kOoLiNuS' most read articles

  • Google Chrome for Mac is AGAINST Ipernity ???

    - 3 922 visits
    I've just installed Google Chrome browser for Mac OS X on my MacBook, made some screenshots and tried to upload them on Ipernity via browser itself. But, once again, it seems that the OpenID login procedure doesn't work - as with Chromium. Annoying, to say little ... :-(

  • Fz1 Fazer "Laguna Seca"

    - 2 840 visits
    ... aaand at last, a long last, I've finally acccomplished the purchase of the bike of my dreams - or at least the bike which more approaches the dreams of speed and beauty and the day-to-day qualities which are an important part of my way of living the motorcycle ... "She" is a (second hand) Yamaha Fz1 Fazer , of october 2006, heavily customized by the previous owner in memory of the glorious days of Kenny Roberts in the early '80s (the period of his youth). Also Valentino Rossi…

  • wedding !!!!

    - 1 996 visits
    Circa a month without posting anything here in the Ipernity blog ... sorry fot that guys ! But, as you can begin to imagine looking at the image below I've been quite busy with a wedding. My own wedding :-D At the moment I've got only a bunch of photos taken by some friends and parents. There could be more of them but I'm not complaining since EVERYBODY danced, eat, drinked and enjoyed the party with us with much pleasure from our part, seeing our efforts "rewarded". The album for…

  • Conero (Ancona, Italy) - 2005

    - 1 551 visits
    Year 2005 was a beautiful one for me, I got a degree, enjoyed many things and many places. Among them I had the chance to visiti Osimo, Ancona, Numana, Recanati and such places with my friend Ciccio and her girlfriend and his family. The weather wasn't perfect but the light was amazing as you can see in the image below and some other in the album. The album is visible HERE , leave a comment (if you like so) and ENJOY!  

  • with Puglia's "Fazer commando" at Padula and Marsico Nuovo.

    - 1 537 visits
    Last sunday, november 2nd 2008, here in the south of Italy we had an amazing wheater, with temperatures well over the 24° Celsius so we took the chance to do some km above our beloved bikes. We went to the amazing Certosa of Padula and then to eat "something" to the il Castello restaurant in Marsico Nuovo. See the album HERE . Enjoy && comment if you like!

  • Pirate Day

    - 1 488 visits
    Honor the Talk as Pirate Day !

  • Bitonto (BA) ... a photowalk

    - 1 463 visits
    The album presented today is a bit unusual for me since it's not my work. Those photos were taken during a photowalk in my city's [ BITONTO ] old town after a photography course taken by my father and other people with the teaching of Nicola Ditillo , a professional local photographer. The entire album is visible here:  https://www.test.ipernity.com/doc/koolinus/album/69564 (and once it was also signaled on the italian TravelBlog.it website). Enjoy!

  • Otranto and Lecce, 2007

    - 1 461 visits
    At the end of April 2007 we took the chance to stay on our own for the weekend. So we choose Otranto nearby area to stay and then had (another) of our quick tour in Lecce. We choose (under the counseling of a colleague) the Masseria Gattamora bed & breakfast ( www.gattamora.it ) to stay. This album talks about it. Have a look, eventually enjoy and leave a comment if you feel so :-D

  • South Africa

    - 1 332 visits
    After the previuos post HERE is the album of the first half of our honeymoon, this time in South Africa. Enjoy & comment!!! :-D

  • ipernity gadgets !!!

    - 1 307 visits
    Did you get yours ?

  • Tuscany 2000: the "maremma" area

    - 1 276 visits
    This album is probably one of the oldest done with a digital camera. We spent a week or so in the country near Grosseto Marina a travelled a little in the nearby going in places like Siena, Talamone, Grosseto, Castiglione della Pescaia, Saturnia terms and others. That was also the last time we saw or texan friend Shanese, who was in love at the time with my friend Giuseppe. ;-( The album is visible HERE . Enjoy!

  • new IPERNITY app on iOS

    - 1 255 visits
    Finally it's here ... I've uploaded some screenshot in my gallery. You can also see them at the (actual) end of my ipernity photo album

  • Mauritius

    - 1 232 visits
    Long time has passed since I last wrote here, but a lot of things have happened and in between near 30 days of complete "internet black out" :-D Here are some of the photos I took in Mauritius during the second half of our honeymoon. Enjoy & comment !!!! :-D

  • Lucca Comics & Games convention - 2002

    - 1 156 visits
    Today's post is to announce the publication of the 2002's Lucca Comics & Games yearly convention in Lucca (Tuscany, Italy). Lucca's convention has more than 20 years in history so far, pioneering the emancipation of the comics and strip medium in the " real world " ... Also this was my first Lucca, followed by the 2003 edition in which I did not make any photos ... don't remember why, frankly :-D In this image above is depicted the clay "master model" from which a particula…

  • @work in the Institute of Biomedical Technologies in Bari

    - 1 136 visits
    Today's post is to put in evidence a bunch of photos of the hardware and the people I work with everyday since Jan 2007. Most of the photos are made with my Nokia N80 cell/smart-phone and the quality won't be high as one can expect. Also the subject isn't particularly interesting but I do like to show to my friends and family what I do to live, so ... The album page is HERE . Enjoy! p.s. = I do have a not so little number of images to add, so this album will grow over the time…

  • with Puglia's "Fazer Commando" towards Vieste (FG)

    - 1 132 visits
    The 2009 biking season has finally started last sunday, when a pale sun showed up on Puglia's region and permitted us to plan a trip from Bari to Vieste covering circa 280km in one morning. Unfortunately dirty roads and police along the way slowed us too much to get at Vieste and back at home, so at a certain point we stopped, tooked some photos, smoked a cigarette, made a laugh and then go back at home. As usual the full album is visible HERE .

  • TerroniaTour 2009

    - 1 036 visits
    This year the fine pals of the Puglia's "Fazer Commando" of the FazerItalia forum have organized the 2nd edition of the yearly FazerSud bike tour in the beautiful environment of the Gargano area. This year we were also graced with sun and warmth ... Unfortunately I had some family problems and so made very few "social" photos ... in any case you can see the entire album HERE .

  • Castel del Monte, 2004

    - 1 028 visits
    After having being promoted PRO yesterday I've begun the operation of uploading my photos on the Ipernity platform. I'm probably doing it a bit too fast, but the enthusiasm is great :-D Anyway with this post I'm announcing the complete uploading, tagging and geotagging of the photoset shoot the 30 december of 2004 when my college friends in Cesena came to Apulia to visit me and, in the occasion, visit some beauty of my land. Castel del Monte is one of them, without a doub…

  • Imola 2002, World SBK championship

    - 1 016 visits
    Busy days, these days here. By the way I'm slowing continuing the upload of my images and today's post regards the publishing of the  Imola 2002 photoset taken during a fantastic weekend at the end of september 2002 when we (me, my gf and a friend) had the chance to witness live on of the most exciting and spectacular "round" of the history of the World's Superbike Championship [ site ].   The WorldSBK ticketing formula previews the possibility to buy one pit-walk per day,…

  • download the Photoshop Anthology (pdf) book for free

    - 1 004 visits
    Hi all! Even if I do like and endorse free software I think that it will be useful to download the complete 278 page book, yours to keep, forever! The Photoshop Anthology: 101 Web Design Tips, Tricks & Techniques is the ultimate Photoshop compendium for web designers. From the annoucement we can read: " It’s brimming with tried and tested real-world Photoshop solutions that will add impact to your next web design project. If you’ve ever been stuck for inspiration, have puzzled…

28 articles in total