John's groups

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Public groups in which John is an administrator
9 groups in total

Public groups in which John is a moderator
2 groups in total

  • Amateur Radio

    Amateur Radio

    Created 11 years ago

    Inherited group description: Are you an amateur radio operator? Share photos of your shack, operating locations, and anything else of interest to the amateur radio community. Achtung! Utterly official announcement from the ADMINISTRATOR: Today I got a mail that I have been "promoted" to administrator of this group. It seems, that I inherited it. Well, let's see what will happen. When joining, be prepared: You may get a promotion too ;-) 2014-02-12 73 DL5MDA

  • Preserved Aircraft

    Preserved Aircraft

    Created 11 years ago

    Photogroup for retired aircraft from civil or military use and are preserved in museums or are displayed in a different way.

Public groups in which John is a member
171 groups in total