Jean-Michel's most read articles

  • Kaamelott - Perceval et le Contre-Sirop

    - 23 727 visits
    [EN] Sorry for my english speaking friends, this is only possible in french :/ [FR] Une scène de Kaamelott qui m'a fait mourir de rire, je m'en remets à peine.   Perceval et le Contre-sirop Kaamelott livre II, épisode 36   La scène se passe dans la taverne, entre Karadoc, le tavernier et Perceval. PERCEVAL Le plus facile à apprendre, c’est le sirop. Enfin, avec mes règles simplifiées parce que les règles originales, elles sont velues. Bon, le seul truc, c’…

  • Pandora indisponible depuis la france

    - 6 593 visits
    Comme vous l'avez remarqué si vous l'utilisez, le site de pandora n'est plus accessible depuis la france depuis le 3 Mai. Si vous voulez comprendre pourquoi, je vous laisse lire les nombreux articles que vous trouverez sans difficulté. Mais bon, si vous êtes des accros, comme moi, vous serez peut-être interessés aussi de savoir comment faire pour quand même continuer à écouter et découvrir vos morceaux préférés. Là aussi, il commence à y avoir quelques articles, comme celui-ci , qui donn…

  • Obscura Cue Light

    - 2 767 visits

  • Happy birthday, my friend

    - 2 731 visits
    A best friend shares the good times and helps you out by listening during the bad times. Today is one of those good times to share, so let's celebrate ! Happy birthday, my friend !        

  • Jango - Social music

    - 2 470 visits
    If you're interested by online music services, you might be interested to try the new Jango public beta . OK, we're not here to argue about what's a "beta" supposed to mean these days, right ;) Anyway, I'm always trying many of those services , since my previous post on Pandora (sorry, in french), and Jango's one of those which are definitley worth trying. happy listening !

  • My New FB friend

    - 2 151 visits
    My new friend :)  

  • SAV

    - 2 138 visits
    Took my lense in maintenance because of a problem with the autofocus. Don't have any camera for at least 3 weeks !!!

  • Will robots take over the world ? ;-)

    - 1 871 visits
    Actually, I'm quite impressed... they seem to be doing pretty well already :)

  • Do you miss Pandora ?

    - 1 852 visits
    globalpandora now gives you a US based proxy access.. Not sure for how long, but for the moment, you can login with your usual pandora user/passwd..   ** EDIT ** as expected... not working anymore... :(

  • Nissan 350Z for sale

    - 1 838 visits
    This car is for sale. If you're interested or if you want to have more details, please contact me !

  • New Nikon D90

    - 1 692 visits
    specs and images of the new Nikon are now available on Engadget. this demo of D-Movie is worth a look too...

  • Soldiers - take your positions

    - 1 691 visits

  • Fedora 10 is out

    - 1 634 visits
    THIS IS FEDORA SPACE OPERATIONS ANNOUNCING with great pleasure the successful launch of the new ship, Fedora 10: "Cambridge." Strapped into the pilot seats are the latest GNOME (2.24) and KDE (4.1), accompanied on their amazing journey by an all star crew of glitch free audio, better printing and webcam support, and a new faster graphical startup. Also on this ride are wireless connection sharing and the next evolution in PackageKit, hooking through your multimedia applications to he…

  • Bulk geotagging

    - 1 624 visits

  • Happy Birthday Scab !

    - 1 587 visits
    Today is one of Ipernity's all time star's birthday ! So please join me in wishing a Happy Birthday to Scab !

  • Au secours, j'y vois double !

    - 1 559 visits
    AAAAhhhhh !

  • Touchable Holography

    - 1 506 visits

  • temporary switch off

    - 1 477 visits
    takin a few days off, moving to a new appartment and no internet connection ;) see you all in a few days/weeks

  • Modern Warfare 2 : le trailer

    - 1 435 visits
    sortie le 10 Novembre...

  • Mentos - getting worse...

    - 1 422 visits
    Am sure you all remember what is the effect of putting mentos sweets in a bottle of coke.. Well see what happens when you try the same thing with a glass of beer...

35 articles in total