Toutes les "images miroirs" sont les bienvenues, dans l'eau, miroirs, verre, fenêtres, vitrines, métal, etc ...
Alle " Spiegelbilder " sind willkommen , im Wasser , Spiegel , Glas , Fenster, Schaufenster , Metall usw ...
All "mirror images" are welcome, in the water, Mirrors, glass, windows, shop windows, metal etc ...
Tutte le "immagini dello specchio" sono i benvenuti, in acqua, specchi, vetro, finestre, vetrine, metallo ecc ...
Die spontane Fotografie , vornehmlich in S / W...
The spontaneous photography, mainly in B / W ...
La photographie spontanée, principalement en N / B...
La fotografia spontanea, principalmente in N / B ...
Das Besondere aus der Natur ; Von Makro bis zur Landschaftsfotografie !
The special feature of nature; From macro to landscape photography!
La particularité de la nature; Depuis la photographie macro au paysage!
La particolarità della natura; Dal macro per fotografia di paesaggio!
Toutes les images valorisant la culture, les traditions, l'humour, les villages et les villes de notre beau pays sont les bienvenues. Merci de préciser le lieu et le nom des sujets pour nos amis extérieurs à l'hexagone.
All the images valuing the culture, the traditions, the humor,the villages and the cities of our beautiful country are welcome. Thank you for specifying the place and the name of the subjects for our friends outer the hexagon.
In abstract architecture, the focus is on shapes, surfaces, lines and patterns.
Abstract in meaning: reduced to shapes, surfaces, lines, patterns.
The appeal of the photographs should lie in the beauty of simplicity, they should have no message, meaning or recognisability (of famous buildings).
A section of a building, from the outside or inside, the size of the section does not matter.
A spiral staircase is usually recognisable as a staircase, the image-defining motif should be the shape, the l…
This FRIENDLY group has been designated for the favorite high quality images of our dear Ipernity's
= AMIS = 朋友人 = FRIENDS = मित्रों = PRIJATELJI = all over the world! Please keep in mind that we're a 'family FRIENDLY' place. Show your respect and support to your =FRIENDS= by commenting on the minimum of TWO =2= DEUX other contributions in the pool. | Hvala | 謝謝 |Thank You | धन्यवाद | Merci |
Lassen Sie Ihrer Phantasie freien Lauf! Mehrere Elemente in einem Bild zusammen fügen...
Laissez libre cours à votre imagination! Plusieurs éléments dans une seule image collé ensemble ...
Let your imagination run wild! Several elements in a paste together image ...
Lasciate che la vostra fantasia! Diversi elementi in un'immagine pasta insieme ...
Do you like b l u e?
Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the blue colour!
Please post only pictures where b l u e is the dominating colour.
Thank blue.
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Natrixxl is an administrator1 group in total
Cucho B&W
Black and white photos only Bitte nur Schwarzweiß-Fotografie.
Public groups in which Natrixxl is a moderator2 groups in total
La Boca
This group accepts * Audios, Videos. photos of people, sexy or not, flowers,animals,everything enjoyed *_* J***
TAGues me mijn straat
"Tags me my street" "Tags me mijn straat" "Tagues moi ma rue" ... Tag / Graffiti
Public groups in which Natrixxl is a member115 groups in total
" - The Fantastic Monochromes - "
A Group only for black and white photos.
" 100 % MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio "
miroirs-mirrors.group.ipernity.com Toutes les "images miroirs" sont les bienvenues, dans l'eau, miroirs, verre, fenêtres, vitrines, métal, etc ... Alle " Spiegelbilder " sind willkommen , im Wasser , Spiegel , Glas , Fenster, Schaufenster , Metall usw ... All "mirror images" are welcome, in the water, Mirrors, glass, windows, shop windows, metal etc ... Tutte le "immagini dello specchio" sono i benvenuti, in acqua, specchi, vetro, finestre, vetrine, metallo ecc ...
" ALL about : Street@rt "
artstreet.group.ipernity.com Die spontane Fotografie , vornehmlich in S / W... The spontaneous photography, mainly in B / W ... La photographie spontanée, principalement en N / B... La fotografia spontanea, principalmente in N / B ...
" Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "
amazing-nature.group.ipernity.com Das Besondere aus der Natur ; Von Makro bis zur Landschaftsfotografie ! The special feature of nature; From macro to landscape photography! La particularité de la nature; Depuis la photographie macro au paysage! La particolarità della natura; Dal macro per fotografia di paesaggio!
" Ambiance et lumière - Stimmung und Licht - Atmosphere and light - Ambiente e la luce"
ambiance.lumiere.group.ipernity.com Faire découvrir l'ambiance crée par la lumière , naturelle , artificielle , brouillard , etc...
" Articles de chapellerie & de coiffe // Alle Arten von Kopfbedeckungen "
"100 % Relax" Relaxing moments...
Show moments of relaxation (with people or animals only).
Toutes les images valorisant la culture, les traditions, l'humour, les villages et les villes de notre beau pays sont les bienvenues. Merci de préciser le lieu et le nom des sujets pour nos amis extérieurs à l'hexagone. All the images valuing the culture, the traditions, the humor,the villages and the cities of our beautiful country are welcome. Thank you for specifying the place and the name of the subjects for our friends outer the hexagon.
Abstract architecture
In abstract architecture, the focus is on shapes, surfaces, lines and patterns. Abstract in meaning: reduced to shapes, surfaces, lines, patterns. The appeal of the photographs should lie in the beauty of simplicity, they should have no message, meaning or recognisability (of famous buildings). A section of a building, from the outside or inside, the size of the section does not matter. A spiral staircase is usually recognisable as a staircase, the image-defining motif should be the shape, the l…
Abstract Whores
Kinda crazy 'bout abstracts?
AMIS = मित्रों = FRIENDS = 朋友人 = PRIJATELJI
This FRIENDLY group has been designated for the favorite high quality images of our dear Ipernity's = AMIS = 朋友人 = FRIENDS = मित्रों = PRIJATELJI = all over the world! Please keep in mind that we're a 'family FRIENDLY' place. Show your respect and support to your =FRIENDS= by commenting on the minimum of TWO =2= DEUX other contributions in the pool. | Hvala | 謝謝 |Thank You | धन्यवाद | Merci |
Animals of the world
Become a GEO Reporter and publish your pictures of animals of the world.
> > > architecture > > > architektur > > > arquitectura > > >
architecture (2)
Please feel free to post any architecture picture you want :-)
Art Photo -phantasy // L' Art de Foto-Fantaisie // Art Photo -Fantasie
art-of-photo-sy.group.ipernity.com Lassen Sie Ihrer Phantasie freien Lauf! Mehrere Elemente in einem Bild zusammen fügen... Laissez libre cours à votre imagination! Plusieurs éléments dans une seule image collé ensemble ... Let your imagination run wild! Several elements in a paste together image ... Lasciate che la vostra fantasia! Diversi elementi in un'immagine pasta insieme ...
At the Waterside
seascapes and views of standing and flowing waters
b l u e
Do you like b l u e? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the blue colour! Please post only pictures where b l u e is the dominating colour. Thank blue.