Günter Klaus' groups

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Public groups in which Günter Klaus is an administrator
7 groups in total

Public groups in which Günter Klaus is a moderator
8 groups in total

  • Blanc


    Created 16 years ago

    Weiß sollte das dominierende in deinem Foto sein. White as the dominant color in your photo, or as an unusual feature in your photo. Bianco come colore dominante nella foto, o come un oggetto insolito nella foto. Blanc comme couleur dominante ou caractéristique inhabituelle dans votre photo.

  • Crocus


    Created 4 years ago

    Crocus flowers of all colors and varieties and only crocuses. Thank you all and welcome!

  • Cucho B&W

    Cucho B&W

    Created 12 years ago

    Black and white photos only Bitte nur Schwarzweiß-Fotografie.

  • La nature

    La nature

    Created 14 years ago

    Vous pouvez déposer dans ce groupe toutes vos photos ayant un rapport avec la Nature. Les photos de personnes ne sont pas acceptées ici. Vous pouvez déposer au maximum trois photos par jour. Type de médias accepté : photos.

  • Mosses and lichens

    Mosses and lichens

    Created 2 years ago

    Images in which the moss or lichen is the main motif. (Naturally also combinations of both.) Preferably close-ups in good quality.

  • Only your best photos!!

    Only your best photos!!

    Created 4 years ago

    The purpose of the group is to have the maximum best Photos from you Gallery.

  • Pic-in-Pic - Welcome to the group...

    Pic-in-Pic - Welcome to the group...

    Created 9 years ago

    Here should be showed beautiful images rich in statement and images with detailed details to be displayed as an image in the image. Only a repetition of the main image is not in terms of these objectives. Completely without stress and voluntarily and without hunting pictures. Nakedness, porn, violence, etc. are excluded.

  • the pen and inkwell

    the pen and inkwell

    Created 8 years ago

    Image-related writing group. All your poems in classical or free verse, all prose texts, all writings of which you are the author that are related to an image. To make sure your text is seen by your readers, print it directly under the photo. If you'd rather promote an author you like, with one of their writings or thoughts, be sure to quote them and say a few words about them. If you find that your text is too long, print out part of it and add a link to read the rest in "Articles". Don't hesit…

Public groups in which Günter Klaus is a member
452 groups in total



    Created 16 years ago

    *** This group accepts only macro or close up flower photos *** Flower buds, or flowers with insects, fruits, seads are acceptable

  • # Diving, counter diving

    # Diving, counter diving

    Created 5 years ago

    Photos taken vertically or almost vertically, from below or above the object, with an interesting perspective All scales and black and white accepted Basic post-treatments accepted, but no artistic treatment or special effects. No shocking photos, no picture generated by AI

  • #matrix of present times

    #matrix of present times

    Created 15 years ago

    | Present here photos of || Futurism ||| Sci-fi |||| Innovation ||||| Utopia & dystopia

  • 'The Black & White'

    'The Black & White'

    Created 11 years ago

    The Black & White loves beautiful pictures and their members. Beautiful and friendly is The Black & White's watchwords. A single objective: TBW Visible use of 'hdr' will not be accepted. As well as software of image editings such Photoshop etc... Refused frame. Well, not always ;) but do not overdo them!. Panoramas accepted on the admin's recognizance. No selective color, please. > Free admission for the Moderators and Invitations. Or moderating validation. 3 contributions a day. Visit TBW.…

  • 'upside down'

    'upside down'

    Created 11 years ago

    Rotated Photos cells that have a surprising and / or confusing effect (perspective, sense of space, etc.). Please, no simple examples - these are immediately removed! The first photos may serve as examples. And now enjoy in 'upside down'!