Users helping users
Do you have problems at ipernity? Nothing in the help section? The team is busy?
Or did you find something out (even elsewhere), you want to share with other members?
Support ipernity and support the team in this group. A place to keep all the selfmade FAQs, HowTos, hints and help other members.
A place users can help users...
Pictures with, water, mirrors, anything with a reflection in it.
PLEASE post just a couple pictures at a time. If you post a bunch, you'll push other reflectors pics off of the 1st page and they won't get their moment to shine. ALSO, if you space it out, picture of yours will be at the top of the heap various times.
See, it's a win-win! :-)
tags: reflet miroitement mirroring spiegelung
.. a bench to sit on
.. fits at least two [2] people
.. made of any type material
.. old, new, memory benches
.. all around this World
.. there are places to sit and rest
.. so have your camera ready
.. benches are out there !
.. we would love to see what you find ~
Benches of the World Group
Faire partager ses collections d'affiches et affichettes
pancartes et écriteaux.... Posters, banners and signs.
Share your poster collections signs and billboards.
Condividete le vostre collezioni di poster insegne e cartelloni.
Ihre sammlungen von postern und kleinplakaten mit anderen teilen. Plakate und schilder.
Partilhe as suas colecções de cartazes cartazes e painéis publicitários.
Comparta sus colecciones de carteles carteles y vallas publicitarias.
Deel je postercollecties borden en…
In memory of Ukraine and out of solidarity with Ukraine, please put pictures here that reflect the colours of this country somewhere in themselves - whether deliberately or by chance. So everything that obviously contains blue and yellow.
For peace!
Let's explore walls.
Walls protect, walls limit.
Walls can be beautifully decorated, walls can be shockingly ugly.
There are great paintings on walls or fantastic flowers.
Walls are a substantial part of our history...
This group is for car enthusiasts to post images of Old Cars Spotted Out & About as opposed to those seen at car shows, runs or rallies etc.
Given how many different interpretations there are of what is and isn't a classic car, I'm using the phrase old cars and for the sake of this group defining it as anything built before the year 2000.
So, come on folks let's see what you've spotted.
Nous souhaitons rassembler dans ce groupe des photos de qualité concernant tous les moyens de transport anciens, terrestres, aériens ou maritimes.
Nous aimerions aussi, que dans un esprit de courtoisie et de convivialité entre les membres, chaque photo soit accompagnée des informations techniques ou historiques dont il dispose pour permettre de mieux l’apprécier. Nous souhaitons également que, par courtoisie envers les autres membres, chaque photo déposée soit accompagnée d’un commentaire sur u…
Please feel free to add your thoughts, memories and comments on these photo pages.
[Note: Discussions take place under the individual photos. If one has information about a member not mentioned here who has passed on, please contact the team directly through the Help & Contact link found at the bottom of every ipernity page.]
The use of tripods is popular in low light conditions, low depth of field or the precise determination of an image section.
Unfortunately, you often don't have a tripod available in these situations.
Here we want to show photos that have been taken in these situations in good quality without a tripod .
Hello everyone! This is a group to place photos of Railroad Crossings from around the globe. Any photos of Railroad crossings (roads crossing train tracks at grade) are game. Also highway signs showing a railroad crossing ahead are good too. Please try to not add general photos of trains without level crossings in the picture, there are many groups on flickr for different railroad photos.
All kind of photos except of the following: Erotic, fetish, violence or other adult oriented content.
Add a note to your picture to provide a magnified detail of your original image. This could be another shot, showing a closer view or another point of view as well.
SORRY, with the new Ipernity rules it only works for Club-Members!
Prepare two (or more) versions of your image: The complete view and a magnified detail. This detail should be up to a wide of 560 pixels.
Upload both pictures…
Celebrating the "Big things" in Australia.
The big things of Australia are a loosely related set of large structures or sculptures. There are estimated to be over 150 such objects around the country, the first being the Big Scotsman in Medindie, Adelaide, which was built in 1963.
Most big things began as tourist traps found along major roads between destinations.
The big things have become something of a cult phenomenon, and are sometimes used as an excuse for a road trip, where many or all b…
World Photography Day is an annual, worldwide celebration of the art, craft, science and history of photography.
This group is a place for ipernity club members to participate in that celebration by sharing what they consider their best photo, their most special photo, the photo that means the most to them taken on August 19th.
Trains, planes and automobiles and all other forms of human transport :)
This is a family friendly group. The main object of the image needs to be the form of transport, images with provocative, partially nude or nude figures obscuring the form of transport will be deleted. Additionally, large expanses covered with graffiti is not normally acceptable (On Moderation after complaint)
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which GrahamH is a member130 groups in total
Ipernity User Help Central
Users helping users Do you have problems at ipernity? Nothing in the help section? The team is busy? Or did you find something out (even elsewhere), you want to share with other members? Support ipernity and support the team in this group. A place to keep all the selfmade FAQs, HowTos, hints and help other members. A place users can help users...
