Moderator's groups

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Public groups in which Moderator is an administrator
13 groups in total

Public groups in which Moderator is a moderator
1 group in total

Public groups in which Moderator is a member
35 groups in total

  • #matrix of present times

    #matrix of present times

    Created 15 years ago

    | Present here photos of || Futurism ||| Sci-fi |||| Innovation ||||| Utopia & dystopia

  • >>Pareidolia<<


    Created 9 years ago

    "Pareidolia" refers to the phenomenon of recognising supposed faces, familiar beings or objects in things and/or patterns. Such "found faces" are not real faces of living people, animals or figures, but supposed "faces" that our imagination allows us to recognise in objects. It is all about deception and illusion. Als Pareidolie wird eine Sinnestäuschung bezeichnet, bei der ein tatsächlich vorhandenes Objekt um ein nicht vorhandenes ergänzt wird. So können beispielsweise Gesichter in ein Mu…

  • 250+ visits

    250+ visits

    Created 16 years ago

    See also the sister group: 10+ visits 50+ visits 100+ visits 500+ visits 750+ visits 1000+ visits 2500+ visits 5000+ visits

  • Abandoned chairs and couches. - ARCHIVED

    Abandoned chairs and couches. - ARCHIVED

    Created 15 years ago

    This is for photos of chairs, sofas, couches, and other furniture that is used to sit on. These must be abandoned, and no longer wanted.

  • Architecture in Spain

    Architecture in Spain

    Created 15 years ago

    Photos of architecture in Spain, contemporary, old or historical architecture. The aim of this group is to bring together photos of architecture, i.e. details of a building, a street, a village or a town that are interesting from an architectural point of view. There is no time period. You can go from the oldest to the most modern buildings. It would be good to mention the name or geographical location of the photograph. The submitted images will be published without any review. Pictures that…

  • ART - Absolute TOP of  photography@ipernity - ARCHIVED

    ART - Absolute TOP of photography@ipernity - ARCHIVED

    Created 9 years ago Le haut de gamme de la photographie ! Only the finest photography ! Nur die allerfeinste Photographie ! Solo i migliori fotografia!