Howard Somerville's most appreciated articles

  • My Meccano and Me

    - 5 favorites
    For boys born before 1960, Meccano was as memorable a part of childhood as school or Christmas. Invented in 1901 by Frank Hornby, and produced in Liverpool for over 70 years, it is said to have engendered generations of engineers, the very backbone of Britain’s industrial greatness. The Meccano Guild, open to boys across the Empire, rivalled the Scout movement in promoting clean living and wholesome pursuits, Meccano in particular. In its heyday in the 1930’s, the company had agencies in 36 c…

  • Ethel - the Car I Always Wanted

    - 2 favorites
    “Never meet your heroes” is what they say. As a young man I had two – the Jaguar E-type (naturally) and the 7-litre, Frua-bodied AC428. Of the latter, only 79 were ever made and, unlike the E-type, the 428 was and remains little-known. Every year I went to the Motor Show at Earl’s Court to worship both of them, and arriving at their respective stands I would almost fall to my knees. I fantasised about speeding along The Hog’s Back in one or the other in a state of euphoria, but never in real…