DOMCHO's groups

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Public groups in which DOMCHO is a member
314 groups in total

  • Bright red

    Bright red

    Created 16 years ago

    The photo must be at least 50% bright red

  • In memoria

    In memoria

    Created 2 years ago

    HERE WE REMEMBER AND HONOR OUR CLUB MEMBERS WHO HAVE PASSED ON. Please feel free to add your thoughts, memories and comments on these photo pages. [Note: Discussions take place under the individual photos. If one has information about a member not mentioned here who has passed on, please contact the team directly through the Help & Contact link found at the bottom of every ipernity page.]

  • Ipernity Homepage - Image Proposals

    Ipernity Homepage - Image Proposals

    Created 7 years ago

    The ipernity homepage is an advertising medium. Its purpose is to arouse the curiosity of visitors from the web so that they click deeper into our website. With other words: It is not another showcase for the most beautiful images from our community. Image contributions should rather be suited to fulfil the above stated purpose in the best possible way. Please read the group rules for more information.

  • Flowers family : Ranunculaceae

    Flowers family : Ranunculaceae

    Created 14 years ago

    Renoncule, Caltha, Trolle, Hellébore, Eranthis, Nigelle, Ancolie, Delphinium, Aconit, Clématite, Anémone, Pulsatille, Adonis, etc....

  • World Photography Day - August 19

    World Photography Day - August 19

    Created 4 years ago

    World Photography Day is an annual, worldwide celebration of the art, craft, science and history of photography. This group is a place for ipernity club members to participate in that celebration by sharing what they consider their best photo, their most special photo, the photo that means the most to them taken on August 19th.

  • Dalhias


    Created 5 years ago

    Déposer vos photos de DALHIAS ; regarder bien je suis sure que vous en avez dans votre galerie ; merci à vous

  • y e l l o w

    y e l l o w

    Created 17 years ago

    Do you like y e l l o w ? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the yellow colour! Please post only pictures where yellow (golden, cream or lemon yellow) is the dominating colour. Thank you.

  • Duets!


    Created 11 years ago

    Anything ... as long as there are 2 !!! Take inspiration from the examples. The administrator reserves the right to remove photos that are outside the theme! Thank you to all contributors, and even more to those who sign up!

  • Vos photos de choc sans discrimination / Tus fotos de choque indiscriminado

    Vos photos de choc sans discrimination / Tus fotos de choque indiscriminado

    Created 5 years ago

    J'ai été exclu du groupe " vos photos de choc " sans explication par un ou une des personnes qui administre. C'est pourquoi je crée ce groupe en riposte où la jalousie et la compétition enfantine ne sera pas au rendez-vous. Fui excluido del grupo "sus fotos de choque" sin explicación por una o las personas que administran. Es por eso que creo este grupo en respuesta donde los celos y la competencia infantil no estarán en la cita. I was anonymously booted out of the original group and this…

  • Tolerance


    Created 11 years ago

    This group is dedicated to tolerance and free expression in art and speech on Ipernity to foster an atmosphere of respect and understanding. No pornography or copyright infringed images please, since exploitation and intellectual property theft are not tolerance. Nudes are permitted. _____________ Chinese: 该小组致力于宽容和自由表达艺术和有关“宣教”的言论,以营造一种尊重和理解的氛围。 请不要色情或侵犯版权的图像,因为剥削和知识产权盗窃是不能容忍的。允许裸体。 ___________ Russian: Эта группа посвящена терпимости и свободе выражения в искусстве и речи на Ипернити…

  • *Italo-Byzantine Vacuity

    *Italo-Byzantine Vacuity

    Created 10 years ago

    A space for photographic icons, iconographers and iconoclasts.

  • IPERNITY - Ambassador Images

    IPERNITY - Ambassador Images

    Created 4 years ago

    Group objective: The intention is to show images by our members that are particularly worth seeing and that represent the spectrum of their work in the greatest possible diversity. It is not a ‚best-of‘ group. ● Only group members can make proposals. ● Proposals must fulfil the group objective and be technically flawless. ● 1 proposal per week is possible. ● An editorial team decides on the acceptance. ● Max. 1 image per member + month will be accepted. Note: The limit only applies t…

  • Canon EF 24-105mm L F/4 IS USM

    Canon EF 24-105mm L F/4 IS USM

    Created 15 years ago

    Photos made with the Canon EF 24-105mm L f/4 IS USM see also: Canon 50mm 1.4 Canon 50mm f1.8 Canon 85mm f1.8 Canon 24-70mm L F/2.8 Canon 100-400mm L

  • Still life color-BlackandWhite



    Created 11 years ago

    The purpose of this group is to send kind regards to each other once a week, on Fridays. For this purpose, post images that show any kind of a fence. (Fences are common all over the world and can be shown in many different ways.) Have fun with it! Please note: - Only one image a week! - No nude pictures! - Respect the start and stop signs! Violations of these rules will be deleted without further notice.



    Created 11 years ago

    Tous les supports sont possibles y compris le Digital et les montages. Mais : pas trop de neige S.V.P. sinon le groupe s'appellerait autrement !!! Cela vous tente ? .... alors : GO ... All the supports(media) are possible including the Digital and the assemblies(editings). But: not too much snow please otherwise the group would be called otherwise(differently)!!! It tempts you? Then : GO...

  • Coasts of the sea: animals, vegetation and coastal geology

    Coasts of the sea: animals, vegetation and coastal geology

    Created 5 years ago

    Pictures of the wildlife on the marine coastline, and its geology Flora , fauna , rocks, vegetation , traces .... environments :beaches , cliffs , dunes , from a living point of view it does not concern human activities, nor artistic creations.

  • bloom - big and short

    bloom - big and short

    Created 11 years ago

    Wir wollen hier zeigen, dass es kleine und große Blüten gibt, ohne dass dies für deren Schönheit ausschlaggebend ist.

  • Mon p'tit coin préféré

    Mon p'tit coin préféré

    Created 15 years ago

    Tout ce que l'on veut!

  • "Z********************


    Created 8 years ago

    Tout sujet artistique à mettre en valeur avec la touche Z****** Pas d'images tendancieuses. Merci ! bienvenue à vous******