Fotografía callejera y espontanea.
La filosofía del grupo va orientada a la recopilación de imágenes que capturen la realidad de una forma espontanea.
No se trata en absoluto de un tipo de fotografías de carácter novedoso. La fotografía callejera se viene realizando desde siempre, y consiste en registrar imágenes de gente en lugares públicos, en la calle, bares, plazas, playas o haciendo cola para adquirir el ultimo cachivache tecnológico.
En este estilo fotográfico y en e…
Photos from wonderful Patagonia, landscapes, villages, people, animals, everything that is characteristic of the far south! Images from Tierra del Fuego are also welcome.
With the most recent international climate change conference finished, at the least climate change is receiving more (if still insufficient) attention from world governments. If you feel you need more information on climate issues, check the link below from NASA.
The purpose of this group is to record the events and changes in our environment that accord with the consequences of climate change. Subjects like fires, floods, dust storms, melting ice, wild storm waves and other extreme weather…
1. This group welcomes all kinds of photos and images. Normally, the only ones disallowed will be those depicting sexual acts and sexual arousal. The promotion of hatred and violence will not be tolerated but the exposure of such undesirable elements in our world will be.
2. It is a general group without any codes. It is being created simply for all on Ipernity to enjoy each other's work.
3.It does not bar the use of the words "Seen in" as taboo words but certainly doesn't encourage them.
Couleur ou N&B, vos plus belles photos de voyages sont acceptées après validation. Je suis obligé de filtrer car les consignes des groupes libres, ne sont pas toujours respectées. Pas de photos animalières en gros plan, sauf si elles sont contextualisées.
IMPORTANT : toute photo doit comporter une légende indiquant le lieu de la prise de vue. Au moins le pays. Elles doivent également présenter un minimum de qualité. Les photos qui ne respecteront pas ces pré-requis seront refusées. Merci de vot…
Public groups in which Diana Australis is a member
Das Besondere aus der Natur ; Von Makro bis zur Landschaftsfotografie !
The special feature of nature; From macro to landscape photography!
La particularité de la nature; Depuis la photographie macro au paysage!
La particolarità della natura; Dal macro per fotografia di paesaggio!
Faire partager ses collections d'affiches et affichettes
pancartes et écriteaux.... Posters, banners and signs.
Share your poster collections signs and billboards.
Condividete le vostre collezioni di poster insegne e cartelloni.
Ihre sammlungen von postern und kleinplakaten mit anderen teilen. Plakate und schilder.
Partilhe as suas colecções de cartazes cartazes e painéis publicitários.
Comparta sus colecciones de carteles carteles y vallas publicitarias.
Deel je postercollecties borden en…
All sorts of animals, whether cuddly or creepy.
Post the best shots of your pet, wildlife photos or macros of insects, spiders and other tiny critters.
This group is for pictures of animals in their natural environment.
No buildings or people.
No black and white.
No dead, dying or stuffed animals.
No pets.
The animals must be in their natural surroundings. The only exception to the rule is if an animal is perched on something, such as a bird feeder.
Keep it clean - this is a family group
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Diana Australis is an administrator7 groups in total
Aesthetic landscape photography
Only accept excellent landscape photography.
Fotografia callejera. Street photography. Photographie de rue
ESPAÑOL: Fotografía callejera y espontanea. La filosofía del grupo va orientada a la recopilación de imágenes que capturen la realidad de una forma espontanea. No se trata en absoluto de un tipo de fotografías de carácter novedoso. La fotografía callejera se viene realizando desde siempre, y consiste en registrar imágenes de gente en lugares públicos, en la calle, bares, plazas, playas o haciendo cola para adquirir el ultimo cachivache tecnológico. En este estilo fotográfico y en e…
Mes Préférences à Moi
Your favorite photos among all those you come across as you walk through the Ipernity galleries!
Old Pros (Photos Without People)
A place for old flickr pros and new friends to post their photos and have fun.
Patagonia - Patagonien - Patagonie
Photos from wonderful Patagonia, landscapes, villages, people, animals, everything that is characteristic of the far south! Images from Tierra del Fuego are also welcome.
Planet Landscape
Schöne Landschaftsaufnahmen aus aller Welt .................... Landscape - Landscapes - Landschaften - Landschaft - Natur - Nature - Welt - World , Paysage , Paesaggio , Paisaje
The Street
shots of street life. did you know that there are enough empty houses on the market in america that every american citizen would have a place to live?
Public groups in which Diana Australis is a moderator5 groups in total
Climate Consequences
With the most recent international climate change conference finished, at the least climate change is receiving more (if still insufficient) attention from world governments. If you feel you need more information on climate issues, check the link below from NASA. The purpose of this group is to record the events and changes in our environment that accord with the consequences of climate change. Subjects like fires, floods, dust storms, melting ice, wild storm waves and other extreme weather…
Everyone's Photo Pool
1. This group welcomes all kinds of photos and images. Normally, the only ones disallowed will be those depicting sexual acts and sexual arousal. The promotion of hatred and violence will not be tolerated but the exposure of such undesirable elements in our world will be. 2. It is a general group without any codes. It is being created simply for all on Ipernity to enjoy each other's work. 3.It does not bar the use of the words "Seen in" as taboo words but certainly doesn't encourage them. 4.…
India भारत
To capture images of the people, buildings, architecture, landscapes and scenery that makes India such a wonderful place
La Boca
This group accepts * Audios, Videos. photos of people, sexy or not, flowers,animals,everything enjoyed *_* J***
Travel photos/Photos de voyage
Couleur ou N&B, vos plus belles photos de voyages sont acceptées après validation. Je suis obligé de filtrer car les consignes des groupes libres, ne sont pas toujours respectées. Pas de photos animalières en gros plan, sauf si elles sont contextualisées. IMPORTANT : toute photo doit comporter une légende indiquant le lieu de la prise de vue. Au moins le pays. Elles doivent également présenter un minimum de qualité. Les photos qui ne respecteront pas ces pré-requis seront refusées. Merci de vot…
Public groups in which Diana Australis is a member59 groups in total
" Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica " Das Besondere aus der Natur ; Von Makro bis zur Landschaftsfotografie ! The special feature of nature; From macro to landscape photography! La particularité de la nature; Depuis la photographie macro au paysage! La particolarità della natura; Dal macro per fotografia di paesaggio!
(Afrasteringen) Fences
afrasteringen---metaal-steen-hout-kunststof (Geen hagen)
: Affiches, affichettes, pancartes et écriteaux.... Posters, banners and signs.
Faire partager ses collections d'affiches et affichettes pancartes et écriteaux.... Posters, banners and signs. Share your poster collections signs and billboards. Condividete le vostre collezioni di poster insegne e cartelloni. Ihre sammlungen von postern und kleinplakaten mit anderen teilen. Plakate und schilder. Partilhe as suas colecções de cartazes cartazes e painéis publicitários. Comparta sus colecciones de carteles carteles y vallas publicitarias. Deel je postercollecties borden en…
empty buildings, space left alone
Animal Photos
All sorts of animals, whether cuddly or creepy. Post the best shots of your pet, wildlife photos or macros of insects, spiders and other tiny critters.
Animal Portraits
In this group, the faces or heads of animals shall be presented. Please do not show whole animals! (There are other groups for this.)
Animals in the Wild
This group is for pictures of animals in their natural environment. No buildings or people. No black and white. No dead, dying or stuffed animals. No pets. The animals must be in their natural surroundings. The only exception to the rule is if an animal is perched on something, such as a bird feeder. Keep it clean - this is a family group
Animals of the world
Become a GEO Reporter and publish your pictures of animals of the world.