
Curved lettings at the unconvinced angles where spiralling
out of utter rooms should be able if the ribbon cut daylight
allows each of us to turn that this is the essence as it worms
Out from the shell the white cratered bone littered archway
ducked under the stone lintel feel the cool dank welcoming
preserved balanced placed all effort gone and replaced
Any gaunt attitude any tic any chain by chance process
that happened this pilgrimage minute divided by minute
subdivided and the installation continuing without end
None of us but that eluded was the situation unsituated
mattering to our spirits as we bent into the enlargement
we found or had made and forgotten for red shoes coat
Dress stick reflective underwear grinning mask blue hat
and garters for effect before that sinking softly backwards
where we lay and opened ceding the practical dimensions
To the first sail on the horizon