Today, Friday, I turned 60. I admit I was a tad apprehensive; the big birthdays are sometimes fraught, however it turned out to be a good day, a very good day. My son bought me a bottle of Remy Martin cognac. When I was working, I was fortunate enough to be sent overseas no less than 3 times many decades ago. Only for a weekend jaunt, however each time, I would come back with as much duty free as was legal and affordable. I‘ve not had Remy Martin in decades, so this was a lovely treat. My good friend Gracie sent me a bottle of whisky, many thanks for that, and my friend in Wales, unexpectedly, sent me a lovely bouquet of flowers. I have a Birthday voucher from the supermarket I frequent for a bar of chocolate, so I’ll cash that in within the next few days. I bought a lottery scratch card and won £5, then another £5, then another… I won 5 prizes of £5 on the same card totalling £25. I’ve never had a scratch card like it. So, alcohol, flowers, chocolate, and money too, and of course, Birthday cards. I made us BBQ ribs, along with a little ‘fried’ chicken, and some cheesy fries partnered with a bottle of prosecco. A very nice Birthday indeed. Thanks for Birthday messages left on my page.

Have a lovely weekend.