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  • Greetings, Norwegians!

    These are urgently awful political times, so I feel compelled to state the obvious right out in the open, on occasion. Background: The summary is that the president doesn't want any immigrants from "sh**hole countries," and that's a direct quote. Those are countries with certain skin colors predominant. Instead, he wants decent people from places like Norway. So, here is my welcome to our new immigrants from Norway, as long as they're white Norwegians... _______________________________________________________________

  • Cabin fever

    Pump house ruin
    There are so many fires around Oregon and California that most people are staying inside whenever possible because of the smoke. I bought a good mask over the weekend, so if I do have to go out I'll be prepared. It's also very hot (90° - 105°). So, I've got cabin fever and I am not the only one! There are similar conditions in many places on the globe. I just saw on the news that today, Tokyo was 105°! I have been to Japan and it was more humid than anyplace I've ever been, including W. Afri…

  • Mexique : Le pays où la photographie est un sport

    Pour la photographie, le Mexique n’est pas l’Inde, ni l’Asie en général. Voyons l’aspect positif : Je ne suis pas assailli de demandes de selfies. Mais d’un autre côté, mes demandes de photos sont refusées à quatre-vingt-dix-neuf pour cent. Surtout par les indiens. De nombreuses chouettes images n’iront pas remplir mes disques durs et resteront dans ma tête. La moisson de portraits sera d’autant plus maigre que pour ce genre d’images, sans autorisation, pas de photo. Nada !…

  • Un samedi de manifestation avec les Gilets jaunes

    Rouen, samedi 12 janvier 2019 - Cela fait neuf semaines que les Gilets jaunes se rassemblent dans le rues des principales villes de France. Qu’on les soutienne ou pas, à n’en pas douter ce mouvement spontané fera date dans l’histoire du mouvement social français. J’étais allé les photographier sur un rond-point qu’ils occupaient au début du mouvement. Mais depuis, je suivais de loin son évolution, en raison de la radicalisation de certains casseurs et la nécessité de terminer mon livre dédié à…

  • Action Bénarès : une aide médicale gratuite au service des intouchables

    En 1974, un jeune médecin-routard d'origine française, Bernard-Yves Sabot, pose son sac à dos à Varanasi (nom indien de Bénarès). Devant tant de misère, il ne repartira jamais. Il consacrera sa vie aux intouchables qui, faute d'argent, se trouvent dans une situation sanitaire catastrophique.

  • Back-up, back-up and back-up

    I have been offline for many days, because my PC was in a computer-repair-shop. Internet criminals send me an deceptive real email (30-07-2015). After opening an attachment my PC was attacked by a very aggressive CTB Locker virus, which encrypted (almost) all my documents and pictures: family, (grand)children, our beloved dog, family and other events, holidays and much more. I'm very angry, powerless, helpless and frustrated. Lesson learned: make a BACK-UP of your pics and documents.…

  • 2019-05-03 Newsflash

    Dynamic Google Maps API Requests
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The display of shooting positions has meanwhile been migrated from GoogleMaps to OpenStreetMap. This map is free of charge and has even better accuracy than GoogleMaps. In contrast to earlier times, the exact address and GPS coordinates are now also displayed. You can copy them directly into other applications, such as Google-Earth. 2) For the GEO-positioning of photos we have to use Google's fee-based service until further notice, because…

  • 2019-04-26 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) We had to shut down parts of the Google map service at short notice, because the costs have increased dramatically. (Google charged EUR 655 more for March than we budgeted for.) We are now working hard to see whether ipernity can be adapted to cheaper alternatives (OpenStreetMap, Evermaps, Opentopomap, etc.). For the time being,only geo-coordinates will be displayed instead of plain text locations in the location information of the images.…

