Ullage grace estimate and one of the narrow surfaces this
halfway unmanageable level if before so after as we stated
long away such fields pray to fall fall to that swinging open
As heard intently in as chivvied with care arranged upper
and lower the thin and grazed skin dried in the cold water
it was so it was perfect having no alternative but to seem
As if there there and again the ground rising into a different
answer brought in and accepted which dropped into rapid
eye wing car cup trinket clutter tent skin ceiling persuasion
Memorial dregs tastes old lozenges with notes of spoiled
umbrage perhaps sticky arms pitted young as you do feel
at this statement place or fermenting preparation close to
Depletion our sources our server our nexus allowed this air
to fuse with this leakage upon this malleable substance
made less lacking refinement here just the grey organza
Long garment in the back of the piles of cardboard boxes
accumulated while sleeping in sand filled and gravelly your
pressed cheek for years looking down to measure the state
And extent depth and colourless doubt decayed concern
laughed wishes latent changes of position relative to any
other stage in the distilling process in the course of your
Long fermentation