yxelle's groups

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Public groups in which yxelle is a member
126 groups in total

  • "All about shopping"

    "All about shopping"

    Created 9 years ago

    Discover the different ways of shopping, from small local traders to large supermarkets. Outside, inside, shop windows, etc. Markets, mobile vendors, etc.

  • Public Transport - Interior Views

    Public Transport - Interior Views

    Created 9 years ago

    Interior views from the inside of buses, coaches, trams, trains or aircraft etc., past or present. The idea is to give an insight of how good or bad it can be to travel on public transport anywhere in the world.

  • Buildings - Bâtiments - Edificios - Edifici - Gebäude - Edifícios - Gebouwen - Budynki

    Buildings - Bâtiments - Edificios - Edifici - Gebäude - Edifícios - Gebouwen - Budynki

    Created 17 years ago

    This group is dedicated to buildings, old,or new. The building should take up most of the photo, i.e. no special architectural details (https://www.test.ipernity.com/group/2301602). Religious buildings do not belong in this group. They have their own group : (https://www.test.ipernity.com/group/491523) . However, if this type of building appears in a group of buildings, it must not be the subject of the photo.

  • IPERNITY - Ambassador Images

    IPERNITY - Ambassador Images

    Created 4 years ago

    Group objective: The intention is to show images by our members that are particularly worth seeing and that represent the spectrum of their work in the greatest possible diversity. It is not a ‚best-of‘ group. ● Only group members can make proposals. ● Proposals must fulfil the group objective and be technically flawless. ● 1 proposal per week is possible. ● An editorial team decides on the acceptance. ● Max. 1 image per member + month will be accepted. Note: The limit only applies t…

  • Nature takes back

    Nature takes back

    Created 16 years ago

    We want to see here pictures showing how plants take back their place in a fully constructed and concreted world. For example, when a small birch tree grows from a gutter, or when thick tree roots break through asphalt. Wherever you see proof that nature is stronger than us.

  • words...mots...palavras...wörter...parole...palabras...слова...


    Created 16 years ago

    Publiez vos photos comprenant des mots, slogans, principes et phrases populaires autour du monde... Bonne participation et amusez-vous bien ! Publish photos with words, slogans, principles and phrases celebrated around the world... Welcome with your participation. Thank you!

  • Fenêtres, portes et façades /  Windows, doors and façades.

    Fenêtres, portes et façades / Windows, doors and façades.

    Created 14 years ago

    Trois éléments qui font bon ménage très souvent ! Three elements often matching together beautifully !



    Created 10 years ago

    Bridges and more bridges, but only bridges of any kind. Footbridges, pontoons, road bridges, maritime bridges, railway bridges, viaducts, aqueducts, drawbridges, etc... bridges!...



    Created 12 years ago

    Tout genre de machins à roues sans exception ! All kind of wheeled vehicles or things without any exception !

  • Vroom ! Vroom ! Vroom !

    Vroom ! Vroom ! Vroom !

    Created 12 years ago

    Cars, airplanes, motorcycles, trucks,..... all vehicles are welcome. Autos, avions, motos, camions.......tous genres de véhicules sont bienvenus.

  • Ombres & reflets / Shades & reflections

    Ombres & reflets / Shades & reflections

    Created 14 years ago

    A place where shades and reflections rule!

  • " All types of historical transportation   //  Tous les moyens de transport historiques ...

    " All types of historical transportation // Tous les moyens de transport historiques ...

    Created 9 years ago

    Nous souhaitons rassembler dans ce groupe des photos de qualité concernant tous les moyens de transport anciens, terrestres, aériens ou maritimes. Nous aimerions aussi, que dans un esprit de courtoisie et de convivialité entre les membres, chaque photo soit accompagnée des informations techniques ou historiques dont il dispose pour permettre de mieux l’apprécier. Nous souhaitons également que, par courtoisie envers les autres membres, chaque photo déposée soit accompagnée d’un commentaire sur u…

  • Transportation


    Created 17 years ago

    If you can ride it, fly it or drive it, IT belongs here. Trains, planes, automobiles, motor cycles, or skateboards. Basicly anything that moves a person from one place to another. The main subject of an image has to be some sort of transportation. If something other than a means of transportation is the main subject of a image it will be deleted. Temporary moderated. Don´t spam in the name of this group. Don´t add "Seen in...", "Admired in..." or something like this in your comments.…

  • Abstract architecture

    Abstract architecture

    Created 11 years ago

    In abstract architecture, the focus is on shapes, surfaces, lines and patterns. Abstract in meaning: reduced to shapes, surfaces, lines, patterns. The appeal of the photographs should lie in the beauty of simplicity, they should have no message, meaning or recognisability (of famous buildings). A section of a building, from the outside or inside, the size of the section does not matter. A spiral staircase is usually recognisable as a staircase, the image-defining motif should be the shape, the l…

  • Transport World

    Transport World

    Created 11 years ago

    The group for all transport photos. Car, motorcycle, truck, plane, bicycle, boat, train, pretty much anything you like, as long as there is some form of transport in the image. ( and the form of transport depicted is prominent in the image and the complete vehicle rather than extreme close ups of only parts of the vehicle ) Also please only pictures of the mode of transport AND NOT just pictures of transport infrastructure ) ALSO please no glamour shots where the mode of transport is s…

  • Publicité par affiches - Poster advertising - Poster advertising

    Publicité par affiches - Poster advertising - Poster advertising

    Created 3 years ago

    A group of photographs in which a communication medium of variable format that allows a message to be disseminated and attracts the attention of a particular audience is clearly identifiable. An advertising poster can consist of: verbal messages: text, slogan; visual messages: representation of a brand, product, etc. It can be a paper poster, a sign, wrought iron, illuminated....

  • Vos photos de choc sans discrimination / Tus fotos de choque indiscriminado

    Vos photos de choc sans discrimination / Tus fotos de choque indiscriminado

    Created 5 years ago

    J'ai été exclu du groupe " vos photos de choc " sans explication par un ou une des personnes qui administre. C'est pourquoi je crée ce groupe en riposte où la jalousie et la compétition enfantine ne sera pas au rendez-vous. Fui excluido del grupo "sus fotos de choque" sin explicación por una o las personas que administran. Es por eso que creo este grupo en respuesta donde los celos y la competencia infantil no estarán en la cita. I was anonymously booted out of the original group and this…



    Created 11 years ago

    Trains, planes and automobiles and all other forms of human transport :) . This is a family friendly group. The main object of the image needs to be the form of transport, images with provocative, partially nude or nude figures obscuring the form of transport will be deleted. Additionally, large expanses covered with graffiti is not normally acceptable (On Moderation after complaint)

  • Vitrine - Schaufenster - Store window - vetrina

    Vitrine - Schaufenster - Store window - vetrina

    Created 7 years ago

    Ins Schaufenster gesehen ... Schaufenster, Vitrinen und Auslagen mit Inhalt ... Seen in shop window ... Shop windows, showcases with contents _____________ Schaufenster mit sichtbaren Auslagen

  • All *** photographs in green  things - green must be dominant

    All *** photographs in green things - green must be dominant

    Created 9 years ago

    Bitte nur Fotos mit starkem grünen Anteil - Dinge, große oder kleine, in welchem der Hauptanteil grün ist BITTE KEINE nur WIESEN- WALD- oder nur -LANDSCHAFTEN-Fotos mehr! Denn dort ist alls von Natur aus grün. Engl.: Please only good photos with a strong green part - things, big or small, in which the main part is green. PLEASE DO NOT HAVE ONLY MEADOW- FOREST- or only LANDSCAPE photos more! Because there is all green by nature.