About Ray Waring

From: Wirral, Cheshire, UK

I live in the beautiful village of Port Sunlight and luckily I am still fit, enjoying seeing the world, spoiling my family and doing what I like to do.
I am in my 70's , exercise on my bike and 'fair weather' walking.
My Mum is still alive in her 90's living at home so she is also my inspiration in life

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Occupation: Chemical Plant Technician(Retired)


Travel, taking the odd Photo, my garden, the cinema, my family, my partner. the world.........

Favorite music and artists:

From Beethoven to The Beatles and everything in between.

Too many Artists to name, everyone who makes Music is worth a listen

Favorite movies and actors:

Gee where would you start, I still go to the Cinema to watch a varied selection of films.

Favorite books and authors:

Mostly Crime fiction,