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Horizons – Dream or Reality – Part 1
Departure into a new world

A special note to the story « Horizons – Dream or Reality »

We know today – that our planet
is tiny in our huge universe.
It is unimaginable for me,
that it is the only inhabitable planet.
It is just as unthinkable for me,
that the present self-destructive behaviour
of mankind is the goal of its evolution.
In this huge universe, higher developed societies
exist with certainty.
I would like to use a planet to describe what these may look like -

What is already a reality on other planets
is still just a dream for our planet.

Horizons – Part 1

Departure into a new world

1.1 At home – on the mountain - 1.2 Encounter - 1.3 Opening the third eye – Greeting with the blue flower - 1.4 At Leon and Leoni’s house – Morning Awakening


A small house with a small garden in front is
in front of a high and wide boulder.
A man and a woman live in the house.
They have two children – a boy and a girl
the boy’s name is Nino and the girl’s name is Nina,
but the parents call them by their pet names
Ninetto and Ninetta

The parents love their children very much
and the children have a great relationship with their parents
they are growing up – taking their first steps
play in their room, and later
in the beautiful garden


helping their parents to
plant and harvest
enjoying spring, summer, fall and winter.
Later, they wander out together and explore
the surrounding forests, meadows and ponds


And then the day comes
when their parents say
« You are now old enough.
Go out and see the world »

The two have always wanted to know
what could be hidden behind the boulder.
There must be a secret connected to it in one way or another,
since their parents have never spoken about it.


Light-heartedly they go on their way
full of astonishment they discover,
a mountain very close by.


They never noticed it before
they hike up it full of curiosity
maybe they can see what is behind the boulder
from the mountain’s summit

They go faster and faster
and hastily climb up the last steps


and then – they can’t believe their eyes
In front of and below them, a new world appears
they did not expect this


....And now they remember....

Their parents were often gone for the whole day
and in the evening – when they returned
....it seemed to them....
that there was a strange, beautiful sheen in to be seen in their eyes
it had to come from deep within
they had always wondered about that
but had never dared to
ask about the reason behind their joy.

Now they realise
where this sheen comes from

Far below them - on a sunny plain
a beautiful city to look at can be seen
a large mountain rises behind it
its peak covered in snow
shimmering white in the sun
reflecting in a clear lake
There is a layer of magic surrounding it all
of gentleness – freshness and light
The harmony of the colours and shapes
enchant them as well
and they forget time and place


and after a long time
they look at one another
their eyes are also shining
and Nina says quietly
« Nino – let us visit this
quiet - shimmering - world »

« I would like that - Nina -
- but how do we get down there
we don’t know the way »
And – tired from the long hike -
and – overwhelmed by all the new impressions
they sit – back to back....
and soon fall asleep.


Meeting in the morning

It is quiet and still bright
- a friendly atmosphere lies over the land -
It is warm - a light wind blows.

After some time a sound
...like footsteps...


Wehlen Quarry

From behind a rock 2 people emerge
- a young man and a young woman -
both dressed in a long shining robe
- similar to an Indian sari -
the woman's robe is light blue
a beautiful light green the robe of the man -
the faces brown - the hair shining wheat-yellow -
the hair and robes blown by the wind.
You are not surprised to see Nino and Nina asleep.
Both smile at each other in understanding,
and sit cross-legged a little away from the sleeping couple,
who are still leaning back to back.

The man clears his throat - once - a second time.

Nino is the first to open his eyes.
He doesn't see them yet.

The man clears his throat - a third time.

Nino turns towards the noise.
He catches sight of the two
startled, he pushes Nina.
She wakes up too.
Nino moves his head forward.
Involuntarily, Nina grabs his hand.


Meeting in the morning

" Don't be afraid - we want to greet you "
the young man crosses his hands in front of his chest
bows a little
then he lifts his head - looks at the two friendly and says:
"We have been expecting you.
You want to get to know our country,
you are strangers here
we - and he looks at the woman at his side -
would like to be your companions for the time to come. "

The words, spoken in a calm and friendly manner
have a relaxing effect on Nino and Nina.

Nino is the first to compose himself.
A little hesitant and a little bumpy, he says:
"You will understand our surprise.
But we really had the intention
to get to know your country.
You understand,
we are astonished to find people here
who also speak our language "

Following an inner inspiration
- they rise - look at each other -
- slowly walk towards each other -
- shake hands -
And suddenly everything is familiar.
The last trace of anxiety falls away from Nino and Nina.
A feeling of deep relief and joy takes hold of them.

"Well, let's go," says the man cheerfully.
and smiles encouragingly at the two.

Under a wide blue sky
they walk into a large - green - flowering plain.


View from Geisingberg 824m

And so they descend
into the wide plain spreading out before their eyes:
On the left the young man - next to him Nina,
then Nino - and on the far right the young woman.

....it is quiet....

It's easy.
Strangely, they don't break a sweat.
Also the light
it is now from a sun - which shines clear and luminous
but not at all hot from a blue sky.
Or is it somehow coming from below the ground

After a short hike they come to a small valley.
On the side a green wall with countless white flowers.


Hiking into the plain

The young man looks at the two of them in a cheerful and friendly way.
"I think " he begins " we should introduce ourselves to each other - without names.
- without names - that's difficult.

So - my name is Leon and my companion Leoni. "
" And my name is Nino and my sister Nina. "
" Very well - then we can call each other by our names from now on. "

Nino takes heart.
After all, you have to start with something - and he thinks:
"Leon - that means lion in our country -
- and they say this animal is the king of beasts".
" I know " says Leon " I even know what he looks like. "
"Oh " Nino gasps " How do you know that?
if you don't mind me asking? "


Dresden Zoo - Lion

Photos and text by Albert Jäger
The picture "View of a new country"
"Welcome" by Heidrun Müller

Horizons - Dream or Reality
- 2 - Leon and Leoni talk about their lives eo - en - fr

Translated with www.deepl.com/Translator (free version)