About Jean-michel N club

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Favorite music and artists:

Yanni, André Gagnon, Jacques Michel, Jean Ferrat, Michel Fugain (du temps du Big Bazar), Simon and Garfunkel, Vangelis,
Space sessions by Chris Hadfield

Favorite movies and actors:

les séries documentaires de Ken Burns
Invictus by Clint Eastwood
Apollo 13 by Ron Howard
Selma by Ava duverney
To kill a mockingbird
le dictateur de Charlie Chaplin
Charriots of fire
le collier rouge

Favorite books and authors:

Tree, a life story by David Susuki.
The old man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway.
Smoky by Will James
Ce que les oiseux disent de nous de Noah Strycker
auteurs: Pierre Boule, Bill Bryson