Ok, I’ll start by making a ‘sweeping generalisation’ here, in that woman, mostly, are more fussy than men about their hair and who cuts it. I’ve lived here 15 months now, and in that time, I’ve had 3 haircuts which I think is a record, at least in recent times. The first hairdresser, whilst a very good price, left one side of my hair longer than the other; it annoyed me to the point that I took a pair of scissors and cut the longer side to match the other shorter side. I then tried a different hairdresser who was a tad more expensive, did a nice job, but didn’t cut it as short as I wanted. I went back to hairdresser number 2 this week, for another cut as it’s grown too much and was annoying me. I wanted an inch and a half off the length, and my fringe shortened. Well, if she cut that much off, I’m a monkey’s uncle! I asked her twice to shorten the fringe, and it’s still longer than I’d like. Her teenaged daughter was also in the shop who insisted on showing me some videos of herself. When did we all become such narcissists? She delayed me slightly by chatting with another customer. Then took a parcel in. Then answered 3 phone calls. Played Ariane Grande on the radio and talked non-stop! All I wanted was a bit of peace and quiet and a freaking decent haircut! I doubt I’ll go back to her, unless there is literally no other hairdresser in the town.

The best hairdresser I ever had was a Scottish man in a very popular hairdressers in Cardiff (capital city of Wales). He spoke little, and always cut my hair how I asked him to. I used to go every other month as it was long back then, grew quickly, and needed a good trim, frequently, to keep it manageable. I was bereft when he left. After him was a woman who was determined to cut my hair short, anathema to me back then. I then went to a different hairdresser and was ‘treated’ to scratches on my neck from the stylist’s over-long fingernails. After she’d knocked my head for the third time with the hairdryer, I told her to stop, made a complaint to management, and left with half-dried hair. Now, I never have my hair blow-dried. I don’t like it anyway, and like it even less being charged so much to have it done.

As I’ve grown older, my hair is thinner – I’m sure it’s falling out faster than it’s growing! It’s greyer but I don’t want to have it dyed, and I like to wear it shorter. I lack the courage to have it as short as Gracie and Jenny, though it does look great, and so easy to deal with. Maybe in time… For now, sitting on my collar would suffice, with some layers to give the illusion of ‘body.’ The hunt is on for a good hairdresser.

So, a blog of little consequence lol.

I’m off soon to spend a couple of days visiting my kid sister. I’m so looking forward to it as she always makes me laugh, we have fun, and I haven’t seen her in about a year. Fingers crossed for dry weather and well-behaved dogs.