Traditional music (works and instruments) imposes itself from generation to generation as a regional and national culture and an intangible heritage providing communities and groups with a sense of identity, excellence and distinction, and an essential criterion for cultural diversity and human creativity.
Photos of anything related to easter
Please add as many easter related photos as you can!... get it?... CAN!... nevermind.
Ostern easterbunny Osterhase Easter Egg Eier Ostereier Osterfeier Happy Bunny Hase Osterfeuer Osterfeier Brauchtum pasqua pâques Happy egg eggs eier Пасха
Uniquement des portraits de personnes ou d'animaux, en gros plan,photos N&B ou couleur, dessins ou peintures, travaillés digitalement ou pas.
Only portraits (in close-up )of people, animals, B&W, colour,design or painting,digitaly worked or not.
Faire partager ses collections d'affiches et affichettes
pancartes et écriteaux.... Posters, banners and signs.
Share your poster collections signs and billboards.
Condividete le vostre collezioni di poster insegne e cartelloni.
Ihre sammlungen von postern und kleinplakaten mit anderen teilen. Plakate und schilder.
Partilhe as suas colecções de cartazes cartazes e painéis publicitários.
Comparta sus colecciones de carteles carteles y vallas publicitarias.
Deel je postercollecties borden en…
Photographs of architecture in France, contemporary architecture, old or heritage.
This group proposes to gather photographs of architecture. Is to say of detail, of a building, of a street, of a village or a city interesting from the architectural point of view. There is no definite period. One can go from oldest to most modern but we only accept quality architectures.
Every kind of bells. The subjet must be visible. The church towers are accepted if the bell is not too far away and too small. Follow the first photos for example. Let's ring your finds! Thank you ;o)
All photos of fruit or vegetables, edible or not, only, in any form, even creative accepted...We reserve the right to delete anything that is not suitable...No characters, or animals♫
I am the creator of this group! Revisited photos accepted as long as they respect the theme♫
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Public groups in which Alain Raffin is an administrator6 groups in total
Biotop - Etang
Photos d'étangs, de biotops et de leurs habitants
Cordophone Musical Instruments
Traditional music (works and instruments) imposes itself from generation to generation as a regional and national culture and an intangible heritage providing communities and groups with a sense of identity, excellence and distinction, and an essential criterion for cultural diversity and human creativity.
Le but de ce groupe est de voir l'évolution de ce chantier au fil des années, à travers les documents des ipernitiens.
Photos of anything related to easter Please add as many easter related photos as you can!... get it?... CAN!... nevermind. Ostern easterbunny Osterhase Easter Egg Eier Ostereier Osterfeier Happy Bunny Hase Osterfeuer Osterfeier Brauchtum pasqua pâques Happy egg eggs eier Пасха
Vendée (85 France) Tag vendée
Mettre en commun vos photos de la vendée ... quand vous postez dans ce groupe mettre le tag vendée .
voyages dans les iles du monde
tout cliché pris dans les iles à travers le monde
Public groups in which Alain Raffin is a moderator1 group in total
Orgue, organ, Orgel, organo...
Toutes les photos d'orgues Photos of all sorts of organs.
Public groups in which Alain Raffin is a member34 groups in total
"Portraits de rêve, Portraits of dream, Ritratti da sogno, Traumporträts, Retratos de sueños
Uniquement des portraits de personnes ou d'animaux, en gros plan,photos N&B ou couleur, dessins ou peintures, travaillés digitalement ou pas. Only portraits (in close-up )of people, animals, B&W, colour,design or painting,digitaly worked or not.
: Affiches, affichettes, pancartes et écriteaux.... Posters, banners and signs.
Faire partager ses collections d'affiches et affichettes pancartes et écriteaux.... Posters, banners and signs. Share your poster collections signs and billboards. Condividete le vostre collezioni di poster insegne e cartelloni. Ihre sammlungen von postern und kleinplakaten mit anderen teilen. Plakate und schilder. Partilhe as suas colecções de cartazes cartazes e painéis publicitários. Comparta sus colecciones de carteles carteles y vallas publicitarias. Deel je postercollecties borden en…
Architecture in France
Photographs of architecture in France, contemporary architecture, old or heritage. This group proposes to gather photographs of architecture. Is to say of detail, of a building, of a street, of a village or a city interesting from the architectural point of view. There is no definite period. One can go from oldest to most modern but we only accept quality architectures.
Art by street- lampe
Lampioni di tutto il mondo che illuminano strade e piazze
Barges or canals
Shots of barges or canal only
Every kind of bells. The subjet must be visible. The church towers are accepted if the bell is not too far away and too small. Follow the first photos for example. Let's ring your finds! Thank you ;o)
Butterflies of the World
Photos of butterflies from all over the world, in large format and good quality if possible!
rassembler de belles photos de clochers de nos villes et nos villages et éventuellement d'autres pays. attention, Clocher ne veut pas dire église,
Eglises de France
photos des églises françaises, pas d' abbayes, pas de ruines, pas de temples, seulement les églises chrétiennes et en France et les vues d ' ensemble
les escaliers inspirent beaucoup de photographes, pourquoi pas les regrouper!
Fleurs, fruits, légumes et jardins by Hasty Flag
Déposez vos plus belles photos de fruits, de fleurs, de légumes, et de jardins.....
Fruit and vegetables
All photos of fruit or vegetables, edible or not, only, in any form, even creative accepted...We reserve the right to delete anything that is not suitable...No characters, or animals♫ I am the creator of this group! Revisited photos accepted as long as they respect the theme♫
This is a group for mushrooms all over the world. There is a separate group for ‘Lichens’: Mosses and Lichens