photos of green plants. The occasional blossom should not prevent you from posting to this group, but this is not about flowers.
However, green leaves (even if belonging to a flower) are admissable.
“The clouds are like the thoughts, the daydreams, the nightmares of the sky. »
The troposphere is the area of the atmosphere in which cloud systems form. Clouds consist of fine water particles that are composed in the liquid state (droplet clouds) or in the solid state (ice or snow crystal clouds).
Beautiful Gardens arround the world, gardens arround castles, in cities and arround your home! In this group no single flowers please.
High quality photos of:
Outstanding scenery of your country
Plants and animals which are native only to your country
Traditional food or clothing of your country.
Places not normally seen in mass tourism
2 photos per week
Pictures of all kind of dogs :) Feel free to post 5 pictures a day, but don't forget to look at the other pictures and to write to them too :)
You can also visit our other group
The first cat group at Ipernity!
This is a international group for cat lovers.
Please feel free to post pictures of all kind of cats and all ages. From Kitten to Granny, we want them all!
5 pictures per day. Have fun! :)
Is it Art? Fortunately,tastes vary as much as interpretation.
I certainly know what Art is - as I am sure that you know as well.
To incite, to move, to express, to report, to share, to display, -Art is used for these purposes, and always there are other forms and uses. Art is what we say it is. Please hasten to add your Art to this group...
All sorts of animals, whether cuddly or creepy.
Post the best shots of your pet, wildlife photos or macros of insects, spiders and other tiny critters.
' TRAVELOGUE ' = an illustrated presentation about travels, places visited and traveler's experiences. Please post your favourite photos and videos from all over the world, not only where you traveled, but also where you live now, so we can virtually travel and visit the place ¡Gracias! Thanks! Merci! 感謝 !
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Public groups in which Eunice Perkins is a member357 groups in total
Parallel world / only puddles
Only puddles and their reflections.
Any gate, from farm gates, lychgates, garden gates any gate will do.
Im Wald - At forest
Images wich show us how nice is the forest. Sensual images, coulourful images, trees, mushrooms, animals... all that you find during a walk.
Rivers And Streams
To display the wonder of the Rivers and Streams from countryside setting to the ones running through busy towns.
Country roads
Any view along a rural road or lane.
photos of green plants. The occasional blossom should not prevent you from posting to this group, but this is not about flowers. However, green leaves (even if belonging to a flower) are admissable.
Clouds and Nebulosity of the atmosphere.
“The clouds are like the thoughts, the daydreams, the nightmares of the sky. » The troposphere is the area of the atmosphere in which cloud systems form. Clouds consist of fine water particles that are composed in the liquid state (droplet clouds) or in the solid state (ice or snow crystal clouds).
All About Water
This is a group for pictures of bodies of water around the world. The water must be the focus of the picture.
beautiful gardens
⚠️ ADMIN WANTED ⚠️ Beautiful Gardens arround the world, gardens arround castles, in cities and arround your home! In this group no single flowers please.
Any photos with a silhouette of something in it!!
Mein Land - My country - Mon pays - Mio paese - Meu país
SHOWCASING ALL THAT IS UNIQUE AND AMAZING IN YOUR COUNTRY High quality photos of: Outstanding scenery of your country Plants and animals which are native only to your country Traditional food or clothing of your country. Places not normally seen in mass tourism PHOTOS WHICH HIGHLIGHT UNIQUE THINGS ONLY TO BE SEEN IN YOUR COUNTRY AND NOWHERE ELSE. 2 photos per week
Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter
Here you can post pictures of all seasons!
Hunde - Dogs - Chien - Hundoj
Pictures of all kind of dogs :) Feel free to post 5 pictures a day, but don't forget to look at the other pictures and to write to them too :) You can also visit our other group
Flora&Fauna del mundo.
This group is dedicated to plαnts and animals worldwide.
Katzen - Cats - Chats - Gatos- Katoj - Katten
The first cat group at Ipernity! This is a international group for cat lovers. Please feel free to post pictures of all kind of cats and all ages. From Kitten to Granny, we want them all! 5 pictures per day. Have fun! :)
Art is Art
Is it Art? Fortunately,tastes vary as much as interpretation. I certainly know what Art is - as I am sure that you know as well. To incite, to move, to express, to report, to share, to display, -Art is used for these purposes, and always there are other forms and uses. Art is what we say it is. Please hasten to add your Art to this group...
Everything Nature
Anything and everything nature!
Animal Photos
All sorts of animals, whether cuddly or creepy. Post the best shots of your pet, wildlife photos or macros of insects, spiders and other tiny critters.
Très drôle Very funny ou humour noir
Grâce autant à la photo qu'à son titre et ses commentaires...
' TRAVELOGUE ' = an illustrated presentation about travels, places visited and traveler's experiences. Please post your favourite photos and videos from all over the world, not only where you traveled, but also where you live now, so we can virtually travel and visit the place ¡Gracias! Thanks! Merci! 感謝 !