Life is made up of moments: Moments when we’re troubled – when a loved one drops a bombshell. Moments when we’re ecstatically happy – the birth of a child. Moments when we’re sad – the death of a loved one. Moments when we’re blissful – when the world just is. Moments of anguish – a cross word at the wrong time. Moments of frustration – when people don’t do their job correctly. Moments when we’re content – cosied up in a chair with a warm drink, watching the world through the window. Moments of fun – I’ve lost sight of those moments.

We live our lives from moment to moment, sometimes not noticing; floating on the ebb and flow. Sometimes watching with crystal clarity; each moment a vivid recollection, evocative of feelings, memories, senses. The moments we remember are the ones that affect us the most, sometimes for the right reasons, sometimes for the wrong reasons but those moments stay with us.

Moments become our memories. Memories can be discarded if we don’t like them. They can be buried deep where no-one can find them, not even ourselves. Memories can be treasured, placed in a special box and put on a shelf to be looked at whenever we want to, metaphorically speaking. We choose who we share these moments and memories with. Sometimes they are private and special, sometimes we want the whole world to know or maybe just our close circle of friends.

I’m feeling contemplative.

Have a good weekend, and savour and cherish those moments and memories.