ivanhoe's groups

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Public groups in which ivanhoe is a member
47 groups in total

  • beautiful photo's

    beautiful photo's

    Created 16 years ago

    beautiful photo's

  • Best of ipernity

    Best of ipernity

    Created 16 years ago

    The best on ipernity!

  • Smile... it looks good on you!

    Smile... it looks good on you!

    Created 17 years ago

    Welcome to Please read the rules at the end of this intro. This group is all about smiles... BIG beautiful infectious smiles! Pictures of you smiling! Pictures of your friends, family and loved ones smiling! Also feel free to post "silly" smiles...unconventional ones, because they too can make us SMILE!!! And that is the spirit of this group. Now, I should point out that, usually, when someone is having their photo taken they "smile for the camera" . These kind of phot…

  • Nikon Macro

    Nikon Macro

    Created 17 years ago

  • Square Format

    Square Format

    Created 17 years ago

    SQUARE Square photos taken with a square format camera. 6x6 square format rolleiflex, hasselblad etc. Almost square photos or square photos taken with a non-square format camera 600 type polaroids, cropped 35mm or digital, etc. Scans or compositions containing square photos. Polaroids scanned with the frame, dyptichs, mosaics of square photos etc...

  • Barcelona


    Created 17 years ago

    B arcelona related photographs and meetings. Related websites: http://www.bcn.es/ http://barcelona.photobloggers.org/

  • Rollfilm


    Created 17 years ago

    object of this group: rollfilm works / medium format photography. show us the cream of analog photography! to point out: work of 120 / 220 rolls or 127 rolls only!

  • Emotions


    Created 16 years ago

    Emotionen begleiten unser tägliches Leben ... Wut, Enttäuschung, Fröhlichkeit, Trauer, Freude, Liebe ect alles kann, wenn es nur Emotionen zeigt! Emotions

  • Sverige, Suede, Sweden, Suecia

    Sverige, Suede, Sweden, Suecia

    Created 17 years ago

    Photos and stories from Sweden

  • Autumn colours

    Autumn colours

    Created 15 years ago

    pictures, personal paintings,landscapes, connected wtih the variationof autumn colours . Be creative.

  • NATURE!!


    Created 17 years ago

    A group for all your nature images, it doesn't matter if it's your best shot or not, there are other boards for that. This is for those whose love of nature shines through from their heart and soul. No stress, no thinking too much, just enjoyment (NO LIMITS)

  • Night street photography with analog cameras

    Night street photography with analog cameras

    Created 17 years ago

    this is going to be fun... To comment: (Seen in Night street photography with analog cameras )

  • Camera Junkie (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)

    Camera Junkie (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)

    Created 17 years ago

    Pictures of cameras, lenses, tripods, exposure meters and other photography related equipment. Show the world how big a camera nerd you are.

  • Yellow Dominates

    Yellow Dominates

    Created 11 years ago

    Any photo where the color 'yellow' is dominate. This doesn't necessarily mean it takes up most of the image but, rather, it is the color that grabs your attention first or maybe it is the color of your subject. Images where the color yellow is only incidental will be removed. This does not indicate an inferior image, simply that it doesn't fit the theme of the group.

  • Grey


    Created 17 years ago

    The beautiful colour grey. No further restrictions, but please no black and white - photos (these will be deleted!). Some other colours on the photos are allowed as long as the beautiful GREY is the clearly dominant colour, because it deserves it! ;-)

  • Marvelous Macro Mania

    Marvelous Macro Mania

    Created 16 years ago

    Partage des superbes macros bien sûr ! ; S’il vous plaît n’hésitez pas à poster jusqu'à cinq images par jour de vos macros étonnantes. Toutes les macros vraies seront acceptés, mais s’il vous plaît, rien d’obscène. J’espère voir ce groupe être une source d’inspiration pour nous tous... Sharing marvelous macros of course! DUH! ; ) Please feel free to post up to three images a day of your amazing macros. Any and all true macros will be accepted but PLEASE nothing obscene. I hope to hav…

  • 4 Seasons - Fall

    4 Seasons - Fall

    Created 17 years ago

    A collection of all the images of autumn. If you feel like autumn with a picture of yours, this is the right place. Further groups: 4 Seasons - Spring 4 Seasons - Summer 4 Seasons - Winter

  • Catchy Colours

    Catchy Colours

    Created 17 years ago

    bright coulours, nice colours! anything goes, as long as it is bright and colourful! yellow, green, blue, red, purple, pink, orange -all the colours of the rainbow are welcome here :)

  • g r e e n

    g r e e n

    Created 17 years ago

    Do you like g r e e n ? Green is the colour between blue & yellow on the visible spectrum. In subtractive coluor systems, used in painting and color printing, it is created by a combination of yellow and cyan. In the RGB color model (used on TV & PC screens), it is one of the additive primary colours, along with red & blue, which are mixed in different combinations to create all other colours. By far the largest contributor to green in nature is chlorophyll, the chemical by which plants pho…

  • Celebration of Colour

    Celebration of Colour

    Created 17 years ago

    To share those exhilerating moments when COLOUR rules!!! Please add the best colourful shot from a batch of images... 20 images from different angles becomes a bit boring to viewers.. Please make your addition a CELEBRATION of colour ... Please comment on images that appeal to you. 4. No offense intended but images that administration feels do not meet the intent of the group "CELEBRATION of colour" will be removed.