Pictures with, water, mirrors, anything with a reflection in it. PLEASE post just a couple pictures at a time. If you post a bunch, you'll push other reflectors pics off of the 1st page and they won't get their moment to shine. ALSO, if you space it out, picture of yours will be at the top of the heap various times. See, it's a win-win! :-) ----- tags: reflet miroitement mirroring spiegelung
Benches of the World
.. a bench to sit on .. fits at least two [2] people .. made of any type material .. old, new, memory benches .. all around this World .. there are places to sit and rest .. so have your camera ready .. benches are out there ! .. we would love to see what you find ~ Benches of the World Group
: Affiches, affichettes, pancartes et écriteaux.... Posters, banners and signs.
Faire partager ses collections d'affiches et affichettes pancartes et écriteaux.... Posters, banners and signs. Share your poster collections signs and billboards. Condividete le vostre collezioni di poster insegne e cartelloni. Ihre sammlungen von postern und kleinplakaten mit anderen teilen. Plakate und schilder. Partilhe as suas colecções de cartazes cartazes e painéis publicitários. Comparta sus colecciones de carteles carteles y vallas publicitarias. Deel je postercollecties borden en…
Colors of Ukraine / Colors for Ukraine
In memory of Ukraine and out of solidarity with Ukraine, please put pictures here that reflect the colours of this country somewhere in themselves - whether deliberately or by chance. So everything that obviously contains blue and yellow. For peace!
HWW (Happy Wednesday Wall)
Let's explore walls. Walls protect, walls limit. Walls can be beautifully decorated, walls can be shockingly ugly. There are great paintings on walls or fantastic flowers. Walls are a substantial part of our history...
Old Cars Spotted Out & About ... No Shows or Rallies!
This group is for car enthusiasts to post images of Old Cars Spotted Out & About as opposed to those seen at car shows, runs or rallies etc. Given how many different interpretations there are of what is and isn't a classic car, I'm using the phrase old cars and for the sake of this group defining it as anything built before the year 2000. So, come on folks let's see what you've spotted.
New South Wales, Australia
Photos taken in New South Wales, Australia.
For The Love Of Fog
A Group for High Quality shot about fog, mist.
" All types of historical transportation // Tous les moyens de transport historiques ...
Nous souhaitons rassembler dans ce groupe des photos de qualité concernant tous les moyens de transport anciens, terrestres, aériens ou maritimes. Nous aimerions aussi, que dans un esprit de courtoisie et de convivialité entre les membres, chaque photo soit accompagnée des informations techniques ou historiques dont il dispose pour permettre de mieux l’apprécier. Nous souhaitons également que, par courtoisie envers les autres membres, chaque photo déposée soit accompagnée d’un commentaire sur u…
In memoria
HERE WE REMEMBER AND HONOR OUR CLUB MEMBERS WHO HAVE PASSED ON. Please feel free to add your thoughts, memories and comments on these photo pages. [Note: Discussions take place under the individual photos. If one has information about a member not mentioned here who has passed on, please contact the team directly through the Help & Contact link found at the bottom of every ipernity page.]
It can also be done without a tripod
The use of tripods is popular in low light conditions, low depth of field or the precise determination of an image section. Unfortunately, you often don't have a tripod available in these situations. Here we want to show photos that have been taken in these situations in good quality without a tripod .
Australian Railways
Images showing the railways across Australia, old and new.
Shot taken with every kind of mobile phone's camera.
Railroad Crossings of the World
Hello everyone! This is a group to place photos of Railroad Crossings from around the globe. Any photos of Railroad crossings (roads crossing train tracks at grade) are game. Also highway signs showing a railroad crossing ahead are good too. Please try to not add general photos of trains without level crossings in the picture, there are many groups on flickr for different railroad photos.
PiP ★ Picture in Picture
All kind of photos except of the following: Erotic, fetish, violence or other adult oriented content. Add a note to your picture to provide a magnified detail of your original image. This could be another shot, showing a closer view or another point of view as well. SORRY, with the new Ipernity rules it only works for Club-Members! Prepare two (or more) versions of your image: The complete view and a magnified detail. This detail should be up to a wide of 560 pixels. Upload both pictures…
Australia's "Big things"
Celebrating the "Big things" in Australia. The big things of Australia are a loosely related set of large structures or sculptures. There are estimated to be over 150 such objects around the country, the first being the Big Scotsman in Medindie, Adelaide, which was built in 1963. Most big things began as tourist traps found along major roads between destinations. The big things have become something of a cult phenomenon, and are sometimes used as an excuse for a road trip, where many or all b…
World Photography Day - August 19
World Photography Day is an annual, worldwide celebration of the art, craft, science and history of photography. This group is a place for ipernity club members to participate in that celebration by sharing what they consider their best photo, their most special photo, the photo that means the most to them taken on August 19th.
Trains, planes and automobiles and all other forms of human transport :) . This is a family friendly group. The main object of the image needs to be the form of transport, images with provocative, partially nude or nude figures obscuring the form of transport will be deleted. Additionally, large expanses covered with graffiti is not normally acceptable (On Moderation after complaint)
Australian Birds
Enjoy the beauty and diversity of Australian birds