  • 2019-02-28 Help with ipernity reprogramming

    [FR] Aide à renouveler ipernity ! ./. [DE] Helft ipernity zu erneuern! ./. Dear free user of ipernity, The ipernity website you are currently using was developed between 2009 and 2013. Meanwhile it is ten years old in terms of concept and technology. After 2013, it has grown organically and now consists of more than 21,000 networked html files. Operational reliability is declining steadily. The necessary adaptations to the state of the art are becoming increasingly difficult and…

  • February 2017: The Latest Reoccurring Anomalous Warm Winter Month and Reason for Concern

    Global Warming
    Never has good weather felt so bad. Never have flowers inspired so much fear. Never has the warm caress of a sunbeam seemed so ominous. The weather is sublime, it’s glorious, it’s the end of the world. Run for your lives! [1] With temperatures consistently breaking 50º F and 60º F and a peak high of 70º F on the 24th, February 2017 with a mean temperature of 41.6º F set a new record for the warmest February in history in the New York metro area. The previous mark of 40.9º F had bee…

  • Nude (Aesthetic and Erotic) Photographic Art: Inclusion and Reasonable Moderation

    Many times the decision to exhibit or permit a public exhibit of photographs featuring the nude (aesthetic or erotic) art is not an easy decision since the delineation between legitimate art and pornography may appear to be blurred. Examples of this paradox exist when one considers the sculptures at the Kandariya Mahadeva Temple in Khajurâho, India, 19th century Japanese Shunga art, and the jury finding that a collection of photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe (1946-1989) featured in The Perfec…

  • How Photography Is Affecting Our Brains | Tech Effects | WIRED

    There are some interesting observations on this video article, like people not necessarily realizing how wide angle close up shot distorts the perspective, and how a "professional photographer" may see things differently than less experienced ones.

  • Eric Idle - Fuck Christmas

    Frohe Weihnachten - Merry Christmas - Joyeux Noël - Feliz Navidad

  • devoir vs posséder /\ Posséder vs Devoir

    "We own the sky" [M83] Nous possédons le ciel Imaginé : "We owe the Sky" "Nous devons le Ciel" Si nous possédons nous devons.

  • Copyright is tough, but it tries to be fair...

    Here are some useful sources to understand what all can be protected by copyright laws, and what copyright is about: Copyright rules by subject matter explained at Wikimedia Commons. And the same in French . Intellectual property wiki People often take the copyright lightly, ignores it, or simply don't know it very well. We easily refer to fair use , which more or less covers only cases in United States, but should not be stretched to cover publications globally shared on Inte…

  • To shoot or not to shoot strangers?

    Seen one day on the street
    Lately I have given a great deal of time and thought for what is commonly called as "street photography". It is more or less a genre of taking images of people one does not know. Usually it is about images of people in urbain area, but it can be any human figure seen anywhere. Please have a look at this Jamie Windsor's video 'Why you SHOULDN'T do STREET PHOTOGRAPHY' and give it a thought. So far street photography that includes human figures have never been my genre, and I guess it…

  • Über die Zeit und das Leben

    Weg ins Licht - vojo al lumo
    Über die Zeit und das Leben - Lass dir Zeit - nimm dir Zeit - - ich habe jetzt keine Zeit - - so schnell vergeht die Zeit - vor langer langer Zeit - und am Ende: Ich hätte mir mehr Zeit nehmen sollen ... für was... für wen... - Ein schwierig Ding - die ZEIT - Vom Kindergarten an - in der Schulzeit während der Studienzeit während der Arbeitszeit. Es scheint wir werden in ein Zeitkostüm hinein…

  • I love Air!

    Air are a French electronic music duo from Versailles, France, consisting of Nicolas Godin and Jean-Benoît Dunckel. They have very unique style, I think.

  • Playing with emojis

    Ipernity supports only UTF-8 characters, and this is why we don't have the basic unicode emojis familiar today in our use. So, only way to get them is cumbersome "manual" way. First you will need a set of emoji pictures to work with: Then you have to crop, resize and save a single tiny image for every emoji you wish to use. For example like this: Then you just need to copy the HTML/BBCode of the emoji you wish to use from your album and paste it a…

152 articles in total