Wilm's groups

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Public groups in which Wilm is a member
79 groups in total

  • Museum Visit

    Museum Visit

    Created 10 years ago

    Toutes les photos prises dans un musée. Celles qu'on a faits en catimini et celles autorisées, les visiteurs, l'architecture, les oeuvres, l'ambiance d'un musée........ Bienvenus !

  • Food


    Created 17 years ago

    good food for healthy body and mind

  • La ville en N&B B&W

    La ville en N&B B&W

    Created 15 years ago

    Bienvenue à vous, le noir et blanc uniquement pour toutes sortes de scènes de rue, parcs, manifestations divers et variées, photos de détails, d'architecture, d'animaux des villes, marchés, portraits, bars.... à vous de jouer...

  • Tiere - Animals

    Tiere - Animals

    Created 17 years ago

    zeigt bitte nur Tierfotos aller Art show any Fotos with Animals

  • Fruit and Vegetable

    Fruit and Vegetable

    Created 17 years ago

    For all produce of nature. There are groups for blossoms and leaves. This is the place to collect pictures of fruits and vegetables.

  • Architectural details

    Architectural details

    Created 13 years ago

    Dettagli architettonici di un edificio o monumento, Architectural details, details and parts of buildings or monuments Les détails architecturaux, des parties de bâtiments ou de monuments Detalles arquitectónicos, partes de edificios o monumentos

  • Clouds-Wolken

  • Germany


    Created 17 years ago

    This group represents all content related to Germany. Deutschland - Germany - Allemagne - Alemania - Tyskland Other Germany-related groups: Baden-Württemberg : Freiburg i. Br.: www.ipernity.com/group/25328 Heidelberg: www.ipernity.com/group/heidelberg Heilbronn: www.ipernity.com/group/25770 Stuttgart: www.ipernity.com/group/stuttgart ... Bayern : Erlangen: www.ipernity.com/group/erlangen Franken: www.ipern…

  • Pentax


    Created 16 years ago

    All photos taken with a Pentax camera are welcome.

  • Necropolis


    Created 16 years ago

    Cemeteries, graves, gravestones... anything to do with this subject matter will be accepted. Please no nudity (I shudder to think how this might come about) unless it is a sculpture or statue. Have fun... but not too much...this is a cemetery group after all. And, if so inclined... please leave comments for other members. Thanks everyone!

  • All About Water

    All About Water

    Created 11 years ago

    This is a group for pictures of bodies of water around the world. The water must be the focus of the picture.

  • Schwarzweiss-Fotografie


    Created 11 years ago

    Willkommen bei der ipernity Schwarzweiss-Fotografie-Gruppe. Sie ist gedacht für alle die Bilder in Schwarzweiss mögen. Nicht erlaubt sind Farbbilder, Pornografische sowie Gewalt verherrlichende Bilder, die werden natürlich gelöscht.

  • Serious Compacts on Ipernity

    Serious Compacts on Ipernity

    Created 10 years ago

    This is the group for Serious Compacts on Ipernity. It is set up by and for members of the Serious Compacts Forum www.seriouscompacts.com to share and display their photos on Ipernity. What is a "Serious Compact"? We define it as follows: If a camera appeals to you because its size is smaller than some other type of kit, then it is "compact" enough for us. Examples of gear which fit in at SeriousCompacts.com: - All mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras (EVIL, ILC, digital rangefinder,…

  • Im Wald - At forest

    Im Wald - At forest

    Created 17 years ago

    Images wich show us how nice is the forest. Sensual images, coulourful images, trees, mushrooms, animals... all that you find during a walk.

  • Cemetery


    Created 17 years ago

    The Group for all cemetery-pics. Please tag your pics with the name of the city, thank You!

  • France


    Created 17 years ago

    To capture images of the people, buildings, architecture, landscapes,scenery and culture that makes France such a wonderful place. Please can the photos showcase France.

  • prime mono gallery (invite only)

    prime mono gallery (invite only)

    Created 11 years ago

    * an exclusive invitation/curator acceptance gallery to showcase prime images in black and white/monochrome * please feel free to comment on other entries * limited invitations each week * you may offer an entry, but if it is refused space in the gallery please don't give up. keep trying perhaps with a different photo! * photography exhibition list updated each month ------------------------------------------ seen and admired in www.ipernity.com/group/primemono prime mono gallery -------…

  • Square - Carré - Quadrat

    Square - Carré - Quadrat

    Created 17 years ago

    Please post only square format images here. It doesen't matter what the image is about. A square is a regular polygon with four sides each the same size. -------- Seulement les images carrées . Le Motif a un rôle mineur. -------- Bitte nur Bilder einstellen, die quadratisch sind.

  • Rotterdam


    Created 17 years ago

    Sights and sounds of Rotterdam alias "Rotjeknor" alias "Maasstad" alias "Manhattan aan de Maas" alias "City of Architecture 2007"...