About Spo


If I woke up one morning as a great photographer, I would go back to bed. Nothing against photographers, let alone great ones, of course, but I've lost quite some of my beloved hobbies to work, and I don't want that happen to my pho.. taking pictures.

I don't want to grab my camera to fullfil a commission, I want to do it to capture interesting things that just bump into my way, things that have this something in them, this hidden meaning so special that the eye may not see it at all first.

I carry camera with me all times everywhere but not at work. And I don't mean a cellphone either: I started with a kino sized SLR in the 70's, and even though I'm all numerique today, my light-sensitive parts still need to be kino sized. :-)

Please have a look at my favourite photos. Yes, some of them may be yours, but there's a lot more magnificient pictures in there! (I so wish I could create a group of them.)
I'm on Mastodon.


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Place of residence: Finland

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