Show the photos taken with an ICM: either with a voluntary movement of the camera, or with a zoom effect; the result must be creative and artistic, of good quality.
No shocking photos
GROUP CLOSED! More on discussions.
The aim of this group was to enjoy a monthly competition and at the same time to support ipernity by winning new club members.
"Pareidolia" refers to the phenomenon of recognising supposed faces, familiar beings or objects in things and/or patterns.
Such "found faces" are not real faces of living people, animals or figures, but supposed "faces" that our imagination allows us to recognise in objects.
It is all about deception and illusion.
Als Pareidolie wird eine Sinnestäuschung bezeichnet, bei der ein tatsächlich vorhandenes Objekt um ein nicht vorhandenes ergänzt wird. So können beispielsweise Gesichter in ein Mu…
Photos en N/B tout sujets! S / W Fotos aller Art ! B / W photos of all kinds !B / W foto di tutti i tipi!
Pas d' images pornographiques! Merci ...Keine pornographische Darstellungen ! Danke ... No pornographic images! Thanks ...Non ci sono immagini pornografiche! Grazie ...
Sämtliche Drucksachen für die sie sich gerade interessieren : Bücher , Zeitungen , Zeitschriften , Magazine , Prospekte , Werbung , Flyer , Briefe usw...
KEINE Pornographie sowie anstössiges Material !!!
Tous les documents imprimés qui vous intéressent : les livres, les journaux, magazines, brochures, publicités, prospectus, lettres, etc .
PAS de pornographie ou de matériel offensant !!!
All printed materials for which they are just interested in books, new…
Découvrir toute la diversité de la photographie Macro .
Die gesamte Vielfalt der Makroaufnahmen entdecken.
Explore the whole range of macro shooting.
Esplora l'intera gamma di riprese macro.
Ab sofort nimmt unsere Gruppe neben den Uhren auch sämtliche historische Artikel aus dem , und um das Haus auf ( Ausser Motorisierte Fahrzeuge ! )
Danke für Ihr Verständnis ***
Dès à présent notre groupe acceptera , en dehors des montres et horloges , tout les objets historiques en relation avec un ménage ( suf véhicules motorisés ! )
Merci de votre compréhension ***
From now on our Group, in addition to watches and all items from the historical, and the house…
Pictures of small plants (flowers) growing on walls, in tarmac or on stony ground are very welcome here.
This is not about macros, but the flower should definitely be in the foreground and the ground should also be clearly recognisable.
This group features photography projects which are once-a-week submissions that follow a specific weekly theme. Previous project was Textures, and we are currently having a break in our projects. A new project will be announced in 2016, see you then! :)
Diese Gruppe beinhaltet Photografie-Projekte, die jede Woche ein eigenes Thema haben. Das letzte Projekt hieß: Gegensätze. Das neue Projekt hat "Texturen/Oberflächen" zum Thema und startet am 14. September. Das erste Thema wird "weich" sein. Jed…
Pictures with 30 ⭐ or more
See also the sister groups:
5+ Favourites
10+ Favourites
15+ Favourites
20+ Favourites
25+ Favourites
40+ Favourites
50+ Favourites
75+ Favourites
100+ Favourites
So that we are always well orientated on our trip through Germany, when viewing your wonderful photo, the location should be included in the image description or in the keyword or you can add a geotag to the image. That is the only rule in this group. And now have fun!
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Ko Hummel is an administrator3 groups in total
Images of Space, DSO and Solar System.
Maps as works of art.
Liebe - Love - Amore
Love Liebe Amore Whatever love is....
Public groups in which Ko Hummel is a moderator3 groups in total
Intentional Camera Moving- Photos with ICM
Show the photos taken with an ICM: either with a voluntary movement of the camera, or with a zoom effect; the result must be creative and artistic, of good quality. No shocking photos
ipernity FAQ work group
Work group organized to rewrite the FAQ for transfer to Please only comment in "Free discussion"
Win a Club Membership - CLOSED
⚠️ GROUP ARCHIVED ⚠️ GROUP CLOSED! More on discussions. The aim of this group was to enjoy a monthly competition and at the same time to support ipernity by winning new club members.
