elkal's groups

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Public groups in which elkal is an administrator
5 groups in total

Public groups in which elkal is a moderator
1 group in total

Public groups in which elkal is a member
67 groups in total

  • 4 Seasons - Summer

    4 Seasons - Summer

    Created 17 years ago

    A collection of all the images of summer. If you feel like summer with a picture of yours, this is the right place. Further groups: 4 Seasons - Spring 4 Seasons - Fall 4 Seasons - Winter

  • A Whiter Shade Of Pale

    A Whiter Shade Of Pale

    Created 17 years ago

    This is a group for photographs with the absolute minimum of black or colour. The result of a determined effort to reduce the amount of printer ink used :-) Please try and post pictures in the spirit of the group so that we can enjoy a tranquil white group page, I am afraid any pictures with lots of colour or black will have to be removed. Please look at the first two pictures in the group to see the sort of thing we need.

  • Another view of the world

    Another view of the world

    Created 17 years ago

    With a little imagination, we can have a different view of our world. Exhibit this vision here. For invitations and comments please use following code. Copy and paste the whole line : < a href=" www.ipernity.com/group/29029 " > Another view of the world < /a> This should look like this : Another view of the world > WINNERS OF GAME N°4 " HEAT " first place "sweet heat" by be-mo-re second place " MMMo*-re heat " by franck*oO** " third place "fu…

  • beautiful photo's

    beautiful photo's

    Created 16 years ago

    beautiful photo's



    Created 16 years ago

    Only beauties but no nudity please..

  • black/white & and a smudge of colour

    black/white & and a smudge of colour

    Created 17 years ago

    Please, add only images in b/w with a smudge of colour (colourkey)! NO pure b/w images and NO pure colour images! If somebody poste such images we will delete them. THANKS! Please NO: Erotic, fetish, violance or other adult oriented content..

  • Candid Street Photography

    Candid Street Photography

    Created 17 years ago

    Candid Street Photography. What is it? See Wikipedia for an explanation and some examples. Candid Street Photography presents people captured in a moment, in a public street space. "Effective street photography is about telling a story in a single frame, not simply recording what was there at a particular time and in a specific place." It is not an image where urban architecture or fragments are the main subject. It is not Beach Photography. It is not Voyeuristic Photography. Photos shou…

  • Cats


    Created 17 years ago

    Take me to the kittens... ...this is the group about cats. Please post photos of cats. We welcome any kind of tasteful, artistic, color, black&white, photoshopped or modified photo of one or more cats. Of course this is a family friendly group that does not accept any form of nudity, but (this is originally from Nathalie [miss you!]...) if you have a photo of a naked cat - you are welcome ,,,=^..^=,,,

  • Cattitute - Felis silvestris catus

    Cattitute - Felis silvestris catus

    Created 16 years ago

    All about cats. you can add all your best cat shots and invite all your favourite cat images. Remember you can also add cat images not invited!! Feel free to join the group and add how many images as you prefer, but please choose only your best images INVITATION CODE Please invite all your favorite cat pictures with the following code: ------------------------------- <a href=" www.ipernity.com/group/cattitute "><img src=" u1.ipernity.com/u/5/28/B4/1684520.…

  • Coffee Tea Milk

    Coffee Tea Milk

    Created 16 years ago

    coffee tea muffin and milk from around the world

  • Corrosion and Decay

    Corrosion and Decay

    Created 17 years ago

    This is a group for pictures of rust, industrial decay, deteriorated objects, abandoned and left behind things, be it in an urban or rural setting. Everything that is appealing in a different way.

  • Des abeilles et des fleurs

    Des abeilles et des fleurs

    Created 16 years ago

    bees and flower, tout ce qui butine, abeilles, bourdons, syrphes même des simples mouches sur des fleurs !

  • Diagonal


    Created 17 years ago

    Diagonal compositions

  • Display Windows

    Display Windows

    Created 17 years ago

    Pictures about display windows and display window dummies.