title, Tags, Text, Location) is improving the viewers experience on a platform like this. But if a picture is good..., well, a picture can tell more than a thousend words.
Have a good X-mas.
LutzP club has replied to Peter Van LomOn the other hand, tags and geotagging I never think to do, because I don't make use of the feature myself. This article you wrote taught me that there are people out there who rely on tagging, so I will think about tagging my photos in the future.
LutzP club has replied to ValfalAnyway, it is just my personal perception.
Greets Lutz
Valfal has replied to LutzP clubHehe, on another subject, after reading your post to NGC300 explaining what types of photos interest you, I now fully understand why you didn't comment on my latest submission to TSC this week. I have my preferences for subjects as well (i.e., nude photos I typically avoid, no matter how well photographed they are), so I have no problem if you choose to not visit some of my images for those reasons.
Of course we all have our preferences. I always go through all TSC postings. Some photos I like some not so much. But again, that is a matter of taste and very personal. But if nothing enters my mind, when I look at a photo, I simply don't comment on it.
Regards and have a nice week, Lutz
Things, buildings, Shrines and Temples are generally described, sometimes with extracts borrowed from Wikipedia with aknowledgement to that fact. Photos of private homes will not have absolute locations for reasons desired by the friends that live in them.
I would add that I find it bad mannered just to mark a photo with the Star signifying that the viewer thinks it woth mentioning but never bothers to make a comment.
Some, in fact many of my photos are of birds, animals etc with common name in English and the Scientific name in Latin, no point in adding more unless the creature in question is exceedingly rare, the Latin name is undersandable to all nature lovers no matter they be Chinese, Thai or American as the names are used everywhere and can be looked up. This is of course an area that not everybody is interested in.
Holiday photos are generally only of interest to the friends and or family members involved so location and date are added plus the files are titled. They as are many of my uploads marked as being viewable to Friends and or family, only photos added to groups or those I wish to share in order to indicate my interests in a general manner are marked for everyone.
The adding of a string of logo's saying 'Enjoyed on this and that group' are tiresome and they get deleted by me.
I enjoyed your article. This has always been a pet peeve of mine. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in feeling disappointed in images with unattractive file names and without any further information. It's always puzzled me why someone would post a nice photo without giving any more insight to the viewer about it. I always think, "If only they would have added this or that, it would have made the image complete."
Geo tagging I know almost nothing about so I can't comment on that part. Cheers, Karen
Yes, those causes me bad allergic reactions! =D
I agree with everything you said. We have chosen our recent travel itineraries based on some of the photos we see here. I have no interest in recreating the photo someone else took but I am very interested in the location.
LutzP club has replied to Bruce Dean (Puchinpa… clubLutzP club has replied to Bruce Dean (Puchinpa… clubbtw.: die geotagging-Funktion geht bei mir am Desktop nicht direkt beim Bild - oder muss ich da irgendwie was einstellen? (bisher schaff ich das nur über den Umweg "organisieren, etc. Ist aber umständlich)
LutzP club has replied to Bergfex clubWas meinst du mit "fortlaufende Nr. eines Projekts?
Bergfex club has replied to LutzP clubdiepresse.com/home/kultur/kunst/5118999/Rekordpreis-fur-Bild-von-de-Kooning
LutzP club has replied to Bergfex clubBergfex club has replied to LutzP clubDSC_3243 etc. halte ich ebenfalls für beiläufig und lieblos.
Wenn man sich über den Titel keine Gedanken macht, müsste man ein Foto eigentlich gar nicht hochladen.
LutzP club has replied to Bergfex clubich danke dir für diesen Kommentar !!!
Du sprichst mir aus der Seele.
Wenn ich Bilder anschaue, schau ich genau und will mehr wissen als *nur* ein gutes oder schönes Foto.
Oftmals geben mir EXIF-Daten Informationen, was ich vielleicht bei meinen Bildern besser machen könnte.
Geo-Daten sollten immer angeben werden, ausser bei *Kunst*-Foto, wo es dann letztlich egal ist wo es gemacht ist. Aber gut wäre es allemal, vielleicht Erklärungen abzugeben.
Ansonsten habe ich nichts zu deinem Artikel hinzuzufügen ausser ES SOLLTEN ALLE LEUTE / FOTOGRAFEN LESEN !!!
Nochmals großen Dank
Liebe Grüße aNNa*
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