Jorge Lizárraga's groups

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Public groups in which Jorge Lizárraga is an administrator
8 groups in total

  • American Typologies

    American Typologies

    Created 11 years ago

    Inspired by the work of master photographers like Jeff Brouws and Robert Adams, this group is about showcasing photographs characterizing the contemporary American landscape and the elements therein. Here you can show your photographs of malls, fast-food chains, tract houses in suburban areas, motel (and other commercial) signage and (neglegted) commercial sites and businesses. Please read this before posting:

  • Americana


    Created 11 years ago

    Americana refers to artifacts, or a collection of artifacts, related to the history, geography, folklore, and cultural heritage of the United States. Many kinds of material fall within the definition of Americana: paintings, prints and drawings; license plates or entire vehicles, household objects, tools and weapons; flags, plaques and statues, and so on. Patriotism and nostalgia play a defining role in the subject. The things involved need not be old, but need to have the appropriate associati…



    Created 11 years ago

  • Auto-Anthropology


    Created 11 years ago

    This group is about the automobile in its social and historical context, it's not just about pictures of cars. We are looking for well crafted photographs and interesting compositions that capture some of the impact of the car on the human condition. Images in this group hope to capture the complicated relationship we have with the automobile and the resulting world we've created to accommodate it. Basically this group is about creative captures of the automobile and the environment in which i…

  • Cars Eater

    Cars Eater

    Created 11 years ago

    This groups name was inspired by the book 'CAR' written by Harry Crews about a man so in love with cars that he ate one. “Why would I want . . . to . . . eat . . . a . . . car?” Herman said the words very slowly as though he might be tasting them. ”I can tell you. The car is where we are in America.” He paused again and said slowly, “I’m going to eat a car because it’s there.” We all love cars here but I for one am not going to eat any

  • PDX - Portland

  • Rangefinder Photography

    Rangefinder Photography

    Created 15 years ago

    All photos taken with a rangefinder type camera. Leica, Contax, Yashica Electro, Ricoh 500 or 800 series, Olympus XA series, Soviet FED / Zorki etc. There are lots of others of course, any rangefinder photos are welcome!

  • Urban Landscape

    Urban Landscape

    Created 11 years ago

    Anything with buildings, houses, bridges, factories, well, you get the idea.....Man made, not nature!

Public groups in which Jorge Lizárraga is a moderator
1 group in total

Public groups in which Jorge Lizárraga is a member
74 groups in total