Polyrus' groups

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Public groups in which Polyrus is an administrator
12 groups in total

  • Architecture of Days Gone By

    Architecture of Days Gone By

    Created 11 years ago

    A group to display photos of mainly historical buildings which were created up to and including the 20th century. It would be appreciated if photos here could be accompanied by a short description giving location and a little history if known. Also please do not submit images of 21st century glass towers as they would not be appropriate to this group's theme. Optional Comment Code: Seen and admired in Architecture of Days Gone By www.ipernity.com/group/325907

  • Beautiful CARS

    Beautiful CARS

    Created 10 years ago

    Show your beautiful car pictures !

  • British Rail (Railways) - pre 1997

    British Rail (Railways) - pre 1997

    Created 11 years ago

    A place to exhibit any BR images taken prior to 1997 and not necessarily your own images as they could be from another family member. However, please ensure that you own the copyright of any image posted to this group. Limiting submissions to ones own photographs would essentially restrict the group to individuals who are long in the tooth, when there are so many interesting views out there and which may have been handed down the generations. However, please give credit to the original photogr…


  • Fence Friday (Not the Original)

    Fence Friday (Not the Original)

    Created 11 years ago

    Like snapping photos of fences on Friday? Tired of waiting long amounts of time in a queue? Feelings hurt by unnecessary rejection? THIS IS THE GROUP FOR YOU!

  • Gardens of England

    Gardens of England

    Created 11 years ago

    A showcase for all that's best about English gardens. They can be private or public, large or small, owned by the National Trust or English Heritage, they can be any kind of garden as long as they are in England and are beautiful to behold! Let us see your pictures of flower beds and lawns, herbaceous borders, general garden views, groups of tubs, anything that represents a typical English garden, but no flower close ups, please.

  • Hampshire -  UK

    Hampshire - UK

    Created 11 years ago

    All pictures showing Hampshire at its finest are welcome here.

  • Heritage Railways in the UK

    Heritage Railways in the UK

    Created 11 years ago

    To showcase quality images from the many Heritage Railways in the UK. Preferably showing a locomotive or an item of rolling stock, however good images of preserved railway buildings also appreciated here. Hopefully this group will also be the place to find preserved locomotives working the main line. Please accept the limit of four posts per day so that a wide variety of individual submissions can be seen. Also please to add a few details and if possible, geo-tag with the location. Any memb…

  • old PostCard's

    old PostCard's

    Created 15 years ago

    Bitte hier nur alte Post- oder Ansichtskarten vor 1970 einstellen.

  • Railway scrapyards

    Railway scrapyards

    Created 11 years ago

    Hopefully the title says it all...

  • Trains UK

    Trains UK

    Created 11 years ago

    For the purpose of this group a train consists of one locomotive or more, hauling or pushing at least one railway carriage or wagon. Administrators welcome!

  • Vintage Kodachrome & Kodachrome 64

    Vintage Kodachrome & Kodachrome 64

    Created 11 years ago

    This group aims to collect images taken with a historical or aesthetic content and showing the inimitable colo(u)rs of Kodachrome. Please try to tag your photos with relevant details including date, place and situation to further their historical and / or documentary. Maximum of 3 uploads per day in the hope of providing greater variety of themes and styles to the group. If you have a passion for Kodachrome, why not become an administrator for this group?

Public groups in which Polyrus is a moderator
2 groups in total

  • Churches and cathedrals through agnostic eyes

    Churches and cathedrals through agnostic eyes

    Created 11 years ago

    Many agnostics - and indeed atheists - are inspired by churches great and small, and enjoy taking photos of them. If you are among them, this Group could be for you.

  • The Expression-Express

    The Expression-Express

    Created 11 years ago

    Challenging, stimulating and quirky. Around tracks and stations. Off the beaten track. Focused on photographic insight, experience. Captured in images. Sometimes real glimpses of the railway. A touch eccentric and sometimes lighthearted. All around the track. Mostly carefree in search of surprise in the rhythm of everyday life. Dare to be surprised here? Here you are on the trail of challenge. Get on board the Image Express and join in!

Public groups in which Polyrus is a member
133 groups in total