Lately, I can’t help but notice how standards are slipping. One day recently we had a male customer, and I swear he was wearing his pyjamas under a sweatshirt. I’ve never seen men’s trousers like these anyway! Where I used to live, the large supermarket had a sign outside, that if wearing pyjamas, or unsuitable attire, then entry will be refused. We should do that here! Another day I saw a different customer and couldn’t work out what pattern was on her clothes until I got closer and could see her clothes were covered in paint. I presume she was taking a break from painting to pick up a little shopping, but wouldn’t you change into something clean? I know I would. Occasionally we have workmen in too, and they’re often filthy. I know shops need the business, especially of late, but some standards should be adhered to. And don’t even get me started on how many people smell lately. Has there been a shortage of soap and/or deodorant and I missed it? LMAO. Both are cheap! It makes me seriously wonder if some people simply can’t be bothered keeping clean or wearing clean clothes lately. Imagine if we did that!

Lack of manners is another bugbear of mine. This week, I moved my trolley out of the way of a wheelchair user and he got quite cross and very short with me. I always move my large trolley out of the way of customers, he wasn’t receiving specialist treatment, but it clearly irritated him. We have a few regulars who are disabled and they’re very pleasant and always polite, but this man… I shall avoid him in future.

Something else that irritates me is that twice this week, whilst I was getting a few things to buy and take home, customers have asked me to help them. It should be obvious I’m doing shopping for myself, and this means I’m no longer on the clock! We don’t simply skip our duties to buy stuff, we’re not being paid. I always try and be helpful, but it is annoying. The only time I wouldn’t help a customer was one time I was scanning my own groceries, and he told me as he passed to another till that he’d need me to help him. I advised him that I was no longer on the clock, and that he’d have to ask the colleague who oversaw the self-service tills as I’m not trained on them. Have a heart people; we have a home to go to, and our own lives. To this end, if I’m doing a big shop for myself after I’ve clocked off, I’ll often change into a different blouse so that it’s not obvious that I work there. Mind you, even in Lidl the other day somebody asked me to help them until she noticed I had the ‘wrong’ uniform on. I must have that kind of face! LMAO

I worked extra on Sunday, again, and it’s a bank holiday coming up, the last one until Christmas, and I’d heard some people were being asked if they could work. I wasn’t asked, though did see the manager and I offered to work that day, and he’s accepted. Nice! The extra shift will add to the coffers, and of course I’ll get paid extra because it’s a holiday. I’ll still have one day off that week, so I’ll make the most of that day lol.

We had a gloriously sunny day on Thursday, and I got 2 loads of washing dried outside, then come Friday, it was back to overcast weather and dull skies. Since then, we’ve had sunny spells, but nothing worth hanging laundry out for. It was nice while it lasted. Sighs…