mobycat's groups

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Public groups in which mobycat is an administrator
1 group in total

Public groups in which mobycat is a member
2 groups in total

  • Classic Cars International

    Classic Cars International

    Created 11 years ago

    To showcase all things of an old car nature be they beautifully restored classics or rusty old hulks. So the quality of the vehicle doesn't really matter, but that doesn't mean we're not fussy when it comes to the photographs. So let's see what you got, but bear in mind any low quality 'phone type snaps' will be deleted as will any that bring with them a trail of unnecessary 'spam' and that includes as far as this group is concerned 'flag counters', 'awards', 'flashing icons' and 'seen in' st…

  • Youngtimers


    Created 9 years ago

    This group is intended to showcase the cars that many of us grew up with towards the end of the 20th Century, which are increasingly being referred to as Youngtimers . These are the cars of the Seventies, Eighties and even the Nineties. The ones that are too young to be considered classics especially by the purists out there, but which are becoming an increasingly rare sight on our roads.