Public groups in which Ko Hummel is a member139 groups in total
"Pareidolia" refers to the phenomenon of recognising supposed faces, familiar beings or objects in things and/or patterns. Such "found faces" are not real faces of living people, animals or figures, but supposed "faces" that our imagination allows us to recognise in objects. It is all about deception and illusion. Als Pareidolie wird eine Sinnestäuschung bezeichnet, bei der ein tatsächlich vorhandenes Objekt um ein nicht vorhandenes ergänzt wird. So können beispielsweise Gesichter in ein Mu…
" Art - N.B. / Monochrom " Photos en N/B tout sujets! S / W Fotos aller Art ! B / W photos of all kinds !B / W foto di tutti i tipi! Pas d' images pornographiques! Merci ...Keine pornographische Darstellungen ! Danke ... No pornographic images! Thanks ...Non ci sono immagini pornografiche! Grazie ...
" 1:1 rat de bibliothèque - Leseratte -Bookworm... " Sämtliche Drucksachen für die sie sich gerade interessieren : Bücher , Zeitungen , Zeitschriften , Magazine , Prospekte , Werbung , Flyer , Briefe usw... KEINE Pornographie sowie anstössiges Material !!! Tous les documents imprimés qui vous intéressent : les livres, les journaux, magazines, brochures, publicités, prospectus, lettres, etc . PAS de pornographie ou de matériel offensant !!! All printed materials for which they are just interested in books, new…
"a mixed pixels presentation...."
Ihre persönlichen TOP - Favoriten ! Vos top - favoris personelles ! Your personal top - favorites! La vostra personale top - Favoriti!
" Ambiance et lumière - Stimmung und Licht - Atmosphere and light - Ambiente e la luce" Faire découvrir l'ambiance crée par la lumière , naturelle , artificielle , brouillard , etc...
" ART - 1A - Macro und Nahaufnahmen " Découvrir toute la diversité de la photographie Macro . Die gesamte Vielfalt der Makroaufnahmen entdecken. Explore the whole range of macro shooting. Esplora l'intera gamma di riprese macro.
" Cartes postales et photos historiques de partout dans le monde / Historische Postkarten und Photos aus aller Welt "
Documents des temps passés... Photos & Cartes postales ( Avant 1990 ) Dokumente längst vergangener Zeiten... Photos & Ansichtskarten ( VOR 1990 )
" Culture Touch - Kultur erleben " mpressions culturellement intéressantes du musée - concert - visites d'exposition; Marchés de l'artiste, etc ... Kulturell interessante Eindrücke aus Museumen - Konzerten - Ausstellungsbesuchen; Künstlermärkten; Denkmäler Industrie/Technik .. Culturally interesting impressions from the museum - concert - exhibition visits; Artist markets; monuments technology /industry ...
" Tempi passati " ... The nosy nostalgic group Ab sofort nimmt unsere Gruppe neben den Uhren auch sämtliche historische Artikel aus dem , und um das Haus auf ( Ausser Motorisierte Fahrzeuge ! ) Danke für Ihr Verständnis *** Dès à présent notre groupe acceptera , en dehors des montres et horloges , tout les objets historiques en relation avec un ménage ( suf véhicules motorisés ! ) Merci de votre compréhension *** From now on our Group, in addition to watches and all items from the historical, and the house…
Pictures of small plants (flowers) growing on walls, in tarmac or on stony ground are very welcome here. This is not about macros, but the flower should definitely be in the foreground and the ground should also be clearly recognisable.
0P3N.ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY : night sky, stars, planets, galaxies and the whole univers
This is an 0P3N sub-group. astrophotos and similar
10-Week Picture Projects: Taking A Time-Out :)
This group features photography projects which are once-a-week submissions that follow a specific weekly theme. Previous project was Textures, and we are currently having a break in our projects. A new project will be announced in 2016, see you then! :) Diese Gruppe beinhaltet Photografie-Projekte, die jede Woche ein eigenes Thema haben. Das letzte Projekt hieß: Gegensätze. Das neue Projekt hat "Texturen/Oberflächen" zum Thema und startet am 14. September. Das erste Thema wird "weich" sein. Jed…
30+ Favourites
Pictures with 30 ⭐ or more See also the sister groups: 5+ Favourites 10+ Favourites 15+ Favourites 20+ Favourites 25+ Favourites 40+ Favourites 50+ Favourites 75+ Favourites 100+ Favourites
A trip across Germany
So that we are always well orientated on our trip through Germany, when viewing your wonderful photo, the location should be included in the image description or in the keyword or you can add a geotag to the image. That is the only rule in this group. And now have fun!